The Way of Gratitude

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November 26th 2005
Published: April 23rd 2006
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information of value
Diego had showed up for talks I was giving in LA some years ago, based on the Picture of Man here. It is the key to doorway to what is iknown by a very very few as The Way of Gratitude. It is difficult to access this information. If you are reading this particular blog, you have. It is not promoted. It is only available. You have to know how to know about it first, before you know about it. (say that three times without smiling 😊

When Diego called and invited him to Guatemala,"James" got it in his head that it was his duty to finish up the material what he had started with Diego.

It requires a great deal of consciousness to be considerate of others. Lets say if only one person could do one kind action for the another each day, no matter whether they know that other one or not, is enough..

And thankfulness, like the gift of flowers to a woman--always appropriate.

Anyway, about this picture here. It describes what been called, The Way of Gratitude.

(Anyone who might feel some of this information of some value can check out the Picture of Man at

If we cannot exercise some understanding, for example, for all sides on the current world conflict (and all sides do seem to be a bit out of control right now, under it all, stressed out, all sides and all non-sides too with very little humor. The Current Political Situation is the CNN and Fox version of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. Each show asks, Where is Godot?

The First Way is the Way of the Jungle, kill or be killed.
The Second Way that appears is the Way of Law, set by Asoka in India and Hammuabi in the Middle East (currently, Iraq)
The Third Way that shows up is throgh a man in a white robe about 2000 years ago, and he was pretty much ignored...the Way of Love
The Fourth Way shows up now, the Way of Gratitude.

We may not have the capacity developed to "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself" so The Way of Love is not working very well, on the whole. We can at least learn HOW to learn to practice a bit of Gratitude. We can maybe grateful we have
Back in Sarnath Back in Sarnath Back in Sarnath

Budh = Awake
our basic neccessities, food, clothing, shelter, interesting things to do, and in cities such as LA, transportation is a basic neccessity for survival, we can be Grateful. Beyond this, if nothing else, just to be Alive.

It's interesting how the "downtrodden" "un-privileged" third world countries seem to get this like a breath.

The old man, Rhondell, wouldn't call it 'dimensional or resonant compassion,' just Agape. OK, AGAPE...the understanding that whatever anyone has done, is doing, or will do, is thought at the time of doing as right, proper, and/or justifiable with the degree of light that person has at the time of doing it.

(Don't worry. You can do no wrong)

And this arises out of the Third Way, the Way of Love.

There will be some who will try to convince true believers otherwise, even nowadays. They will try and get others to believe that yes, Force is the only way. Why? Because each one knows better but goes on and does wrong anyway! And each is to get payback for that. It takes a considerable amount of energy to pay attention (that is code for Awake) instead of just going the easy way of human nature.

And human nature is what we are trying to get over!

(The sly can tell by watching the actions of these, not the words. The sly, the Elect.) Follow the way of the sly man, the sly chiquita, the sly chicibabe, and know the narrow way. Force is the broad way that leads to...well, somebody has to say it, disentegration of the being. The narrow way can only BE narrow for so few get it in the bones. LOVE.

You will find that those who do not follow the way of force, do not demand or command, only hypothesize....

Meanwhile, my beanfield (saith Thoreau in Economy, that one culture-blowing chapter in Walden, Thoreau, close to his Ma, who had a piece of it not all of it, nor doth Emerson, nor the "Trancendentalists" for sooth and so what? Now, Whitman is an entirely different story: Find Out.) Meanwhile....

(Ob-SERVE. Serve. Interesting that, isn't it?)

What could I do if anyone was getting addicted to drugs? Serious spiritual work is virtually impossible addicted to drugs. Take Don Juan and Castaneda for example. After book two of Tales of Power there is no more peyote given. Carlitos asks, "what happened to the peyote?" Don Juan makes no answer. After awhile, Don Juan says, that little bit of peyote was merely to open you so you could begin to see. You don't need it now. Carlos respected that answer and left it alone. Diego, on the other hand, hypnotised by the world, by MTV and thousand other hypnotic suggestions from the senses, is like, "Yeah, but..." "Yeah, but." You see? And that "but" cancels out most everything that comes before. He might say, he likes peyote. Well, fine. So go live with the peyote eaters, don't invite a "James" to Guatemala.

There are others that have already swallowed the red pill. And know it.

When someone opens like Diego had opened--preparing for a departure from the Matrix--they are way sensitive and at a higher state of being. Any heavy drug use can regress them back to a lower state of being, and lower level of consciousness, back into the illusory web of the Matrix.

