Blogs from Arequipa, Peru, South America - page 105


South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 14th 2006

When we arrived in Arequipa we booked a 2 day tour to Colca Canyon, the second deepest canyon in the world, in the hope of seeing some Andean Condors. In Arequipa itself there was not really too much, just a nice plaza and some surrounding volcanoes to look at. We were picked up from our hotel the next morning to fins that a French school party were on the same tour, grrrrrr! The first day consisted of driving and urm... driving. We had a really old crappy bus and pretty much everything on the road was overtaking us. We were supposed to arrive in a village for lunch at 1.30 pm but didn't get there until 3.30 as the rench kids kept stopping to use the toilet (that's restroom for any Amercians reading ;P) By the ... read more
Condors flying high
Colca Canyon
Relaxing above the canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 13th 2006

After a 4am start and a 6hr bumpy bus ride we arrived at Cabonaconde in the Colca Canyon. Ruc Sacs were packed and we were ready to set off on our 3 day Jaunt into the second Deepest Canyon in the world(The deepest is just up the road but is not as good to look at). We had planned to be independant on this trip as the distances didnt seem that great. On the approach to the Canyon edge we were all ready shattered, we had only done 3K thou the mountain sun was burning down on us. We looked over the edge and thought "Nuts to that lets go back and hire a Mule" After asking round the village we knew we wouldn´t get out that day so we found a bed for the night. ... read more
Colca Canyon
Colca Canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa July 13th 2006

On our second day in La Paz (I believe this would be July 9, but don´t quote me on that, I´ve completely lost track of the days of the week let alone the date), Martina and I visited Tiawanaku, one of the most important pre-Columbian archaeological sites in Bolivia. The city was pre-Inca as well and had three temples- one below ground with heads carved from stone jutting out of the walls, one at ground level and one built on a hill top. Each represented a different level of the Tiawanaku cosmology- the underworld, this world and the heavens where the gods resided. It was a fascinating tour with a Bolivian guide who spoke English at a rapid fire pace leaving us to decipher what he was trying to say (at one point I thought he ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa July 13th 2006

Hi all. sorry for the delay. weve been really busy taking spanish classes from 10 to 2 every day and then exploring in arequipa in the afternoons. we both like arequipa very much. it, for one thing, is so much cleaner - at least in terms of the air and the streets - than lima. also it is sunny!! thank god I thought I was going to go nuts in the constant rain and gloom of lima's winter! It's also much more laid back and, of course, smaller and easier to navigate. The language course has been great. Four hours per day of talking in spanish wipes both of us out though. it's all one on one classes so you're constantly conversing. up to today most of it was review (though much needed review) of the ... read more
Cooking Class
Me and Carlos
Some fellow students

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa July 10th 2006

Here we are in Arequipa, deciding our next route. Should we go north or south? In the meantime, thought we´d play catch up and send a few photos on before we travel to the Colca Canyon for the next two days. Best wishes to all.... read more
Cusco central
Cusco street
Horseback ride

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa July 7th 2006

Our 10 hour train trip from Cusco to Puno was just great! You´d think 10 hours would be a long, long day but it was thoroughly enjoyable and the scenery was spectacular. Something like the wild,wild west. The train consisted of 3 cars for 1st class and 2 cars tourist class and an observation car with bar. Our seats were two big straight back comfy chairs set before a raised table for our lunch service and a great view from the wide windows to our left. We calculated we traveled the 250 miles at 25 miles per hour! The lunch was great. By the way, as the lunch appetizer, I chose the tomato soup, and Dennis ordered the roast alpaca. It was prepared as thinly sliced pieces of medium rare meat with a sweet potato puree. ... read more
Mtn view
the site

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 29th 2006

27/6/06 - 29/06/06 leaving my beloved Cuzco was also meant parting of ways for many of us that had been travellin together for a while. Elliot was making his way to Lima to catch a flight back to Canada. Alex (whom i´d been travelling with since Buenos Aires), was making his way down to Puno with Helen B qwand Simon (2 Brits), Nick left to Santiago for a flight to New Zealand, Dave headed up quickly to Ecuador for galapagos trip.... so 5 of us left, we caught a bus to Arequipa. The bus (company called CIAL), was luxurious by Peruvian standards, but someone must have forgot to check the airconditioning- i almost fried as the heat scorched through the vents by my side! arriving around 6am, we headed straight to our hostel- THE POINT. ... read more
canon Del Cocoa
do a little dance with the small people
nice little cicunia

South America » Peru » Arequipa June 25th 2006

The colonial city of Arequipa stands in pleasant valley about 1,000 km south-east of Lima. It is undisputedly the commercial centre of southern Peru, and its people are known to have a general resentment towards the capital, attempting at every opportunity to refute the belief that everything in Peru is run from Lima. Thus stories abound about how dirty, dangerous, uncultured e.t.c. the capital is, and the locals seemed delighted when I told them that I was planning only to view Lima’s bus station!! Chris, Matt and I spent our first day exploring Arequipa, and visited the “Museo Santuarios Andinos”, home to the so-called “Juanita” or “the ice maiden”. Juanita was discovered on the top of Mount Ampato near Arequipa in 1995 by Johan Reinhard. She is believed to have been aged between 12 and 14 ... read more
Andean Condor
Colca Canyon
Condors above the Canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 25th 2006

Arrived in Arequipa after sort of sleeping on the bus. But it is 6am so still tired. Get taxis straight to Point hostel and back to bed, can´t even move in time for the football at 9am. Get up again for lunch and go to a local place for the set lunch. Always a surprise in these places... Then walk into town and find a bar for the next footy game. I leave the boys to go see the ice mummy, a sacrificed girl that was found preserved in ice at the top of the local volcano. The ice preserved her but while the volcano is erupting the ice melts so some people went on a trek and found her and 3 others lower down less preserved. Pretty yuk really. Back to meet the boys for ... read more
Dinner entertainment
The canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 22nd 2006

With the help of a Belgian couple that we had met some days before on our trip to the ballestas islands, we planned a trip into the Cañon de Colca. For years there was raging controversy over whether or not this was the world´s deepest canyon about 3191 meter, but it has recently drawn in a close second to the neighbouring Canyon. the local people are known for their painstackingly decorated traditional clothing, especially the women´s clothes.Lonely planet We started our trip by shopping around in all the touragencies in Arequipa. Trips into the canyon is a big business and lots of tourist pay really amazingly a lot. We wanted to save a few bucks ( euhm, like 30 or 40) for the experience... We copied a topographic map of the area and we bought ... read more
view over the Colca Canyon
What´s Marco doing over there?
our shower with HOT water(!) in San Juan

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