At last we figured it out! (We hope)

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November 26th 2005
Published: November 26th 2005
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Our apartmentOur apartmentOur apartment

Alone in the rice fields with Mt Iwate in the background. It is an active volcano!
Wow, I wish we'd tried this in Canada before everything on the computers was in Japanese! We've been here just over two weeks and are settling in. We survived 3 earthquakes in our first four days (only one was big enough to wake us up, magnitude 6.9), I've had one job offer, Colin's survived two company parties and we still have no clue when it comes to the Japanese public transit system--it is not comforting to know that they can't figure it out either.

We had our first onsen(hot spring) experience last week. It was very relaxing, Colin was nice enough to tell me on the way there that no swimsuits were required, in fact they are banned. Thankfully the men and women have separate onsens because I don't think I could've handled all the Japanese men stares. It's one thing when I'm fully clothed on the street but I don't think they're ready for full white nudity yet. Last night I reached the point where I wanted to start saying, "Yeah, I'm white... get over it."

After shopping in big malls and grocery stores (until today our main tour guide has been a Canadian from Colin's office who's
Laundry dayLaundry dayLaundry day

Our deck over looking the rice fields
been helpful but isn't very adventurous) we found our first Japanese market. (actually someone from Colin's office took Colin there). It was crowded, loud, cheap, smelly and fantastic! Lots of interesting new things to try, although we've limited ourselves to trying only one gross looking thing per meal. So far we're 100% right on look-to-taste grossness, but for the most part the food is terrific!

Last week we discovered a small sushi restaurant with the best sushi we've ever had! and it's only a 3 minute walk from our place. A husband and wife run it and we talked to them for a while after dinner. Talking consisted of our three japanese words and their two english words, "cold" and "wife". So we all agreed it was cold out and now they think we're married.

We're adjusting to Japanese life though, everyday it seems like we learn a new formality we have to perform. Some are good, Colin gets to wear slippers at work all day, and some are not so good, Colin has to get to work early every day to help clean the office. We love all the bowing (and there is a lot!)

Our inch thick futonOur inch thick futonOur inch thick futon

We eventually bought two more, at least now we can't feel the floor...(sorry we don't know how to rotate pictures. If you have a laptop, turn it sideways.)
apartment is starting to feel like home. We now have a shelf, plants, picture frames(with pictures of you lovely people), a state of the art clothes dryer (see attached picture) and 3 futons!!!! We've even deciphered some of the appliances but the washing machine is a tough one, it still beeps at us and stops halfway through every load. I'm not sure we'll ever get used to the kerosene heater, too many fumes = good sleeps.

Hopefully this entry is the first of many to come now that we know how to use a computer that has Japanese software. Hope is all well and send us lots of emails, if you don't send emails you have to send cookies (freshly baked).
Maddy and Colin

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Iwate ParkIwate Park
Iwate Park

These are the scenes we came to Japan for
Often ignored signOften ignored sign
Often ignored sign

Aidoringu Sutyopu!!!! One of our fav pastimes figuring out what signs say (we only read Katakana, one of the three alphabets). This one says Stop Idling
Takizawa PondTakizawa Pond
Takizawa Pond

The park near our house.
Tonights dinnerTonights dinner
Tonights dinner

Yum, Colin is struggling with the cross legged thing.

26th November 2005

looking good
hey guys, sounds like things are calming down, hope that you're doing well and that you're having as much fun as possible. i like that you're trying new foods and having fun doing it. it's great. the pics look very nice too - the futons are horrible though. sorry. anyways, have a good time. sean.
26th November 2005

what is tasty about colin struggling with the cross legged thing. Glad to hear you settling in nicely. Hope the volcano doesn't explode. ciao, Simon
27th November 2005

hello !:)
hey you guys! great pictures. sounds like you guys are getting things figured out there! I haven't use this blog thing before.. every time you update your adventures will I know about it or will I have to check for it? all the best!
28th November 2005

hey maddy, great stuff. japan looks totally crazy. mike ps. you rotate pics after you add them but before you publish. when they appear at the bottom of the page there is a little "rotate" button below them.
29th November 2005

Looks beautiful there ~ look forward to seeing more. Take care both of you :)
5th December 2005

Thanks everyone, Sorry Simon bad punctuation on that one--the yum comment was about dinner ;) Thanks Mike, we`ll try rotating them on the blog because no one at the internet cafe knew how to on the desktop! Jyelle, they`ll get sent to you when we get around to adding them... Hugs, Maddy.
10th December 2005

Scary Foods
You are so brave to try one gross looking thing every meal. Stef and I went to a traditional Chinese wedding last weekend and I passed on about 90% of the 10 course meal. I was grossed out purely by the visual, I didn't even ask what it was to know that I did not want to eat it. I love reading your blogs.Keep it up. Love Megan

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