Blogs from Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia - page 41


Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Padang May 26th 2008

My journey begins in the city (Kota) of Padang, West Sumatra (Sumatra Barat). I have good knowledge of the city and many friends that I know who live and study there because I studied part of my University degree there over the 2007-2008 Christmas Holiday period. During this time of study I only got a limited amount of Traveling done in Sumatra. It is now coming up to my mid semester break holidays and I have scraped together some cash and purchased air tickets to Kuala Lumpur then to Padang. I truly have never backpacked before apart from when I went from various locations to and from my residence in Padang. This trip I am planing is going to "throw me into the deep end". I have traveled by nearly every from of vehicle when I ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Medan May 21st 2008

Medan: English Lesson with a Happy Ending It’s a day faster and with Air Asia it’s actually cheaper to fly KL to Medan, Indonesia's third largest city, a quick hop across the Straights of Malaka but I need to reach it by sea, want to relive bygone days of explorers and spice traders. The ship, however, is oblivious to any romantic notions, a low aluminium hull tosses its cargo from port to starboard and back mile after nautical mile, air con preserving passengers like produce in a refrigerator, no promenade deck for shuffleboard, just a muddy window pane, and a neighbour reeking of tobacco smoke and in dire need of a shower. Customs and Immigration are efficient and friendly, a young man in a tight grey uniform reminiscent of C.H.I.P.S. steers me to the front of ... read more
masjeed Raya, Medan
students, Maimoon Palace
Dokan, traditional village outside Berastagi

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Banda Aceh May 20th 2008

(There is a blog missing which covers Malaysian Borneo, including Miri & Sipadan. This will be added ASAP) We flew from Tawau to Kuala Lumpur and then had an 8 hour wait before our flight to Medan. Medan is the capital of Sumatra - the furthest east island of Indonesia which happens to be the most populous Muslim country in the world. During the long wait we got Mon's eyes checked out by the airport medical centre and she was given some cream and drops for conjunctivitis. Her eyes had been getting increasingly swollen, pink and itchy recently. After that we had a Whopper with Cheese, Fries, Onion Rings and Coke. Mmmm... Junk food! The rest of the time we spent hanging out in the airport with Joe pushing Mon around with the backpacks on a ... read more
Mon and her Gammy eye
The only way to get around
Welcome to the Island!

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra May 11th 2008

Steven// 11th May 2008 I have been traveling solo for a few days in Northern Sumatra. First stop was Medan, a coastal city of 2-3m people. There is a beautiful mosque here- Masjid Raya- as well as a healthy Chinese presence- good chance to air my Mandarin and get some tasty treats.This first night in Indonesia for me felt edgy, it might just be that I am traveling alone for the first time in the journey, but I think that it has to do with what I have heard and read of this huge country. This is just a first impression, but along with it is the observation that the Indonesian people are welcoming, with broad grins, asking how you are and, oddly, where you're going. I then went to Bukit Lawang for the orangutan exposure. ... read more
Orangutan rehabilitation Centre, Bukit Lawang.

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Lake Toba May 6th 2008

so nach langen ungeduldigem warten - ein neuer eintrag ich hab ungefaehr 6 wochen am schoenen tobasee verbracht. und mich mit feldarbeit ,fischen ,in der haengematteliegen, und wie sollte es auch anders sein: mich kulinarisch von der oertlichen kueche verwoehnen lassen. nach dem ganzen rumgereise war das auch aml sehr angenehm sich mal fuer langere zeit nur an einem ort zu verweilen... ...und die familie bei der wir wohnten war auch einzigartig: alleinerziehende mutter von sechs kindern und immer lustig drauf der juengste 3 jahre und aelteste 17 jahre - bei der konstellation gabs bestimmt keine langeweile das war die reinste soapopera.... mit den kindern sind wir zusammen schwimmen, fischen, auf mango- und avocado"ernte" gegangen...ab und zu hab ich dann auch mal bei der feldarbeit geholfen,wobei man mir einiges an talent bescheinigte (eine neue karriere?) fal ... read more
aufm balkon
avocadoernte mit unsren nachbarn
der sprung ins kuehle

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra May 4th 2008

Just a quick line to let people know that I'm back in Padang. There is too much to say and too little time so for now I'll just leave it that I'm still alive and got some great surf. So those who were worrying can stop worrying for now. Photos to come later.... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra May 2nd 2008

(Matt) Another day another nightmare bus journey! We arrived at Bukittiniggi bus station and bought a ticket for the allegedly seven hour bus journey to Kersik Tua in the Kerinici Valley. By this point we'd realised we were travelling on some of the worst roads in the world. The minibus should have left at 11am and was supposed to arrive at 6pm. This is what actually happened: *11am until 11:15am - Driver and colleagues rush around trying to sell tickets for four empty seats *11:15am until 11:30am - No-one else wants a ticket, so abandoning this the driver decides it's a good time to brush his hair (for 15 minutes!) while looking in the rear view mirror, at least the engine is now running! *11:30am until 11:45am - Finished hair brushing, the engine is switched off ... read more
Our bus with it's bumper falling off!
It didn't look too bad from here!

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Lake Toba April 29th 2008

(Catherine) As we've headed further south, the celebrity status we enjoyed (or should that be endured?!) in India has returned. Everyone wants to say hello, shake our hands and take photos and every school child wants to practise the five English questions they know on us. We've also discovered that in Sumatra we're pretty scary! While waiting at a bus station one day, I noticed a small girl of about three looking nervously at me. Her bottom lip started to wobble so I made a sad face at her. She promptly burst into tears, wrapping herself around her mum's legs. Imagine her shock when she later boarded her bus and turned around to see me sitting behind her! Another time, Matt reduced another small girl to tears by simply smiling at her. At home, we'd probably ... read more
Lovely Lake Toba
Giant Matt!
Batak Design

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukit Lawang April 24th 2008

(Matt) The local bus rattled along on the potholed road from Medan to Bukit Lawang in Northern Sumatra. We were attracted to Bukit Lawang by the promise of 'real' Jungle Treks and the possibility of seeing orang-utans in the wild. It was hot and humid, the bus seats were ripped, the locals smoke cigarettes on the bus (which sounds like a small thing but seems really odd when you see it). The driver's logic of going quick enough to fly over the potholes wasn't really working, I couldn't get King Louis's theme tune from Jungle Book out of my head...we were in Indonesia and it felt great. Trust in me We were still a few hours from Bukit Lawang when a tired looking Indonesian man got on the bus and sat by us and the only ... read more
Fruit overload
Boat to the feeding station
We were a bit surprised to find 'Tony's Pizza Restaurant' in the quiet village!

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Pulau Weh April 22nd 2008

Hi all! A bit behind with the travel blogs, as you can see from the date that this was published we are doing a bunch all in Singaopore. But from Indonesia here we go.......................... Indonesia was brilliant! The journey was eventful to say the least, ferry crossing from Melaka in Malaysia was fine until we got off........where Meme got her bag searched for smuggling tampons! They didn't care about all the unlabelled vitamins and assortment of antibiotics and not forgetting those clean syringes-oh no just the tampons. Do you know how hard it is to tell 2 men that don't speak english what a tampon is (apperntly they don't have them in Indo!)...I tell you what bloody difficult, they just kept feeling them, they even smelt them! First stop was Bukkittinggi, which was a bit random ... read more

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