A4 Travel blog #1

China's flag
Asia » China
September 12th 2013
Published: September 12th 2013
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What is the current political structure/government in China? Who has power, and how do those in power interact with their people?


China's public system is fundamental for congress. The constitution for china states that the power belong to the people. China's congress consist of four sections. These sections are: l<span>egislation, supervision, appointment and removal of officials, and making decisions on major issues. these sections are important because it helps how china exercise it's power.

<span>Their current political structure seems to be diplomatic. What I mean by this is that they let the people voice their opinions about how the government is doing. It is also diplomatic because the country is not like craving for power, they treat the citizens fairly. In this case china does not have the power, the people do! They have the power to say what is the government doing poorly on.


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