A4 Travel Bog #2

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Asia » China
October 1st 2013
Published: October 1st 2013
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What is the dominant religion in China, and how does this faith differ from other world religions? What beliefs or ideas make this religion unique?


The article I read about China, Chinese people believe in the gods of the family and the soil. Chinese have three main religious beliefs which are Confucianism Daoism, an<span>d Buddhism. Confucianism is hold the government to control the people. Daoism was forms of meditation. Daosim was a a foreign teaching of Buddhism. Buddhism is an important element of the Chinese people. The family events like birth, marriage, and death is used as Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism.

The dominant religion in china is Buddhism. Buddhism is important force in some parts of the country. The influence is in some village religion. Temples and monasteries are starting fresh and new monks are in training. This is faith differ from others by the beliefs of god. Buddhism believes in monks. Buddhisms don't believe in mere faith in leaders.


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