First days of work...

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May 22nd 2008
Published: May 22nd 2008
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Okay, so what I had imagined I would be doing for the organization and what they actually want me to do are two very different things. I feel a little overwhelmed at current. Instead of just doing an assessment of MFI partners, they are having me meet with representatives from the government of India, large private insurance carriers, other non-profit organizations, USAID, GTZ (German humanitarian organization), the ILO, the World Bank, the UNDP and others. I am to gather information on the current climate for microinsurance, new innovations, and plans for the future, and then locate gaps in the system where ACCESS may be of service. Essentially, I need to figure out why poor people in India do not have insurance, what the obstacles are, and how our organization may help (yikes!!). I am taking it one day at the time. I will spend another week in Delhi meeting with those organizations that have representatives here, then I will plan my travels accordingly. Everyone at the ACCESS office has made me feel very welcome though, and has offered to help in any way possible.

I still have not left paharganj but will check into a place here in S. Delhi tomorrow morning. The rain has been terrible this week. The Hindustan Times says that it is the most rain in one week in a decade. It makes navigating the city even more slow and difficult...many of the roads are halfway underwater. At least the rain has cooled the air though.

Vipin, my boss, has said that if I do a good job on the final report that my findings will be printed and distributed in the fall during the MicroFinance INdia Conference. ACCESS is responsible for putting it on each year and it is the largest gathering of MFIs in India. Aditionally, he said that a breakout session may be devoted to the report. I am incredibly excited about this prospect.

Working hard..more to come--Tyler


22nd May 2008

Work hard and stay off the radar!
Work hard and stay off the radar!
23rd May 2008

how exciting. proud of you.

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