2022-11-20 Durban, South Africa, Africa

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December 26th 2022
Published: December 28th 2022
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Durban, South Africa

11 20 22 to 11 22 22 Durban to Cape Town, South Africa

Sunday, November 20 Durban, South Africa 11am to 10:30Pm $US1=17.32 ZAR

To go near: 1) Ushaka Marine world 2) Vasco De Gama clock,3) Victoria Embankment 4) Victoria Market 5) Florida road 6)Botanic Garden 7)Umgeni River bird Park 8)Golden Mile 9) Sri Sri Radhanath Temple 10)Umhlanga 11)Kwa Muhle Meseum

To go far: 1) Ballito 2)Tala Game Reserve(45km) 3) Nelson Mandela capture Site(193km) 4) Howick Falls

Tu Maputo den Durban dai 355miles va di mat 1'ngay.

Durban la thanh pho dong thu 3 cua South Africa sau Jonhennesburg and Cape Town voi so dan la 3.4M da so la dan Zulu va da trang. Duoc cho la thanh pho Greenest tren the gioi. Mahatma Gandhi co thoi gian song o day va co vai noi gan lien voi ten ong.Durban la noi nguoi India song nhieu nhat sau nuoc India.

MSC cruises thuong xuyen o hai cang nay tu thang 11 den thang 4 moi nam do do MSC da xay port rat lon o Durban va khi thuyen Holland America ghe ben Durban cung phai tra tien cho MSC.

South Africa voi Durban is the most beautiful in the world. Bo lac dau tien la San va Khoi Khoi. Sau do ho di ve huong South tu Phuong Bac.

Cach day 2 ngay co buoi thuyet trinh ve South Africa boi lecturer Kate Ross voi de tai South Africa Today: Saving a Nation.

Nelson Madela ung cu tong thong South Africa nam 1994. Ong dac cu va giu chuc vu tong thong tu 1994 den 1999. Ke vi ong la Thao Mbeki lam TT tu 1999 den 2008. Thoi Nelson Thao la second in command. Khi Thao lam TT crime rate thi high. Co bang cao hoc ve kinh te. Thao effort to end War neighborhood countries. Ong ung ho nha doc tai Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabo. Ong cho rang HIV khong causing binh AIDS va cho rang Nguoi bi AIDS can tam la het. 20% of nguoi lon bi AIDS o Africa. Ong duoc Reelected 2004. Ke tiep la Zuma. Zuma bi cao buoc co xex voi minor. Ong tai dac cu nam 2014 va tu chuc nam 2018.

Gia dinh o South Africa da so thieu nguoi cha vi lam an va nguoi me lo cho gia dinh. Do do con cai khong truong thanh tot. Black va white ky thi cho den su ky thi nay cham dut. Sanh 1942. Poor, khong hoc hanh. Hoc doc va viet trong tu. Free from jail ong lam viec voi dan da trang mot thoi gian va married 6 times , 23 children. Write bad checks. O trong biet thu o Nkand xay bang tien cua chanh phu. Impeached 1917. Resigned 1918. Cyril Ramaphosa tro thanh TT 2018 cho den nay. La luat su. 34% that nghiep. Kinh te xuong. Cyrill makes 1M bang selling cows horns. O South Africa co 7.7M nguoi song trong HIV. 20.4, 7.7M living with HIV. 20.4% adult HIV o tuoi tu 15 den 49. 240,000 new HIV infected, 71,000 AIDS related deaths, 62% adult HIV treatment. 63% children HIV treatment. Hau het cac HIV cases duoc tim thay o Eastern and Southern Africa. May nguoi con gai o South Africa so bi co thai hon la so bi HIV.

Lectures: Up and Down of Aprtheid

O South Africa luc bay gio co su chia cach giua back and White. Di tam bien phan biet khu nao cua whites va khu nao cua Black. Tren xe bus phia truoc danh cho Whites phia sau danh cho Blacks. Trong buu dien cua vao danh cho Bkacks cua danh chu Whites , truong hoc danh cho whites co truong chi cho Blacks. Cam marriage giua Black va Whites. Nguoi Blacks phai co ID neu khong se bi bat. Whites thi khong. Chi co Whites allow to vote. Truoc 1990 Black khong duoc mua nha. 1960 bat dau anh huong the gioi. Bristish tu Anh den noi o paliamenent va anh huong canh cao thu tuong SA. Nhung TT Sa khong muon nghe British. Arm struggle khi Nelson thuong luong voi Whites that bai. Nelson bi bat for trition. 1960-1970 black nhan duoc Soviet union support cho military, education. Hom nay Russia cung muon anh huong Phi Chau. 1976 students upraising at Soneto. For whites song trong nervous boi vi Soniet involve boi vi no place to go. 1970 Time magazine said black upraising. The gioi phan doi. Stock falls. The gioi sansion SA. End 1980 oppositions stands up. 1990 changes leaderwith Klert became President. 2’ later he ordered to free Nelson Mandela. Nelson walked to freedom with his future wife. 1993 Nelson died, peaceful settlement.

