Blogs from Arequipa, Peru, South America - page 104


South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa July 28th 2006

Arequipa and the vicinity were good to us for nearly three weeks, especially coming back from Puno, all that good oxygen in the air and a sun that actually seemed to warm things up... but it was time to be off. We needed to make it back to Lima before the Independence Holiday of the 28th of July. We´re told that during the days around the holiday prices double or triple on transportation and accomodation. Papou, who seems to be our guardian angel in Lima, has once again offered her home to us for the weekend. We arrived in Lima this morning after a 14 hour bus ride north. I can´t tell you how good it is to have a familiar, safe place to wash and relax after that. During our last days in Arequipa we ... read more
bus we took back from puno
a woman in traditional dress outside the puno bus station
campaign signs

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 22nd 2006

Hey everyone- I just arrived from my trip to Arequipa and the Colca Canyon. After a pretty tough ride home from Lake Titicaca I decided to take a flight. I could have either chosen a 10-12 hour ride on the bus or a 30 min. flight. It wasn't too hard to chose! I really loved Arequipa. There were several neat things to do and it had a unique European flavor. The plaza de armas and nearby buildings were all painted white. (a.k.a. "The White City"). The first day I visited an incredibly interesting museum featuring a well preserved mummy. Juanita, the Ice Princess, was a 12-14 year-old girl sacrificed by the Incas 500 years ago on the peak of a volcano. She was perfectly preserved, organs intact, by a large glacier that was later melted by ... read more
Road to Colca Canyon
Wild Vicuñas

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 21st 2006

I planned one morning in Puno to visit Lake Titicaca´s top attraction, the Islas Flotantes or Floating Islands; since the time of the Incas the Uros tribe has avoided confrontation by living on thick interwoven beds of totora reeds some distance from the lakeshore, from this amazing semi-edible plant they also make their homes and their boats. During the tour we were taken to two of the islands and were given free time to wonder around, the ground was very springy and it was quite difficult to shake the suspicion of an imminent collapse. My favorite snippet of information was that when one island was having a family feud the two opposing sides would simply chop the island in half and float their separate ways, quite a neat solution I thought. The islands must be quite ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 19th 2006

Arequipa is a very nice colonial city and we saw both highlights here. One of which is the Santa Catalina Convent - a city within a city. Located in the center of Arequipa, Santa Catalina is the pride of its townspeople, covering an area of more than 29,426 square meters. The nunnery was founded in 1580 and visitors have been able to stroll through the streets and cloisters since 1970. During colonial times the cloisters were a refuge of female nobility who had decided to shut themselves away from the world and dedicate themselves entirely to prayer. We took an hour long tour around the grounds and saw some really beautiful architecture and art. The pictures show the beautiful gardens and views of Volcano El Misti in the background. Whilst here we also saw the museum ... read more
Beautiful grounds...
Resting by the fountain

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 19th 2006

For the last three days we have been hiking around in Colca Canyon, near Arequipa. Colca is the second deepest canyon in the world, with the first deepest about 12 hours from here, apparently. After the bus ride to Colca, I think I´ll be skipping that one. The bus took 5 hours first stopping in Chivay and then continuing to Cabanaconde. Some of the road was paved. Before we left someone (Denise for those of you who know her) told us that on her honeymoon she and Alfredo went there and that she drove for half an hour on a flat tire without realizing it. I can now see how something like that can happen. By the time we reached Cabanaconde I had pretty much the worst headache ever. I couldn´t eat, and for me that´s ... read more
Me and the Canyon
Mud Hut Night 1
bamboo (?) hut night 2

South America » Peru » Arequipa July 19th 2006

Or maybe the first; depends on how you measure it. Either way the darn thing is over 3000 meters deep, which puts the Grand Canyon to shame. Of course, we never saw THAT part of the canyon- it takes more time and effort than we wanted to expend. What we saw was beautiful: rugged cliffs, crashing waterfalls and majestic peaks, but in no way did it match what we had imagined. Our tour began with a 6 hour bus ride to a town abover the canyon, followed by lunch and then a hike down. Martina and I were feeling good, despite our climb of El Misti the day before. The hike down, only about 1000 meters or so, took a little over three hours. We were clearly in better shape than the rest of the group, ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa July 15th 2006

First off, I owe Martina an apology- I had no idea that we´d be hiking El Misti at 1:30 in the morning in -7 degree celcius weather and her toes seem to be recovering quite nicely. But here´s the entire story. We were picked up by our guide, Roy, at 8:30 in the morning and Colca Trek, the company where we booked the tour came through as promised- they brought us sleeping bags, warm pants and a tent. There was only one other person on the trek, Nicholas from Quebec. We arrived at the base of the mountain (actually, a volcano that is active- you can smell the sulfur- but it hasn´t erupted in pver 1000 years) at 3400 meters and hiked up to our base camp at 4400 meters. Martina and I had no trouble, ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 15th 2006

In the space of a week we saw two amazing things: Colca Canyon (twice as deep as the grand canyon and second deepest on earth) and Lake Titicaca (the highest navigable lake in the world at over 4000m). We also saw the pretty town of Arrequipa, a fully intact Incan sacrifice and the dump called Puno! This leg of our journey started off great with a comfy 9 hour ride on the Cruz del Sur bed bus from Cusco to Arequipa complete with a J-lo video, bingo and willy wonka in Spanish! Arequipa is by far the nicest and prettiest town in Peru that we came across with really nice (and cheap) restaurants and bars. We are still searching for decent beer though! After all our Inca learning of the past weeks, we visited the ... read more
Arequipa Cathedral
Vicuña reserve
Two bubs

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