My bags are packed, but I'm not ready to go...

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November 18th 2011
Published: November 18th 2011
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I’m so not ready to leave Phnom Penh....didn’t I just get here? I don’t want to go....( said in Princess Sooky Tone )

I know that I’m going to embrace the next stage of this awesome journey and there will be dozens of new adventures, fabulous people to meet, with many interesting and challenging coming my way, which will leave me with many happy memories and stories to tell, and I am truly looking forward to experiencing them all ..... it’s just that I love being here in PP and I feel the time to move on has come around way too fast – can the person that hit the fast forward button please fess up?

There is so much to love about PP, and after nine weeks here, these are a “few” of my favourite things:
• First and foremost ... my students!! They are amazing, fun, intelligent, enthusiastic, kind, eager, trusting and so incredibly welcoming and friendly. They’ve touched my heart, taught me lots and my life will never be the same...
• The teachers....Lida, Lalin, Kahna – they accepted and supported me, and have become wonderful friends. I will miss them so much.
• The other volunteers – wow, what a mixed bunch of races, personalities, and skills. Such an interesting bunch of people, and I feel blessed to have met so many of them. I feel that I’ve grown after sharing so much time and space with them, and for that I’m grateful. I’ve also picked up some quirky expressions, and am sure I will hear you all in my head for many years to come. See you on fb. Also Tabea – she is volunteering directly with the organisation that runs my school and will do some teaching after I leave – I’m so glad to have met her.
• Sophan - What can I say? Thanks for the laughs, and support, and you still owe me a drink at Greetings ....I will miss you and your enthusiasm for life – keep up the awesome work with P.A. and also your school.
• Chann – my moto driver – thanks for getting me safely to school and back each day, in the insane traffic of PP....
• Danei, our cook in apartment 2 – always so bright and cheerful, and a great cook...and I’m thankful that you only bought the bugs and locusts for the novelty value, and that you didn’t serve up frogs during my few weeks with you....
• My trip to the zoo with my students – what a brilliant day, and I will never forget the happiness on the kids’ faces....and their excitement....oh, and the daily rendition by one of our students, of the Gibbons’ songs.
• My weekends in Sihanoukville – what a fantastic place, with great energy and views....and soul-refreshing....ahh, bliss !!
• The day trip to Udong with Laura and Anne – the friendly locals, the views, the company ....
• Meeting Will and Ant on the bus back from Sihanoukville...thanks guys
• The Happy Happy Program at school this week – the kids’ singing, and the traditional Khmer dancing ( and the fact that I let the kids talk me into doing it with them ) – happy memories.
• The two Dirty Weekends that I was here for. I loved the first one when I first arrived, but the second one, at my school (see earlier blog) was brilliant, heart-warming, humbling, and rewarding....especially as I see the results every school day and can see the positive impact it has had on my students and teachers. I love that they now have bright, cheerful, clean classrooms....thanks for the hard work everyone.
• The Asian Four Spice ice-cream at Blue Pumpkin....yum
• The Coffee Shakes at Greetings refreshing
• Jackfruit crunchy, love them.
• The insane, crazy roads.......every single day you have a “wow, I’ve never seen that before” moment, and I LOVE it. I believe I could stay here a year or two and I would still be saying the same thing....
• The friendly Cambodian people......when you think of the country’s history, it’s even more amazing that these people are so kind and friendly......with the most amazing smiles....

Thanks Phnom Penh for turning on your charm once again – you’re an amazing place and I’m so excited to have had the pleasure of living here for nine awesome weeks..........I will be back !!!


18th November 2011

Onward and upward
So glad you've had an awesome 9 weeks even with a few challenges here and there. On to the next part of your adventure. Travel safe. Hugs from Devon. Sylvi xo
19th November 2011

Next Step of your Adventure
You have done so much in 9 weeks, its inspiring. Take care and keep enjoying. Libby xo

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