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September 20th 2006
Published: October 19th 2006
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Cows on the beach in PalolemCows on the beach in PalolemCows on the beach in Palolem

We also shared the beach with dogs who liked to fight (and more) before our very eyes.
Although Rajasthan had been an eye-opening experience, we were a bit relieved when it was finally time to head south, as we were both in need of some time on the beach and traveller companions. With the idea of visiting Goa's biggest trance club, we arrived in Anjuna to check out the scene. Unfortunately there was no scene. Rain, an unimpressive beach and a handful of people selling things was about all the place had to offer as it was still out of season by a couple of weeks. We did find an english couple who pointed us in the direction of chilled out but gently buzzing Palolem.

After a lot of buses and searching for beach hut accomodation we were finally settled and in a restaurant on the beach for the evening. We had a great night out in Palolem's bar and met loads of other travellers including an Israli couple and some mad aussies. It was great to share experiences and get ideas for the rest of our India trip.

The next day we were horrified to find that the majority of Palolem had been torn down. The police had arrived and insisted on sticking to the rules by closing all unlicenced businesses until the season had restarted in 2 weeks time! It was crazy. We had a relaxing couple of days on the beach and organised the next leg of our journey. Goa was cool but it just didn't happen for us! Never mind.

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Palolem destruction!Palolem destruction!
Palolem destruction!

Here is the restaurant where we ate on our first night in Palolem!

21st October 2006

Goa Gutter
sorry to hear about the non event at Goa and Palolem, hopefully we will be able to have some better beach parties in Thailand! Love the site, I have subscribed and get emails when you have updated it. Did you get my email about thailand and meeting at boots on the ko san road?
21st October 2006

Goa Gutter
sorry to hear about the non event at Goa and Palolem, hopefully we will be able to have some better beach parties in Thailand! Love the site, I have subscribed and get emails when you have updated it. Did you get my email about thailand and meeting at boots on the ko san road?

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