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August 30th 2012
Published: August 30th 2012
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These small pagodas are made to put incense and offerings inside to remember the teachings of Lord Buddha. They are made of cement and hand painted. Very beautiful!
My season of boredom is about to come to a close. Summer session started yesterday and I’ve been assigned three classes in Critical Thinking. Never mind that I am not a philosophy major nor have I ever had a single class in critical thinking and I left my friends, family and comfortable home in Houston, which displays not a shred of critical thinking skills. Let’s face it, I’m a warm body and this is an entry level class with a gazillion sections that they need to fill. The leadership degree programs will launch at the start of the winter semester at the end of November so I guess this is a gentle entry into teaching in Cambodia. I’ve dusted off my Return of the Jedi lunchbox and Scooby Do back pack just to try to fit in to the college scene. It ain’t workin’! Much as I try to think of myself as one of them, at age 53 I’m just a poser! Yeah, I have a new (second-hand) bike that’s really cool and goes almost as fast as a scooter but they are the new up and coming, soon to be rich and famous of Cambodia. PUC is knows to be the “rich kids school.” This teenage girl pulls up in a beautiful new Lexus the other day. Most kids are not that wealthy but it’s surprising the number of luxury autos you see on the street. I see iphones and ipads everywhere at the school. An ipad costs about the annual per capita income here.

But what I love about PUC is the emphasis on values, loving kindness and compassion. It’s talked about everywhere at the university. My hope is that we are educating a generation that will be impacted by their college experience and want to do good in the world. There are plenty here that just want to make money but we also have many young monks and kids from the countryside that are on scholarship who desire to give back.

My new housemate, Sam, has moved in and is fully integrating into Cambodian society. He knows everyone at the Blue Dog bar and guest house and he’s got Cambodian girls crawling out of the woodwork. It’s really fun having the energy of a 23 year old around. He’s teaching at our High School and having the time of his life. He keeps me young by introducing me to Irish whiskey and midnight bike rides around Phnom Penh. I really admire the way he has acculturated so quickly. He had to give a student a zero on an exam today for cheating. Cheating and bribery is completely a part of the culture. The students are shocked when it actually has consequence.

Not too much more to report. I made a reservation to go to Bangkok to see my friend Patrick who moves there at the end of September. We have a four day holiday in October for Pchum Ben Day. Only in Cambodia do you have a four day holiday for one day of remembrance! This is a festival of the Ancestors. Buddhist tradition demands Cambodians visit many pagodas over two weeks. Food, flowers, rice and gifts are given to the monks to convey to the afterlife so the dead do not haunt the living. This is a particularly poignant celebration given Cambodia’s recent history of genocide. For me, it is a good reason to head to Thailand for a long weekend where I will try to fatten up. I’ve managed to lose almost 20 lbs. since I got here. I feel like I
Me and my new rideMe and my new rideMe and my new ride

I think Sam should definitely have bike envy!
eat a lot but I eat almost no sweets and I probably don’t drink nearly as much, although Sam’s trying really hard to change that. I haven’t been this thin in a while so I’ll just enjoy being able to actually fit into my clothes with a little room to spare and I'll be free of guilt when I feast in Bangkok.

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Stands of Wood FlowersStands of Wood Flowers
Stands of Wood Flowers

These wood carved flower are at the Phnom Penh night market. You can buy everything from knock off Gucci to stir fried noodles.

3rd September 2012

Aloha from Hawaii Tim! So it's so great to hear your stories. Mahalo for sharing them! That's "thank you" in Hawaiin. LOL So happy to hear you're happy! Lots of love, Nory
4th September 2012

Nice ride
Hi Tim! Love the new ride. Who needs a Lexus with a sporty model like that! Careful on the roads with that power machine! Sure that is also another reason for the weight loss. Love reading about your adventures, Celene

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