Its a holiday in Cambodia....

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Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap
April 27th 2007
Published: April 27th 2007
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Well getting here was totall bitch.

First i have 6 hours on a train with burmese guys trying to subtly steal my wallet - they got no where cos i knew the score all along, just proved 6 hours ofwasted effort for them) - then i had to share a 4 hour taxi journey with two middle aged middle english people to siem reap to avoid getting mugged if i fell asleep. However they insited on going with the blatantly ovewr expensice tout so my share of the totall taxi equalled price of normall one to myslef!!!only one road from border and its proper ghetto, twofoot deep potholes annd no side road exits sumit up!!

One thing i ve learnt is that the average pioor cambodian hates us, i mean really hates us. ive never seen so many cold stares in my life. of course those ripping tourists off love us!!

last few days ive seen all of angkor wat etc which is amazin but siem reap is so boring after tht that im skipping rural cambodia ( battambang) to go straight tp the capitalthe day aftertmorrow - phnom penh-

see you there


28th April 2007

Hey alex I hear you went to that temple city place, sounds pretty amazing. I'm glad you're having a good time but I hope you know they'll all have penises. Anyway i need to go, have fun with the gibbons! xxxx
29th April 2007

go go captain carley woot woot. love you

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