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April 9th 2006
Published: April 10th 2006
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We've finished day1. Its an incredible feeling: to be so elated on one hand and yet so reserved on the not to get excited with a big road ahead. I will work backwards from today. i finished 28k in under 5 hours. its not a great time but not bad either. the first 12k were the worst. like running on a sandy beach. then a few sand dunes; a mounatin to climb and a pack that felt like i must have put some concrete in it. but now im back at camp and already forgotten about the pain. tomorrow is longer with huge dunes.. dune day. should be a much slower day. the weather is kind...sort of. we had force 5 winds yesterdqy today which means sleepless nights; sand everywhere and a slower pace but it keeps it cool. now about camp. we are staying with a great group of brits.. plus will and carl: i feel very lucky to have them around. we have a no moaning rule which is hard to adhere to but essential. have word limit so this is it for me today. more tmrw. wed love to get messages.xx


10th April 2006

Day 1
It is great to hear you both are doing fine. As the emails you'll get from MDS 21 can attest to, I have been online all day grabbing at bits and pieces of information, loving the photographs and of course very very proud of you. Hope the wind is not a problem for you today. Rose, Kim and Butch all send you their Kudos. Kim is giving me a check tomarrow morning which I will deposit with the others. Carry On!!! Love, Mom
10th April 2006

Well Done Chaps!
Hi Guys, Well done on the first days running; good to hear spirits are up and it was a drama free day... Chat soon!
10th April 2006

Wow... can't believe you're there and really doing it. The sheer determanation you must have.Must be such a fantastic adventure. So proud of you guys. Keep up the good work! xo,Michelle
11th April 2006

love from nyc
Congrats on your progress! I am so proud of you all ... have been bragging about you to anyone and everyone who will listen. Big love from new york city. xoC
11th April 2006

So happy to hear of the successfull first day!! keep your spirits up. What an amazing chalenge this seems to be. Love you lots, Derek
11th April 2006

April 10
What a day girlfriend! I had lunch with Butch. He sent an email to Carl which I hope you'll read as well. He is abit taken back with the tempratures. I am still looking to the heavens each night and marvelously proud of you both. Love, Mom
11th April 2006

Hi, I am Aki and Hiroshii's friend and attended the 20th MDS last year. Just wanted to send a friendly tell you the truth I wish I was there again this year. Just remember Pain is only temporary and Glory is forever! Good luck for the rest of the was the best thing I had ever done! LH
11th April 2006

I am so proud of both of you it is such a great thing you are doing, it iwll change so many lives. I think you are both crazy for running in that heat, but I have all the admeration in the world for you both for doing something this wonderful
11th April 2006

Clover, Just a note to say that Maty Kayo, Sar and Suze, Steph, Erin and I all toasted you on Sunday. We are watching your progress daily and cheering you on the whole way! Sending lots of love and the best wishes for fleet feet. love to you Mere

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