Orientation Orientation Orientation

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August 12th 2005
Published: October 16th 2005
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Since I've been here, I've been to three orientations....in Tokyo, Hiroshima city and Saijo. They're not very interesting to write about, since they mostly consisted of seminars for our jobs here...but I thought I would post some pics of the people that I've met during the evenings filled with parties! Actually, one evening in Saijo they had a karate demonstration. The kids were seriously amazing....and the cutest things in the world! When they finished we all played around together.

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


The Hiroshima English teachersThe Hiroshima English teachers
The Hiroshima English teachers

This is the group of first year English teachers in the Hiroshima Prefecture
Japanese friendsJapanese friends
Japanese friends

These are two girls that I met in Saijo...they are English students at Hiroshima University
Hangin' outHangin' out
Hangin' out

Casey, Dana, and Stacey

The night wouldn't be complete without a little kareoke
Brandon and JeffBrandon and Jeff
Brandon and Jeff

confused, maybe?
Russ and JeffRuss and Jeff
Russ and Jeff

more kareoke

10th November 2005

Looks like...
You girls look so healthy! Like a Colgate ad! They sure so love Kareoke (sp?) ..did they invent those machines? Sounds like it. Only done it once ever!

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