At least, they have had a taste that there is something beyond. But to access this other world, the real, takes Work. W-0-R-K.

Maybe I'd just be pissing in the wind in Guatemala. (Thankfully, "James" is pictured on this blog with a clown nose and for very good reason.) There is no way we cannot finally appreciate the beauty of each expression of Life.

Back to travelblog stuff.

Contemplating India before departure to Guatamala in a few days. Thankfully, I still have my suitcases sorted out from the India trip!

Okay then, due to popular (and dubious) demand, I have for a short time only Re-Published Karma-Sutraville and Rascals of India, Parts 1 and 2. What is incredible is that anyone can now Google this site. I had no idea, really. I thought these entries went out to friends and a few special clients. They wil be back to the shortened version soon, as I may turn it into a play, a one act, at some point

I had them up on the friggin WEB for a few days, but then realized the fine fellows who offered the gift of Humiliation to "James", might get into trouble if someone in India saw their photos on the web. Again, Karma-Sutraville and Rascals of India will be up for a Limited Time Only. You will also note here that I'm taking notes for a One Act Play with these few entries, in other words, it's really nobody's business. Read these few entries in the spirit of understanding Humiliation, an essential ingrediant to any true Path. At the same time, they are very long entries to read and I would think, hilarious.

Anyone that crosses my car in traffic or honks for no reason, one can look for a reason to say, "thank you" before stepping on the gas and zooming off with a bird.

Note, briefly, the trip was advertised as exploring the Western Mystics and Eastern Mystics, from Saint Theresa of Avila and Meister Eckart to Pantanjali and Rumi. Carolyn only talked of Saint Theresa--admittedly, as part of her upcoming book. I daresay she hasn't the interest or perhaps capacity or perhaps the interest to talk of Rumi. She can talk of Saint Theresa, and of the reptiles Theresa struggled with.

(Coleman Barks, on the other hand, can and does, for he travelled the sufi path with his luminous, glorious BABA BEFORE he began his superb translations of Rumi, that's the juice) Again, to Carolyn's credit--James is worried about peeing her off--she spoke to us on the bus and has taken an interest in Theresa's perception o fthe reptiles lodged in the body, and as Carolyn is a good writer, it could make for some interesting (sci fi) reading before bed.

Again, Carolyn also talked a lot about Humiliation in India. It was hard to follow what she was saying about it. It was as if she herself needed to experience it. Well, as mentioned before, there was no indication that she was about to experience it, so I guess "James" went ahead and experienced it for her. And for everyone else on the tour ("James" can be generous this way too). "James" is no stranger to humiliation. "James" has experienced not just medium grade humiliation but deep humilations. In these very uncomfortable experiences, he takes comfort from the poet Rumi, "What have I ever lost by dying?" Myss didn't say any of this---I don't think she understands humiliation, really, most of these famous healers do not. That of course includes Dr. Upledger, bless his pea-pickin' heart. (Upledger said to "James", before the Myss tour, he doesn't like the way "James" treats...him 😊

Such famous folk cannot ask, with Rumi, What have have "I" ever lost by dying? It's as if they don't have the capacity to ask. And this is not their role in life. They are walking among the people, and this is as it should be, more or less 😊 These experiences are sent to us by Life for our development. They are to be freely experienced. It can be a terrible humilation to get laid off by GM, for example, but not the end of life. Where there is life, we know, there is hope. When Humiliation arises, my senses perk up. I pull out my psychic knife and fork for a banquet is about to be served at "my" (note the "my") own funeral, so to speak. I don't go out of my way for humiliation, and when it truly arises spontaneously out of the ground substance of living, unexpected, it is to be freely experienced. As mentioned, Myss said none of this, it was as if she was just making guesses about it. Fame is a terrible event to suffer for it can deprive us of these finer experiences...these subtle spectrums of feeling. Humiliation is a feeling, not an emotion, and like grief, we are to let it pass. Let it pass while taking as comfortable a seat as possible for the ride! It will pass.

One contemporary of Van Gough's said of Van Gough, "That is a man who must have died three or four times in his life".

Die before you die, the Sufis suggest.

What have I ever lost by dying? may be...the only appropriate response is:


Diego had gotten some of the information, would he have in the end, enough, the actual use of the key, to liberate himself from the Matrix? No one needs go all out. Just be considerate of others here, harmless. No matter where we are in the world. If we each can remember to do one kind action for another each day, whether we know them or not, this is enough.

Just get can go out to the village, the community, so each around the world is doing one kind action for someone else each day, whether know them or not.

It can take a considerable amount of effort, of attention, consciousness, to be as harmless as possible to others.


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