First Days in China

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March 4th 2016
Published: March 4th 2016
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I arrived to China, three days ago. The plan ride was well, I am sure that every couple of hours I was asleep; it appeared that everytime I woke up it was time to eat. I am spending a lot of time on campus watching and observing students. Today, is the first day that I actually did not have a problem getting on the internet. Goggle, Yahoo, Facebook, etc, are blocked, so I have e-mailed several of you using my Indiana Tech and/or Concordia University e-mail. My telephone is blocked, I can only face-time people who have a IPhone, or a IPad, but I will purchase a new phone on Monday. I will teach 36 students on Monday/Wednesday and 41 students on Tuesday/Thursday, no classes on Friday . . . . . so I can shop and sight see every Friday - Sunday, VERY HAPPY about that!!!!!

I have taken several pictures and will post soon.


4th March 2016

Glad you are Settling in!
So glad you arrived safely, and things are starting to settle for you. Looking forward to seeing your pictures!
4th March 2016

Praise the Lord!!
Karin, I am so glad to hear from you! Praise God you are well and acclimating well to your new Chinese environment! Have you tried VIBER, IMO, Marco Polo, or What's App? These are all apps that allow you to communicate via the Internet (once you are connected). I can't wait to hear all about your adventures! Be safe and enjoy every minute!!
5th March 2016

The internet here is very choppy, my office computer does has skype . . . . . we will see how that works. I am going to purchase a telephone on Monday. Look forward to talking to you soon.
4th March 2016

Long Weekends
Hello Karin! Glad to hear you are settling in. Wow, every week a long weekend. That will be great get lots of sightseeing and shopping done! I will FaceTime you once we arrive in San Diego! Show you some Palm trees. klf
5th March 2016

Hope that you enjoy the sunshine . . . . today its a little cold here. I am not sure if my face time will work in my apartment, but we will connect soon.
5th March 2016

Hello cousin!!!
I'm so glad you made it safely to China. What part of China are you living?
5th March 2016

HI Shena, We tried to connect before I left, but kept missing each other. I am south of Beijing in Shijuiang (sp?) will be here nine weeks teaching a course in Human Resource Management at Hebei University.
7th March 2016

Hi, glad you're getting acclimated. Once you get your technology together you'll be fine! Do you have a hobby? Reading, crochet?? Sleep would work too ??
9th March 2016

I will be doing a lot of walking, which is one of my hobbies. I actually spend about 30 minutes each day looking outside of my office window. It is interesting to see the people and a new way of life. I am also taking a class on-line, which will begin next week, so that will occupy some of my time.

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