New Year's in India (continued)

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January 2nd 2006
Published: January 2nd 2006
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New Year's EveNew Year's EveNew Year's Eve

Mike and Ryan dancing in the New Year in Agra.
Yay...I'm back and everything seems to be working. I can't wait to show you the pictures of the street scenes...unreal. Nick, I don't think I'll ever complain about your driving again!

Okay...on to New Year's Eve. We are staying with a wonderful family for our three nights here in Agra. They are so generous and quite wealthy. They have a handful of servants, we have a driver and we are being totally taken care of. For new year's, we went to a huge party in tents that is the Punjab tradtion in Agra.

We were the only Westerners there (everyone else was Indian), so we were quite the attraction. We danced almost all night with really enthusiastic folks. We really had a blast. And then there was the food! It was a complete feast...wonderful starters served literally on silver platters for a couple of hours, then after midnight, there was a huge buffet with tables and tables of wonderful food and fabulous treats. It was wonderful...and it was also very interesting...we ate standing up, which is often the case here we hear.

All in all, it was an amazing night. I do want to share that I had
Our Agra Rotary HostsOur Agra Rotary HostsOur Agra Rotary Hosts

These are our Rotarian hosts in Agra outside their home. They generously open their home to any Rotarians from around the world who want to come and visit the Taj Mahal. We were blessed to get to stay with them before we started our exchange in Southern India.
a shocking experience as well. I was rather blatantly groped on the dance floor from behind. I couldn't tell who did it, as the floor was packed...and I know it could just as easily happen in the United States too, but it was a bit freaky. I've actually found that this place is an experience of highs and lows...I'm amazingly moved to tears one minute and the next I'm disgusted, then I'm confused, awe-struck, scared, is such a roller coaster ride! And I wouldn't trade it for a minute, even when I want to scream!

I'm sending again...and will do the Taj next. I don't want to lose content again, as I only have a few more minutes...more to come...

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The WomenThe Women
The Women

This pic is of the women on our Rotary GSE team with the women of our host family in Agra, celebrating New Year's Eve. I loved the time that I got to spend chatting with women in was somewhat limited, but the conversation was always juicy!

2nd January 2006

Happy New Year!!!!
Thinking of you often.What an experience! I'm looking forward to hearing more! Love, Victoria
2nd January 2006

New Year's Eve
Hi Team, Since I don't have a computer at home, I didn't get to read all the updates until today (Jan. 2. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time - an experience like no other! Everyone here is thinking of you and asks if I have heard from you. Now I can say I have and you all are doing fine. I miss all of you..keep the updates coming if you can. I am living vicariously through you!
2nd January 2006

happy new year
hi Jody, Happy new year from all of us .I am happy to receive your news.You seem really happy and excited.Have fun and enjoy every minute josephine

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