Indiahhh lighthouse beach..

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Asia » India » Kerala » Kovalam
February 25th 2008
Published: February 25th 2008
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I am going to cheat on this blog!
I have uploaded photos onto my facebook profile already so am going to paste the link so you can see these photos from our trip (Anth and I) to India instead of uploading them again (lazy I know😉

We had a fantastic time away, especially after winter in Manchester, we were really looking forward to some sunshine, catching up with good friends and seeing Paul and Heidi get married!

We left on Wednesday the 13th Feb and had an 8 hour flight to Abi Dhabi (near Dubai) then a 4 hour flight to Trivandrum. Paul met us at the airport at 5am their time which was fantastic! Caught a taxi back to Kovalam and settled in for our 7day holiday.
The photos pretty much show what we did. Our days went a bit like this..
Wake up early thanks to the crows, they have the most horrible shrieking call I've ever heard!! Cold shower and out for brekkie! Every meal we had was at the little restaurants on the beach as they were safe to eat at! We only had about two meals a day due to the temp being so high, all we could think about was drinking water! (or beer... Kingfisher.. swap-a-crate size!) Days were usually spent at the beach or relaxing with friends at one of our two accomodations. The water was so beautiful and warm though there were often very big waves and the undercurrents were really strong! Ie: durable swimsuits a must... (eh Abbey😉 hehe. The days finished with dinner out with whoever was free and drinks to cool us before bed!
There were the most annoying fruit ladies who made fresh fruit salads for you on the beach who wouldnt like to take no for an answer. If you said you didn't want one they would come back an hour later etc etc and make you promise to come see them and no other lady! I think street sellers were more persistant as there isn't as many tourists as somewhere like Thailand where if you say 'no', they move on pretty fast. But all apart of the experience.
The wedding was beautiful, Pippi and I went to see Heidi and Ann. Pippi did their nails and I did hair and makeup. Finished late and had 15min to get ready and get to the ceremony. We did it! But didn't look that pretty haha!
The reception was awesome with fab speeches and the surprise at the end topped it off. We all went outside and Paul and Heidi had a beautiful elephant waiting for them on the beach to wisk them away!
Anth and I got a bit sick right at the end of the trip but have since recovered. Will miss the yummy currys though my tum probably won't!
Good times had by all.

Link to see my photos (I didnt get any of elephant as camera died):

Link to see Paul and Heidis professional pics (some still to be added):



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