My last day teaching!!

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January 16th 2006
Published: January 16th 2006
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Well Friday was more or less my last day teaching and it was so so sad -I cried! Some of my Grade 1's were crying and shouting don’t leave Lauren, it was terrible, my favourite student wrapped himself around my leg and kept hugging and kissing me and wouldn't let go. I have completely fallen in love with him he the sweetest weirdest most adorable little boy in the world and it's breaking my heart to leave him! I gave all the students little presents -pencils and rubbers and ribbons and things but since he is my favourite he got a massive tiger who roars and its eyes light up when you bang it on the head -so now I have won his affection for ever! Sorry if the endless photos of my students get a bit tedious but they are just so cute and sweet!
The next day Christi, Brett and I were off for another drunken night in Qingdao! Takes about 5 hours to get there but the fog was really bad so the journey was both terrifying and endless but we eventually got there and spent most of the afternoon sampling the cakes at some of Qingdao's finest bakeries! We then went to look at some old German military fort that was used when the Germans occupied Qingdao in the 1890's. This was actually quite interesting, lots of labyrinth like underground tunnels, look out points and mad Chinese grannies in fur coats and red lipstick. After almost getting locked in the military fort we headed to the New York Club Bar...I recall very little of the evening but woke up the next day with a large bruise on my face and in bed with my boots, coat, scarf and bag still on!
This week I had planned to do some traveling in southern China, but Chinese administration has put a stop to this since they are taking about 3 weeks to renew my visa -so annoying! So instead will go to Dong Ying, the hometown of my Chinese friend Alan where we will make dumplings! And will spend the last few days saying goodbye to everyone in Binzhou before I head back up to Beijing on Monday to meet Maxers!!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 47, Displayed: 23


16th January 2006

Thought I would leave one of these comments coz you said you get excited when you get one aww Never heard you being so maternal in all my life fat head it scares worried to see how many kids ur going to be bringing back in your rucksack. Anyway glad to hear the news speak soon XX
16th January 2006

Hi Lauren!
Max getting excited about meeting you next week. We are doing our best to get her organised - not an easy task. Have enjoyed reading your log. The pictures are great. Roxie sends her love. xxxxxxx
16th January 2006

See you soon love you xxxxxxxxxxx
16th January 2006

I'm jealous and proud!
Hey Lp, Great to see you've enjoyed yourself. I started placement last week in Kirkintilloch and i've enjoyed the first week. But to be honest I dont think I'll be as sad to leave my "NED-sitting" placement as you have been with your little china dolls! But, I first looked at the photo of the little boy holding the teddy bear, being totally honest I know this sounds bad but I thought he was being sweet and he had brought it for you from the factory that his dad works in down the road! Oops..dont take the next comments the wrong way but I thought you wouldnt last very long in the depths of China. Particularly, as I know going to a foreign country on your OWN is hard but where they dont speak much english, and the culture is at the other end of the spectrum to our own. It's really shown me another side to my best friend.I'm very proud of you Miss Paton. Thinking of heading round to see Eunice with Murray for a spot of dinner...think we'll pre warn her, rather than just pitching up. But miss you...hope the books have been handy and i bet your travel diary is sitting gathering dust. Hope to hear from you soon. Look after yourself, Allyxxx
17th January 2006

Hey lp, your pics r amazing! It looks like you have really made a huge impression on those Chinese nippers! Qingdao looks so advanced>> apart from the eggs. Love the druken snaps, spk sn. Bisou
21st January 2006

hangover?? we had no hangover! it was you!
dearest lauren! i cant believe you will be leaving us in like 2 days.. we have known you for only two months but wasnt it great.. a whirlwind romance just us three... you me and the brett miester! hope you have heaps of fun where ever your going.. canada or and when you get back to good old botswana dont forget to email me lots!... your china pal and fellow member of the "binzhou crew"- christi

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