hot autumn, hot hot autumn

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October 5th 2009
Published: October 5th 2009
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okay guys. well there is so much to tell already and ive only been here since wednesday. im feeling much more at home here, the people are wonderful (if not slightly new agey at times) and on thursdays we all get to go and eat out and i actually had CHEESE!!!!
this week i have travelled out of europe for the first time, had my first swim in a mud pool lit by the full moon (full moon is a holiday here), had my first ride on the back of a moped (yes mum, without a helmet and on the busy indian roads). ive not gone far with laura riding yet because she doesnt seem to be able to dive with me on, but i might hire my own soon and give it a go. although they drive so crazily over here that i dont know if i dare. the indian women ride side sadle on the back of thier husbands motor bikes!!!

i still think about you all a lot, and i went shopping for gifts the other day which made me feel better.some of your gifts are actual presents, but others are more moments in time...sounds wierd but you'll understand when you get it.

went into pondicherry yesterday on the bus, and got harrassed by many small children desperate for us to by things from them, others just begging by pulling on our clothes. we also saw an elephant, it was just down a tiny street, if you gave it a rupee it would touch you on the head.

just had a dance party before lunch, involved a lot of music that i would never have expected them to play here..encore being one of them. ive been attacted by ants more than i have by mosquitoes, one of my hands is quite a bit bigger than the other. my pale colour is slowly turning normalish and my hair is quickly turning white.

we went to the beach the other day, it was absolutely beautiful! apart from being stared by indian men and boys. there is the whole beach free yet they will still chose to sit right next to you...weird. there is a guy here from australia who is a surf instructor, so laura and i may be having some surf lessons sometime this week..should be good fun, even though i doubt my ability.

so far i have only managed to skype 2 people, and for some reason our camera isnt working, but im going to try and fix that today. im not missing meat as much as i thought i would, the heat really decreases your appetite. i bought my glasto ticket yesterday...all you slackers better get on it now.

i'd like it if you could let me know when you break up for christmas please, as i want to time the sending of my presents 😊,if any of you want to go to my house and talk to ross and tabby for me that would be much apreciated, maybe even spill some wine and cocoa butter on my floor so that it still smells like home when i come back.

there is a guy here from bury who now lives just down the road from me! what a small small world, we were discussing good take aways in sedgley park today...its so weird.

love and hugs to you all. sorry if i seem unsymapthetic to your hangovers, but i wish i could participate. drink for me!!


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