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December 14th 2007
Published: December 14th 2007
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Candolim is like Spain used to be 30 years ago but without the sophistication and the people are much nicer.
I always thought the UK was the only place where we drove on the left, but they do in India as well, the confusing bit is that they drive on the right as well in fact its just one mad free for all with the only real requirement being a very loud and efficient horn. The other slight difficulty is that not only do you have to negotiate the trafic but its not rare to meet the odd cow or two, elephants and occasionaly a camel strolling down the road. You also need to take great care when walking past a parked bus at a bus stop as the gentlemen passengers spit frequently out of the open windows. Pavements are non existent and the sides of the road are filled with taxis, cowshit and all manner of rubbish-it would appear that the residents of Candolim have no notion of rubbish clearence, it simply gets eaten by whatever animal is grazing the side of the road. We could learn a lot about recycling!!
There must be a hundred restaurants in Candolim catering for all tastes, we eat out every night andhave yet to pay more than 3 pound per head, and the steak is the best I have ever tasted.
As I said there are taxis everywhere, in fact far too many and you can't walk 10m without being asked if you need a taxi-it does get wearing.
Off to do some Bird Watching and see the crocodiles next week-bye for now


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