Chinese Circus

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August 25th 2006
Published: September 17th 2006
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So last night we went to a Chinese circus / theatre / acrobatics performance. Amazing doesn’t even begin to do it justice. There was a lot of really impressive tumbling; towers of people and furniture, people being thrown and caught over huge distances and people balancing on each other with the smallest physical contact.

Then we had some foot juggling, where a woman not only managed to open and juggle a parasol with only one foot but then starting spinning four rugs at once, truly impressive stuff. It was followed by some “normal” juggling, which was impressive too but paled in comparison to the other acts.

A knife thrower pulled one of the other ELAs out of the audience and tied him blindfold to a board and attached balloons to his hands feet and between his legs. He then proceeded to pretend to throw the knives, bursting each balloon in turn. Poor guy, looked like he was going to wet himself!

By far the most impressive act though was the aerialists. (They were even better than the aerialist at the Dresden Dolls gig in May if that means anything to you). It’s hard to describe their performance but they were swinging out over the heads of the audience in huge sweeping circles on two silk sashes hanging from the ceiling, often only hanging on to each other by the slightest physical contact such as their feet or necks!

I would have taken some photos, but I doubt they would’ve done it justice and besides I was far too busy watching and clapping.


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