Lecture: Origins Of Isolation: Day o Economic at Cape Town University

50% dan o day la colors. 1500s Black tribes moved into the areas. 10k to 15k Zulu o doc theo song o day. 1867 kham pha Diamond at Kimberly. Gold thi kham pha 1886 o Johannesburg. Can nhieu workers in mines. 1800s Bristish defeated Portugal to control the mineral rich Cape Town. 1910 co nhieu dao luat favors whites. 1913 dao luat chia dat cho Whites va mot so nho cho Blacks. 1948 nhieu su chong doi cua black. Whiles organized de bao ve ho.

Du thuyen den Durban port luc 11am. Tuy nhien vi hom qua di tren bien An Do Duong song lon va thuyen truong khong cho du khach di ra ngoai de di bo nhu moi ngay vi so gio lon va song cao thuyen nga nghien se bi tai nan. Chinh vi the du thuyen di cham lai va hom nay den port Durban hoi tre 30’ tuc la 11:30am. Hon nua khi den day chanh quyen South Africa bat buot moi nguoi tren thuyen du khach va crew members phai xuong thuyen check out voi South African immigration vi the ma xong thu tuc la 1pm. Toi muon xe di cung voi vo chong nguoi ban den Tala Natural Reserve la noi co nhieu thu va private. Taxi charge $150 round trip cho doan duong 49km va mat 1 hr moi chiu. Tai xe co le chua bao gio den do nen khong biet duong di va toi phai dung Map.me de huong dan anh ta. Den 2;30pm thi den noi. Tai day co xe 4x4 de dua du khach di xem nhung da het cho va moi nguoi muon di phai tra $30. Vi het cho nen taxi dua nhom di vao safari xem. Ben ngoai van phong da co nhung con Rhinos va du khach dung chup hinh. O safari park nay co nhieu con thu khac nhau nhu: Banded Mongoose, Black- backed Jackal, Blue Wildbeest, Blesbuck, Blesbuck, Bushbuck, Bush Baby, Caracal, Dwarf Mongoose, Eland, Giraffe, Grey Duiker, Grey Mongoose, Hippo, Impala, Kudu, Large Spotted Genet, Myala, Oribi, Porcupine, Reedbuck, Slender, Mongroose, Vervet Monkey, Warthog, Water Mongoose, Waterbuck, White Rihno, White tailed Mongoose, Zebra.

Tai xe taxi cho chung toi vao park cung voi khoang 7 xe khac. Toi thay co nhieu thu khac tren duong di. Ben trong park nay co khoang 20 con duong de xe chay xem thu. Toi thay Rhinos, Giraffe, Impala, Warthog, Wildbeest, Mongoose va nhieu thu khac rat thu vi. Den 5:30pm chung toi roi park di ve du thuyen. Duong di mat khoang 1hr va tai xe chay rat nhanh. Den du thuyen. Toi lai di xe bus ra pho mac dau troi da toi vi du thuyen se khoi hanh luc 11pm. Toi di xe bus ra pho cho khong dam di bo vi khong an ninh. Xe bus ngung tai Shaka Marine World va toi xuong di bo trong khu nay khong dam di ra ngoai ve Security noi ra ngoai khong an ninh va ben trong co security. Den 9 gio toi thi tro ve thuyen.

That la mot ngay tuyet voi voi thu rung. Toi da chon dung de di de Safari Tala thay vi di den nhung noi trong thanh pho Durban nhu Catheral, Market, Museum…

Du thuyen roi Durban va phai mat 2 ngay moi den port ke tiep la Cape Town.

