China - Part 3: Yangshuo

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November 18th 2009
Published: November 18th 2009
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Me and NarjMe and NarjMe and Narj

On Narj's birthday in Yangshuo
Sunday 15 November 2009 (Narj's Birthday) we arrive by overnight sleeper train into the small town of Yangshuo. What an eventful journey on the sleeper train (and such a shame for Narj to wake up on the morning of her birthday after an unpleasant journey to unpleasant weather).

So the sleeper train - well, where shall I start. The bed had already been slept in. There were crumbs everywhere - Narj even found chewing gum in her bed. The carriage was really smokey - so we had to open all the windows which meant it was freezing cold. It was probably the worst train journey we have had so far. And to make matters worse - we were told by our guide, Andy, that the weather in Yangshuo was going to be lovely and warm and sunny - and it was still very cold and wet and windy - great! Everyone departed the train station looking absolutely miserable - oh well, things can only get better I suppose.

Given that our first day in Yangshuo was wet and it was Narj's birthday we decided to go for a chinese relaxation massage - which was a nice way to spend
Andy, Me, Narj and KatAndy, Me, Narj and KatAndy, Me, Narj and Kat

In a club in Yangshuo
the afternoon. The massage was full body and very relaxing although on the verge of painful at times. Narj burst into laughter at one point which made me laugh - was so funny at the time!

To celebrate Narj's birthday we went out for dinner with our tour group to a lovely vegetarian restuarant - which served delicious food! I got Narj a cake (shaped in a heart and chocolate of course) and it really began to feel like it was her birthday. We went out to a few bars/clubs after the meal with the rest of the group which was an interesting experience. It seems customary that if a guy wants to dance with you they ask the other males in the group for permission - how very odd. It was so stupid. Admittedly we did get harrassed by the locals (and at one point Jack from our group questioned whether we were celebrities - lol). But it was okay - music was unusual but I liked it! Was a fun night!

Then on the second day in Yangshuo we went on a bike ride - which has to be my favourite highlight! The weather was clear
A fishermanA fishermanA fisherman

Getting ready with his birds to set off.
and I was prepared - I bought some gloves and ear muffs (which are such an amazing invention - well appreciated). We cycled along some country type lanes away from the town into the hills - scenery was really good - really enjoyed cycling around (although I did find it tiring).

Overall - Yangshuo is such a nice and quaint little town. There appeared to be quite a lot of tourists around so there was a variety of different foods available there. The best was that everywhere seems to serve freshly squeezed juices and pancakes 😊 Again, a really different part of China.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Me and NarjMe and Narj
Me and Narj

Having a break from our bike ride (which was difficult at parts, especially up hill).
Cycling groupCycling group
Cycling group

Part of our tour group which we went cycling with around Yangshuo - very scenic bike ride! :)
On a bridgeOn a bridge
On a bridge

In Yangshuo
Sleeper trainsSleeper trains
Sleeper trains

Very crammed - but adequate. 6 people per unit.

Random pic

19th November 2009

Pics pics pics
Ooooh we wanna see pics to go with this entry! Sounds cool!! xxx

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