Blogs from Tacna, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » Tacna » Tacna March 25th 2012

There was no dramatic change in the scenary when we crossed in to Peru. Still one huge desert devoid of life. Shortly after crossing the border we arrived in Tacna. Now this is a little more of what I was expecting from travel in South America. We knew going in that Chile and Argentina were much more developed and I thought by the time we made it to Peru I would be ready for the culture shock. Maybe I was more ready, but it sure didn´t feel like it as we exited the bus in Tacna to people yelling everywhere trying to sell you everything, mostly things you don´t want. And I stick out like a sore thumb so I was often the target of sales pitches. It was pure chaos and was a lot to ... read more
Eiffel fountain
View from Hostal

South America » Peru » Tacna » Tacna October 6th 2011

Well Peru, reading the first lines about our Peru-experience you might think it sucked! Read it to the end! We started early morning in Arica, lucky for us David joined our way up to the first town after the boarder, Tacna. Customs and the boarder went well, although it took ages to get it done. Arriving in Tacna we got the feeling that there is something wrong with the car, a couple meters later it got really hot and we stopped immediately! Water ran out, steam all over the place, in one word broken. David, who speaks Spanish, arranged a taxi which brought me (Nik) to a mechanic-workshop. Sabine stayed by the car meanwhile. The guy owning the workshop was supposed to tow us away; however he didn't feel a hurry! I had a really bad ... read more
Sabine goes Inca
Above Cusco

South America » Peru » Tacna June 25th 2011

We know it as cocaine. People in South America know it as coca. Although you can easily buy the white powdery stuff here if you go looking (and NO, I didn't!!!), the coca leaf is for sale more predominately, and legally. In fact, the current Bolivan president started out as a coca leaf farmer. People put a few leaves in their mouth and chew it for an hour or so. It is believed to help with altitude, is a mild stimulant and appetite suppressive. South American style caffeine. If you've been to Asia, it is this area's version of beetlenut. Although I have not been gnawing on dried leaves, I did try coca leaf tea, and found it to be quite good. I don't know if it helped with altitude or not. Don't send me any ... read more

South America » Peru » Tacna » Tacna October 12th 2010

This weekend my program crossed the northern border of Chile over into Peru. We had some lectures over health in Perú, and a lot of more hands on experience- for example, we went to a program of education and free HIV testing for pregnant women. Even though we were only an hour or so away from Arica, there were some obvious differences in culture and economic status from Chile. Also, the ever-present pancito (bread) was different and, in my gringa opinion, better because it was not the usual hallulla, but something that looked more like croissants or french bread. Peruanos speak slower than Chileans, a relief The center of Tacna, in the area of San Martin- where my hotel was- and Bolognesi, it is obvious that the Peruvian government puts a lot of money into making ... read more
Domingo Mobile Clinic
Niñas feeding pigeons
Pisco Sours :)

South America » Peru » Tacna » Tacna December 3rd 2009

Well, we arrived this morning in Tacna, Peru's most southern city. It's only about 40 miles from Arica but you have to pass through customs to get here. It was my first time going through customs on land (not including Canada when I was a kid and passports weren't required--does that make me sound old or what?!). I'm quickly falling in love with Peru. It has a very distinct feeling from Chile and even the people have a different look about them. I still feel comfortable though. We arrived at the bus station in Tacna after the driver of our colectivo, or taxi/bus, almost drove off the road about 20 times, hit a woman (well, more like nudged), and almost ran over a school bus full of kids--Peru started off stressful. But we got off the ... read more

South America » Peru » Tacna » Tacna October 30th 2008

Day 580 (29.10.08) Today we were headed further north and into Peru. However, before we could set foot on Peruvian soil we had to negotiate the slightly confusing method of crossing the border. We heard the best way to cross is with a Collectivo, essentially a shared taxi. We thought we'd be able to catch this all the way through the Tacna the border town just inside Peruvian lines but when we got to the collectivo depot we found we could only get as far as the Chilean border and then would have to find a taxi once we got to no-mans-land. Getting a little confused we jumped into a car driven by a young chap with a F1 style steering wheel who was to take us to the border. We got through to no-mans-land whereupon ... read more
Fruity fun at the boarder
Fruity fun at the boarder

