Ayuervdic massage

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February 12th 2007
Published: February 18th 2007
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So i've always wanted an Indian head massage and since i was still in the country i figured that i should really get one done here!

Our cocohuts had a little ayuervdic (not sure of spelling!) massage centre, so i went to check it out. Outside the door are all the lotions and potions and next to those are all the guys massaging certificates, one in particular stood out, mainly due to the fact that it looked like it was written by a 6 year old! That aside i decided to throw caution to the wind and just book up for a face and head massage! Big mistake that was!!

Went for my appointment with Michelle, only to be told that Michelle couldn't sit in as it would mean i wouldn't be able to relax fully! So off she went and then i was left alone with some random Indian massage guy! I had to lie down on the bed and close my eyes and immediately started to panic when the guy had his hands over my head, not sure what he was doing but then he started slapping my face! Then came the nasty smelling oil, which he poured all over my head, it all nearly went it my ears! Then i thought he was trying to gas me out and started having visions of me passed out while he robs me! But no it was all part of the massage! The he starts on my head and it feels like he's scratching my head! I'm lying there hoping, praying it will get better but then the massage is over - how crap was that!!

The guy asks me how it was and if i'm feeling relaxed, i don't have the heart to tell hi it was rubbish so i say how ever so relaxed i feel! He then says its not just a massage but a treatment as well for people with sleeping problems and for mental illness - go knows what he thought was wrong with me! Then he gives me his card and asks me to tell my friends to get him some business! So friends if your ever in Palolem and walking past the Hi-Tide cocohuts don't ever use the massage centre there!!

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18th February 2007

Hair re-storer
Interesting head massage, do you thihk it might make my hair grow ? guess that what you have not got you cannot make grow.
18th February 2007

wise one?
That you dad - can't quite tell from that name!
19th February 2007

Wise? Dad?
That you dad?? The alias "The great wise one" should give it away! Now if it was "The great bald one"....
19th February 2007

To my trailblazer
Now I know from whom you learnt to spell if indeed hair restorer is your named father (he's rubbish as well)!! Just curious as to why that particular head massage he gave you was one for people with mental illnesses - you seemed ok when you left this Country.
26th February 2007

head massage
Hi Beth Could'nt stop laughing you must come back to work with me on your return so I can hear all about your travels I wish I could just be a fly on the wall but I'm sure you have enough of those already. big hug from me xxxxx

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