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February 4th 2011
Published: February 4th 2011
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Brian, Sebastian, Julia, and Martin
I must apologize to all of my subscribers for not posting anything in several months and bombarding you now with updates. You have some time to got through the photos now. I will be without a computer visiting Chengdu for a week. The new year festival here is finally calming down after 48 hours of fireworks. It has been a great holiday so far. Getting outside the classroom I can practice speaking and meet new people. Classes don't start again until March so I still have time for a bit more fun. I have been writing almost entirely in English, assuming most of the readers cannot read Hanzi. If you would like to see more Chinese, let me know. 现在我有很多中国人朋友。他们教我口语。中国人是非常友好。谢谢你
Most of the pictures I have posted so far are tourist sites. So here are a few off the record shots.
thanks for reading!

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


birthday partybirthday party
birthday party

nine different nationalities represented

6th February 2011

greetings from Carlow!
Brian, just looked at your blog. It was great to see those pictures. We loved the ones of the parade. looks like you are having a great time. Enjoy your holiday and happy new year. Love from Brid and all

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