More travelling, East to Bhubaneswar

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February 26th 2007
Published: February 26th 2007
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This morning we split groups and say good-bye to the 'Westies' whilst those of us heading East check in at Delhi domestic airport for Indian Airlines flight to Bhubaneswar. In the interests of nobody getting lost we are buddied up to look out for each other. I'm with Christina from Yorkshire Water and Chetna from Mid Kent Water. Throughout the journey there are head-counts and roll-calls, rather like a school trip!

It's a rather bumpy ride but we land safely! Immediately it's 10 degrees hotter. More flower garlands and forehead decorations to greet us. The streets seem slightly less busy but still the same combination of buses, tuk-tuks and motorcyclists, some with helmets, some without, some with women sitting side-saddle on the back with their long saris, some even with whole families crammed on!

The Ginger Hotel is brand new and really nice - this trip is rather luxurious so far I have to say! Later on we will have dinner with the WaterAid India regional staff from Orissa.

The real trip starts tomorrow when we visit the villages...


26th February 2007

Got there safely!
Glad to see you have arrived in one piece. Will be interested to hear about the real work ahead. Well done to all taking part.

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