Jarman! Mesudosil! Mesudosil!!

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Pagaralam
September 8th 2012
Published: September 8th 2012
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The immigration officer leaves through my passport, gives me a long, hard look, checks the arrival card, looks at me again. Why are you here? where do you stay? Travelling alone? How long will you be in Palembang? Where are you going afterwards? And then? And after that? Where's your return ticket? Where do you know all those places in Sumatra from? I just stay polite and try to answer his que... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 50, Displayed: 21


Sacrifice of Pagaralam-monumentSacrifice of Pagaralam-monument
Sacrifice of Pagaralam-monument

For those killed during the Japanese Invasion in 1942
Monument detailMonument detail
Monument detail

Most monuments look equally unintentionally goofy

8th September 2012

A tale of adventure
So much to absorb in this wonderful blog - shows the excitement and adventure in travelling to places where few others tread. I might borrow the treating foreigners "like a walking ATM" line when somebody tries to ridiculously overcharge me in the future.
8th September 2012

The real adventure is only coming up...
Thanks for reading, Shane! Today I arrived in Padang, where the surf crowd hangs out, and it was the first time in a week I've seen another foreigner. Quite an interesting feeling. Hope to take the plunge into the real adventure when I take the boat over to the Mentawai Islands. :) Cheers, Jens
8th September 2012
Kanjung Aro village

Keep that paranoia going Jens...
...it has always served me well too :) Nice palms by the way....reminds me of those wonderful specimens in the movie 'Full Metal Jacket'.....
8th September 2012
Kanjung Aro village

Paranoid humanoid
Thanks for the comment, Nick! I'm sure paranoia will keep following me, it's something that clings on to some overly keen observers. And you are right, those palm trees look straight out of Full Metal Jacket! Cheers, Jens
8th September 2012

Quite an adventure off the gringo trail! Border and bus nightmares turn into friendly villagers and sites seem by few of us foreigners--thanks for taking us along!
9th September 2012

Glad you are enjoying sumatra...travelling by bus!
You are a brave soul Jens..I know what you mean by the roads - I dont think I wouldve done them by bus if possible but without an airport its a bit difficult ;) Dont you just love the way people in Sumatra ask you about you? We arent a walking wallet there, we are a curiosity yes but lets hope it stays that way for a while. For all Sumatras difficulties its well worth visiting.
11th September 2012

Love how you react to interactions with locals and officials! Always a great read.
19th September 2012

Thanks a lot for the comment, Andrea. Glad you enjoyed reading my little blog.
11th September 2012

Wrong Spelling
Bro...you had the wrong spelling and most likely you pronounced it wrong Actually I is SAYA in Malay not SAYU as in sad
19th September 2012

Thanks for the correction, mysterious man. I always get confused with saya, saja, sayur and satu. Now you added another one to that list. :)

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