Osaka ni ikimashita!

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September 20th 2005
Published: September 20th 2005
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The castle was originally built in 1583, but was most recently rebuilt in 1931. The 8th floor offered a good view from the top!
This weekend marked the first long weekend in September, as Monday, the 19th is Respect for the Aged Day. I am currently in the process of writing Prime Minister Martin a letter, advising him on the Japanese holiday system (there is another statutory holiday this Friday!) So what does a girl do on the first long weekend of September?! Go to Osaka, of course!

My friend Alexis and I started our journey by taking the shinkansen, the Japanese version of the bullet train, which can reach speeds of up to 300 km/h. The journey, which was 280 km, took an hour and a half. It was a smooth ride, and we were in Osaka before we knew it!

We started our sightseeing, at Osaka-jo, which is Osaka Castle. The castle offered a good view of the city below, but its park grounds offered the most interest to our trip! There was the juggler, who lacked confidence in his abilities, as he kept apologizing, and pleading, "chotto matte!" (just a minute!), which made Alexis and I quite squeamish when he began tossing flaming torches around. Thankfully, both juggler and audience managed to come out unscathed. And there was the cute,
My new "tomodachi"My new "tomodachi"My new "tomodachi"

The nervous juggler and I after he "survived" his show. Personally, I like my new look:)
older Japanese man who asked to take his picture with me in the wooden cut-outs of the Emperor and Empress found on the castle grounds. I think he loved my "daijoubu-desu!" (which means "it's good!") when he asked if the picture he had taken of me and Alexis came out okay.

Osaka can be best described as a city teeming with life, and teeming it is. We experienced the city via subway and walking, and were overwhelmed by the number of people out and about on a Sunday afternoon.

We also experienced some of Osaka's finest cuisine. The Japanese have it right...each area has its own unique food that it is famous for, and the goal of a tourist is to sample the region's delicacies. Of course, Alexis and I are no exception! We tried the region's okonomiyaki (a savoury pancake, which is the rival to Hiroshima's okonomiyaki), takoyaki (fried, breaded octopus balls), and fugu (poisonous, Japanese globefish)...see pictures below!

A trip to Universal Studios was in order, and we were treated to Japanese versions of such thrill rides as Jurassic Park, Jaws, Back to the Future, ET, and Spiderman...everyone smiles and is frightened in the same
Emperor and EmpressEmperor and EmpressEmperor and Empress

My other new friend and I, posing as Emperor and Empress. Taking this picture made my day!
language I believe! Finally, we visited the aquarium, which had everything from seals, to penguins, to a gigantic whale shark.

Osaka is described as the working heart of Kansai...indeed, I think Kansai is alive and well!

Additional photos below
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One of the Kansai region's culinary delights...fried octopus balls! Oishi desu! (delicious!)

Universal Studios Japan...forget about historical Japanese culture...this is what I had been waiting for!
Boop Boop Be DoopBoop Boop Be Doop
Boop Boop Be Doop

Betty, Me, and Alexis strike a pose
I don't think I'm in Japan anymore...I don't think I'm in Japan anymore...
I don't think I'm in Japan anymore...

Mysteriously alien-looking Japanese spider crabs at the aquarium (are you sure these are from Japan?!)
Whale shark!Whale shark!
Whale shark!

No this wasn't JAWS at Universal Studios...home to the largest aquarium tank on Earth, the Osaka aquarium houses many types of fish, including this large whale shark
"Frightened" by fugu..."Frightened" by fugu...
"Frightened" by fugu...

Not to be confused with Fuji, Fugu is a Kansai culinary "delight", also known as poisonous globefish. The globefish can be deadly to eat unless prepared properly. Although it is highly unlikely to be poisoned, it is suggested to let your dining partner have the first bite. Of course, I let Alexis try hers, and after five minutes had passed, I dug in;)

26th September 2005

i wouldn't have tried to eat it any way!!!!!!!!

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