Day 183 - A slow start to New Year's Day

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January 1st 2007
Published: January 4th 2007
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After a 6:30am end to New Year's Eve we were pretty pleased with ourselves to be up just after midday. Our first appointment of the day was fly-fishing at 2pm so we just had time for a swim in the infinity pool and a poolside cheeseburger and we were off. As usual on New Year's Day, Gemma was a little quiet today. Fly-fishing was an experience but not something that either of us intend to take up seriously. In the sunshine in the middle of a African nature reserve is one thing, but dare we say it could get a little boring? True to form Stuart caught the only fish of the day - a multi-talented boy that one.

Ed got bored of fishing pretty early on and decided to make a swim for an island in the lake. The previous night's champagne intake, and the breakfast cheeseburger, made this a bit slower than he'd expected and he even caught a lift back in Londi's canoe, thankful that there are no triathlons coming up.

For our final evening in Bushmans Kloof we had dinner under the stars. Gemma started quoting her astronomy book again and when she said "At this time of year you can see star G2450 with a telescope and you can see Uranus..." at which point Gren, Stuart and Ed all interjected with "... with a mirror" much to everyone's amusement. Ha ha ha. No midnight swims tonight so we headed home, avoided the petals for the last time and slept like logs.


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