People, people everywhere

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Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an
March 12th 2007
Saved: December 4th 2008
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Guilin Guilin Guilin

Sun and Moon pagodas at night.
OK, we all know China has a lot of people. 1.3 billion to be exact. No wonder they have that one-child policy. We came to notice that this means everywhere you go, you'll run into other people. It's hard to find any sort of privacy or isolation, let alone wide open spaces devoid of people. People, people, people. China sure has lots of them!

Before I begin to explain how a population density like this affects everyday life, here's what we've been up to.

We left the sleepy town of Yangshuo for the "small city" of Guilin (ahem, 1.3 million) to sort out our travel plans northward. Travelling on your own in a country like this requires a good mix of patience and humour,

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Trying to catch up on some reading at the Prices Temple in Guilin.
Princes City Princes City
Princes City

Entrance to Princes City, Guilin.
Door knockerDoor knocker
Door knocker

Door knocker in Princes City, Guilin.

Beautiful parks are easy to find in Guilin
Longji Rice TerracesLongji Rice Terraces
Longji Rice Terraces

Children love having their photos taken!
Longji Rice TerracesLongji Rice Terraces
Longji Rice Terraces

Beautiful homes built without nails, believe it or not!
Longji Rice TerracesLongji Rice Terraces
Longji Rice Terraces

Terraced rice fields as far as the eye can see
Longji Rice TerracesLongji Rice Terraces
Longji Rice Terraces

Way too many photogenic terraces...
Longji Rice TerracesLongji Rice Terraces
Longji Rice Terraces

Beautiful handicrafts for sale
Longji Rice TerracesLongji Rice Terraces
Longji Rice Terraces

Rice cooked in bamboo over fire... mmm!
Vice of the nationVice of the nation
Vice of the nation

The colonel is never far from the action in China
People peoplePeople people
People people

How does this guy get in & out every day?
Line-up for carriage #16Line-up for carriage #16
Line-up for carriage #16

The beginning of our horror story
Sweet relief!Sweet relief!
Sweet relief!

Our roomy hard sleeper train

The Bell Tower in central Xi'an

The Terracotta Warriors of Xi'an! This is Pit #1, the largest and most impressive with over 6000 life-sized warriors

The Terracotta Warriors of Xi'an, up close and personal.

Maria happy to get some sun on our tour of Xi'an

Comments only available on published blogs

26th March 2007

The train
Well, just be happy there wasn't ALSO poop on the floor right where Maria fell over in the train. THAT would be the train from hell! Too bad you didn't get a picture of the inside of that train, but I understand why you didn't want to take it out in a situation like that.

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