Lupu Bridge

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May 11th 2007
Published: May 11th 2007
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Lift offLift offLift off

the bottom of the bridge, next to the will wonka lift i went on to get me up to the level of the traffic
Was told about the world's longest arched bridge that was opened in Shanghai in 2003. Its called the Lupu Bridge and its in the southern part of the city. Studied the map the previous night and decide that the metro was the best way of getting there. I walked to the Peoples Square and got on at line 1 for six stops. Then got off and transfered to line 4 for another six. Sounds easy, but the stop i was heading for was shut as they are building another line(8) that is also passing through the stop.
Got off a stop ealry and got my map and compass out and figured out what direction i should be going in. Found it fairly easy, but there was a moterway onramp that i had to cross going their and back that is still giving me nightmares. Eight lanes and i was the only person crossing so i had no one to follow over. Buses and trucks turning on were passing through the green pedestrian light as usual, but at a much faster speed and at the other side traffic coming off doing the same.
Took 10mins and i knew i was there
Lupu BridgeLupu BridgeLupu Bridge

just above the traffic now. Still got 360 stairs to climb
just by looking above. Walked past a big sign written in Chinese and i must be able to read it subconsiously as i knew it was the ticket booth. It cost 68RMB and i must have been the first person there as the woman was sitting kittening. Walked in the gate and towards the building. Went though the metal detector as usual and was escorted to the elevator. A young man gave me a little bit of the history of the place. I pretended to be interested, but i already had read the facts the previos night and on the metro that morning.
You walk out of the elevator and your on a wide pavement next to the main traffic. Just like erskine bridge. However after a short walk to the middle you then have 360 stairs to climb to reach the top of the arch. Took many photo's which i want to post, but again the internet cafe i'm in will not let me connect it to the usb port. Anyway the view was spectular. It was also boling hot and even though i know i put on enough suncream I think i'll be a little bit burnt. This
Lupu Bridge2Lupu Bridge2Lupu Bridge2

at the top of the bridge
was probably the most satisfying experience in shanghai yet as i did not see anyone else visit it for the hour or so i was there. It was also further out away from most of the sights which are pretty close to each other.
On the way back i changed metro lines at Shanghai indoor stadium. I decide to go and have a look. I finally found football pitches, so i plan to go there on sunday morning and get a game. Its like Beijing as in you just turn up, pay money to get into the pitches and try to play with anyone who is looking for a player. The is no set sides or standard size of game. In beijing the game i played was 8-a-side into five a side goals and one of the goals was being used in another game next to us. Its crazy, but its football.

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


11th May 2007

lupu bridge
Hi matey, we have all been reading your blogs avidly, you sound like your having a great time, wish I was experiencing it with you. Trust you to find somewhere to play football !!!!! yer big pal has retired from it for the moment. Keep writing those blogs, take care xx
12th May 2007

Hi Paul Hope you are still enjoying yourself by the sounds of things you are...Get some more Pictures on..Just waiting on your mum coming to pick us up going to the SECC for a girly day lol...Have fun and speak to you soon Ash xxx
15th May 2007

I can find a game of football on the moon if i had to. I'm very popular as every one wants me in their team. Not used to that lol
16th May 2007

hi ashley No one is allowing me to upload my photos. The usb ports to plug my camera into are locked away and when i ask they all shake their heads furiously.Will get them on soon. I promise
24th May 2007

Hey reading your blog during my T breaks in work, glad your having funny sounds like a gr8 place! cant believe you found a game of 8s and your a wanted man excellent...keep up the good work, be safe and have fun, looking forward to the Ice Mountain craig
16th May 2008

I don't like the look of the bridge

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