Lai le!

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Asia » China » Beijing » Dongcheng
December 30th 2010
Published: January 2nd 2011
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So I am officially here! Well, actually I arrived yesterday but have been so busy that I havn't had time to sit down and type for a spell of time. Not to mention that my old blogging platform is now blocked in China, so I had to move here. I'm not extraordinarily fond of this blog's interface but I think it will get the job done.

I arrived yesterday in the MASSIVE Beijing airport. It was built pretty recently by a foriegn architect for the Olympics. Its gorgeous. And so big. I arrived and met a CET rep in the arrivals terminal. Already a few students had arrived (Pacific Northwesterners!). There were actually a ton of us on my flight. A few other flights arrived in the same window of time so the 20 or so of us all climbed onto a smoke saturated bus to trek across the city to our new home. (A word about the flight: I sat next to a girl who runs China's only sea turtle rehabilitation center in Hainan-so cool!!). We got to the school and it was bitter cold. And windy. We lugged our suitcases up and set off for dinner.


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