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March 26th 2008
Published: March 26th 2008
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i've been staying in shanghai for a month, and it's a CRAZY CRAZY country! hahaha. well the whole of china at least.
staying here for a month, having a taste of how a local live here, having to eat their food, take their public transport actually taught me alot. there are places that i really hate, while there are those few which makes you feel good, and like, not-in-china-feeling.

taking the MRT.
taking the MRT, during their peak hour is a mad rush, people push, people would do all kinds of things just to go in, and not bother if you're trying to get out.
though their trying to practice the 'let people out first, then you go in' thing. but apparently it's of no use at all.
even getting out, you have to actually, push them aside. and not feel rude about pushing them or whatsoever.
i've tried ways of getting out, like, trying to say 'excuse me' or even in chinese 'zing rang wo chu' and stuff, at times they won't bother, at times they will. depending on the person.
trains are actually weird too. like there was this time, i was with my sister, and we were in the train together, and the train stopped at a station as usual, but tis time, something different happened, the lights in the train actually suddenly OFF. so i was wondering, like whats wrong, then my sister told me that once this happens, everyone has to get out of this train and wait for the next train to come. and this can happen at ANY station any stops. and i thought it was simply, weird.

taking the BUS.
well, it's the same as taking the trains, but this time, people would run to the bus, like, though there is a proper bus stop, but no one knows where the bus would actually stop, cause the bus stop is big and has no marking. people would run towards the bus, and board. the system is the same as singapore though, they have the Transportation card, yeah. but well, there are times where there will be a bus attendant in the bus, and you gotta tell he/she which stop you're gonna alight, then you will be charged accordingly. but well, the peak hour is the same as taking the MRT. hahaha. jam packed.

taking the TAXI.
well, it's pretty normal everywhere, tell the drive where you wanna go and stuff.

crossing the road.
gosh, it's like, no traffic rules here! and i know 1 rule is, turning right on red is always allowed. always. and if you're walking, take care. seirously, it's scary, and very very unpredictable.

shanghai, is starting to have a keep clean campaign now, their trying to stop littering and stop spitting.
spitting is something that everyone does here, it have become a habit, to clear whatever there is in your throat. it is rather gross. like walking and finding spits everywhere on the floor. or litter or anything. yeah. its rather gross. haha.
spits can be found in shopping centers also, trains buses and all. rather gross but well. at least their trying to change.

they also sell alot of street food. but the most popular are Corn. steam corn. and i've tried it myself, and found out that corn here are meant to be like, a sticky and slimy. it is like, meant to be like that. it's rather weird, but it's still acceptable.

thats about it now. blog more another time.


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