The Stone Forest near Kunming

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February 23rd 2008
Published: February 23rd 2008
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Among the most dramatic scenic attractions we visited on our trip to Yunnan Province was "The Stone Forest", referred to since the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.) as the 'First Wonder of the World.' An old local saying says that 'If you have visited Kunming without seeing the Stone Forest, you have wasted your time.' It is true: the Stone Forest is definitely one of a kind!

Approximately 270 million years ago this region was a vast ocean. Over time, the waters retreated and the limestone landscape was left. After constant erosion by the elements, the area finally evolved into the present-day Stone Forest.

The magnificent, strange and steep landscape creates labyrinthine vistas around each corner. Each formation has a story about animals or people associated with it. Some formations are elegant, some are rugged, and each has its own distinguishing characteristics.

Hiking through this amazing place was really a fun experience! I hope these pictures capture the scene for you.

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