Blogs from Arequipa, Peru, South America - page 106


South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 22nd 2006

Following our Inca experience we said farewell to Cusco and headed south for the City of Arequipa. After a tiring overnight bus journey we arrived in Peru's second largest city, and got straight into planning our next adventures. Arequipa as a city felt much less touristic than Cusco and without the constant hassle of street vendors allowed us to drop our guard a little. If you visit the likes of Cusco and Arequipa, you will notice that there are about twice as many taxis as residents and they all drive around in tiny yellow Daewoo´s that you can just about fit a suitcase in!! We were highly amused to run into "El Bad Boy!" (pictured). After familiarising ourselves with what the Arequipa had to offer we headed for one of the cities main attractions 'The Ice ... read more
Colca Canyon
Condor Overhead
The Locals

South America » Peru » Arequipa June 21st 2006

It had to happen sometime - I got my first fake 100 soles note this week, and from a damn ATM of all places. Put in a claim for a refund, but chances are pretty slim so have to consider it a write-off. There are so many bad notes and coins in Peru that no-one gets offended when you check every one you receive. Arrived in Arequipa, which is known as the 'white city' as a lot of the historical buildings are made of a light-coloured volcanic rock. Nice and cruisey place. Visited the Monasterio de Santa Catalina which is practically its own municipality of around 2 hectares - an idyllic sanctuary. A real rabbit warren of a place, with different treasures in every nook and cranny. Went to the Museo Santuarios Andinos to see the ... read more
Canadian mountie?
Out of Africa
Beware vicuñas

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 20th 2006

Left on an overnight bus to Arequipa after watching Enlgand win their group and line up the next game with Ecuador. Lets see just how many south-american teams we can play in this cup. Bring on a game with Argentina I say, but we might become Scottish to the locals. Anyway Isla and I divided each off with an Australian couple. Isla to Puno (and then very swiftly to Copacabana) and myself to Arequipa with hopes of seeing the worlds deepest canyon, condors and then catching up with her in a few days. Well its been four days and I think we are now in different coutries! But we'll meet again, just don't know where, and I guess not when. So for my part I arrived in Arequipa at 5am. Checked out this 'white city' which ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa June 19th 2006

Hallo ihr Alle in der grossen weiten Welt...... :-) Diesmal kommen die Gruesse aus dem Zentrum des peruanischen Suedens: aus dem sommerlich warmen Arequipa. Zuerst kurz etwas zu der Stadt selbst: Mit einer Lage auf nur 2350 m haben wir in Arequipa fuer einige Tage unser "tiefstgelegenes" Zuhause seit langem gefunden. Und wir naehern uns der Kueste: nur noch 70 km trennen uns von dieser - juhuuuuuu. Die 1540 gegruendete Stadt zaehlt mittlerweile ca.1 Million Einwohner und ist somit die zweitgroesste Stadt Perus. Das Klima ist eigentlich das ganze Jahr ueber angenehm warm (was wir natuerlich sehr geniessen) und auch die schoene Lage ihn einer fruchtbaren Flussosase, umgeben von den Vulkanen Misti (5822m), Chachani (6075m) und Pichu Pichu (5425m), sowie die wunderschoenen Altstadt mit dem bekannten Santa Catalina Kloster machen Arequipa z... read more
Farbenfrohes auf dem Markt
naechtliches Farbenspiel

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 19th 2006

Hallo ihr Lieben in der Grossen weiten Welt, hier ein paar Bilder fuer Euch aus dem Colca Tal in dem die Kondore leben und auf Terrassen Landwirtschaft betrieben wird. Saludos, Raphael... read more
Alpaca beim Tee
Raphael bei der Begruessung
Terrassen im Canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 16th 2006

The road along the South western side of Colca Canyon was built as part of the Majes Project by a team of engineers from Arequipa who came to improve access in the valley and to spend painstaking years cutting irrigation channels into the mountain sides to bring additional glacier water to the farming terraces. On the way we passed through Maca, a town littered with white ash from a volcanic explosion and where the road undulated like a rollercoaster thanks to the geological fault line which ran right through the town and which caused the land to rise and fall rapidly over recent years. Along the way our coach stopped at various Miradores or viewpoints where we could take in the spectacular valley and lush terraces. At one Miradore we saw the Choquetico Model Stone, a ... read more
Condor coming in to land...
Condor in flight...
Condor pow wow

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 15th 2006

A five hour coach ride ahead, we left Arequipa in the morning and past through several small towns where half built houses were spawling in the apparently tax free suburbs. Soon after the landscape immediately changed from parched rock to scrubland scattered with tall cacti. On our left in the distance was the beautiful snow capped peak of Ampato, the peak on which the mummy of "Juanita" was discovered having been sacrificed by the incas as an offering to the gods. In the foreground the rippled moutains were engraved with perfect contour lines like those found on OS maps. Our guide explained that the lines were part of the Sierra Verde Project set up by the president of Peru as an irrigation project to utilise the land but neither he nor the following two presidents have ... read more
Alpaca Suri
Little Peruvian girl with little a Goat

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 14th 2006

The journey to and from Colca Canyon was amazing! It has some of the most spectacular scenery i have ever seen and my photos certainly don´t do it justice! ... read more
Vicunas in the wild
Shopping on the way to Colca Canyon
Making new friends wherever we go!

South America » Peru » Arequipa June 14th 2006

The next leg of our journey began with a CIAL nightbus from Nazca to Arequipa. Despite the excitement of a Mercedes sleeper coach, it was virtually impossible to sleep due to the potholed hairpin roads and the slippery leather seats. As the sun rose on what was my birthday, we were sadly awoken to Jose Feliciano´s greatest love ballards and a sweaty ham sandwich! The Landscape outside however was fascinating with huge boulder strewn mountains bathed in the intense morning sunlight. As I peered outside, I couldn´t help but wonder if these type of rock formations were what gave inspiration for the huge geometrically separated construction techniques widely used by the ancient Andean civilations. On arrival in Arequipa and in the shadow of the three majestic volcanoes "Chachani", "Pichu Pichu" and the idelllic "El Misti", we ... read more
Arequipa main square by night...
El Misti....Live Volcano

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa June 13th 2006

Had a ball in Arequipa! Probably our favourite town in Peru!... read more
Lesa and I in Arequipa
Had to purchase Llama hats!
The Band playing ´Happy Birthday' to Kevin

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