Ngay du thuyen ghe Durban co nhieu du khach lo ngai ve su an ninh o day. Co 2 du khach di bo tu du thuyen den Victoria Market bi ke la chi sung doi tien tren duong di. Tren duong pho Durban pho xa dieu dong cua khi troi bat dau toi lam thanh pho that vang lang dang so. Tu vu hold up nay toi lai nghe noi mot chuyen nua da xay ra o Cape Town cho du khach la du khach di tren xe bus cung cap boi du thuyen bi ke cam sung ban vao xe bus roi len xe bus cuop cua. Nuoc South Africa giau va khang trang hon cac nuoc lan can tuy nhien la nuoc mat an ninh nhat trong hon 10 nuoc ma du thuyen da di qua sau hon 1 thang. O Tanzania, Mozambique dan toc ngheo va dong duc nhung toi di tren duong vao cho chen chut ma toi khong thay nguy hiem gi ca ma toi cam thay quy dan toc o day vi su hien hoa va hieu khach cua ho. Nhu truong hop nguoi tai xa xe bus da cho chung toi den tram cuoi cung ma con di them mot buoc nua la dua chung toi den ferry ma toi dinh di thay vi de toi di bo. Toi co xin facebook cua anh chang nay va cung cho facebook cua toi cho anh. Toi dinh la se lien lac voi anh ta va neu co the toi se giup do anh ve tien bac.

Monday, November 21 at sea

Lecture: South Africa origins of Isolation:

In 1400s Portugal den day dinh cu tai Cape Town Cape Hope.1652 Dutch thanh lap co so o Cape Town. 1658 Slave duoc dem lai day. 1806 British bat dau chiem dong Cape Town. Colors Africans la nguoi mixed voi nguoi dia Phuong va Black la nguoi dia Phuong va nguoi Colors thi it bi ky thi hon blacks. 1652-1835 Au Chau bat dau den.1833 slaves bat dau bi cam. Tran chien o Blood Rivergiua Voortrekers va 15,000 Zulu. 600 Boers chiem 1000 of Zulu. British chiem mien Nam South Africa.

1867 kham pha kim Cuong o Kimberly va vang o Hohanesburg nam 1886. Black slave duoc mang vao de kham pha vang kim cuong. Kinh te bat dau phat trien.White capitalists and unskils. Su phat trien cua Black huong ve quoc gia.. 1899- 1902 cuoc chien giua British va Au Chau.22,000 British and 6000 Boers chet. 1930 Black bat dau rise.

Tuesday, November 22 at sea , Sunset at 7:30pm today and sunset at 5:30am tomorrow

Lecture1: How Intelligent you are. Cancelled due to lecturer got covid

Lecture 2: cape town to see: Tu Durban den Cape town co duong bien dai 950miles hay 1530km v adu thuyen di trong 3 ngay tu 11pm 11-20 den 8am ngay 11-23 moi den, nhu vay 950milse/60hrs= 15miles/hour.

Buy Hop on Hope Off: Gan port hay V and A Waterfront phai co gan nhat la African Art, Museum of Contempory, V and A Food Market, the Watershed, and Two Oceans Aquarium.Noi day co khoang 500 shops va 5 vien bao tang, Two ocean co aquarium, co Mocaa la vien bao tang lon nhat the gioi, watershed mall, university of Cape Town, Table mountain Aerial cableway to table mountain by taxi or hop on hop off, Canal Walk Shopping center, Heart Of cape town Museum. Robben Island ferry.10km, Unesco.

Xa hon la City Center:: la Central Business Districk:co Castle of good Hope, City Hall, Slave lodge, St George Catheral, Company’s garden, House of Parliament noi ma Tong Thong SA addresses to citizens., National Gallery, Mount Nelson Hotel., Ke den la Bo-Kaap voi colorful houses. Sau do la Districk SiX, noi day co Districk SIX… co museum.

Neu di bo len Table Mountain can 2.5 hrs. Hay di cable can 5”. Di Hop on Hop Off stop at Cable car. Kirstenbosch is walk Way around bonatical garden, 8 miles away.

Chapmans Peak Drive can take 2nd day on Thursday not Wensday bc road closed. Cape of Good Hope is th most south Western Point of the Afican Continent.. Simon’s town co African Penguins.

Robben Island la noi giam Nelson Mandela for 27 years.

Aquila Game Reserve co big 5.

Lecture 3: the rise and Fall of Apartheid: 1948 only white can vote.1948 to 1994 only white the same polical party. 70%!b(MISSING)lack, 20%!w(MISSING)hite.5,6M white. Probibition of Mixed marriages in 1949. Separated schooling. Bus black in back white is in front. Post office haves different entrance sfor black and whites.Black wqas excluded from offices 1950-1960. 1960 many protests happened and many were shot death.

Nelson burned his pastbook. Nelson was arrested 1964. Russia supported Black under ground figting to influence Africa. Current Russia influent to Africa is the same to day. Mendela trial 1964. Soviet try to involve Black to build communist community.

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