South America » Peru » Tacna » Tacna September 11th 2008

Quick message with regards facebook: Those of you that are keeping in touch via the facebook link to this page may have noticed it hasn't been updated on my Profile Page. Apparently there is a minor problem with the new version of facebook. If you like you can "subscribe" on the mytb/stephenhenaghan page and you will automatically be sent an e-mail each time I update. I left you in suspense last time, wondering if we got a part-refund for the Machu Picchu trip. I'll cut to the chase and get straight to the update: Saturday 30th August continued So, we went back to the Tour Operators at 1830 as agreed and suprise suprise - they still have no money for us. We got WELL shirty and marched him down to the phones to ring his boss..........who ... read more
One of Arequipa's many Churches
Is that Tuna?
Peruvian Boobies

South America » Peru » Tacna » Tacna September 10th 2008

Sunday 31st August My last entry was Machu picchu and I explaind we had a few problems with our trip "Inkas golden" well they fobed us of the whole time we where there and the "Alfredo" never showed up again so we never got the bus money back. So whatever you do DO NOT BOOK WITH INKAS GOLDEN. After leaving Cuzco we went onto Arequipa. We took an overnight bus 12hrs with a company called "Cromotex" they where originally more expencive as the day we arrived in Cuzco we asked around and they quoted us 80soles, where as some companies quoted us 25soles, but we have been advised to avoied the cheapest companies as last mounth alone 18 busses went over the side of the mountain due to drivers falling asleep at the weel. Also highjacking ... read more
Peruvian special
Pisco Cathedral
Islas Ballastas

South America » Peru » Tacna » Tacna August 1st 2008

Am Freitag machten sich dann Burce und ich uns auf nach Tacna. Eigentlich wollten wir mit dem Zug fahren, allerdings waren keine Tickets mehr vorhanden. So sind wir dann mit einem Colectivo (Sammeltaxi) nach Tacna gefahren. Das Auto, man kann es sich fast nicht vorstellen, hatte 800.000! Km am Tacho, seit dem funktioniert er nicht mehr. Geschwindigkeitsanzeige bracht man auch nicht =) Das Auto war ueber 30 Jahre alt und hauptsache es faehrt. Einen Sicherheitsgurt zu benutzen - wer bracht das denn??? Also ich war echt froh als wir heil in der City ankammen. Tacna ist wirklich sehenswert, vor allem die Kathetrale und der Springbrunnnen (auch ein Werk von Eiffel) auf der Plaza sind echt schoen. Natuerlich mussten wir in ein Mueseum, war auch wirklich interessant. Einige alte Bilder von Tacna (diese Stast ist oft durch ... read more
Huette in der Wueste
La Plaza

South America » Peru » Tacna » Tacna June 8th 2008

Fizemos nossa primeira viagem durante o dia de Arequipa para Tacna, saimos as 7 e meia da manha e chagamos por volta das 13 horas em Tacna, a viagem foi confortavel, e as paisagens eram bem bonitas, na maioria das vezes desertos ou montanhas de areia vlcanica, tudo muito vermelho e alguns lugares com uma areia cinza em cima da terra vermelha. Ja era planejado que so passariamos por Tacna seguindo para Arica, no Chile direto. No meio da viagem ha como que um posto de inspecao para que nao passe nenhuma fruta para a cidade de Tacna, a unica no Peru livre da mosca das frutas, com isso minha macazinha do dia anterior que era uma delicia foi pro lixo num piscar de olhos... foi triste ... Seguimos viagem e em Tacna procuramos a doceria ... read more
Tortas Clarita
Tchau Peru!

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