Blogs from Huaraz, Ancash, Peru, South America - page 5


South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz December 23rd 2010

Hola todos, depuis mon dernier post a Trujillo, pas mal de choses se sont deroulées. Tout d abord, du a un mauvais planning, j ai du resté une journée de plus a Trujillo, sans rien faire. Ce qui m a simplement permis de me faire refiler des faux billets par 2 petits enc.... de peruviens, genre sympas etc. On a bu des verres, on est sorti en "salsateca" et puis une petite manip de billets en rendant la monnaie et hop ! je me retrouve avec 150 sols que je vais devoir refiler a un gringo, ou en faire des pliages/collages/decoupages pour Noel. Bref, j ai pris un bus de nuit le dimanche soir direction Huaraz. J ai rencontré 2 francais qui allaient aussi a Huaraz, et qui s etaient aussi fait entuber, mais eux 400 ... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz » Huascaran National Park November 22nd 2010

Na weer vier weken vrijwilligerswerk gedaan te hebben besloten om maar weer eens wat meer van het land te gaan zien. Deb is druk met haar stage bezig en Thieu had zin om wat meer van de natuur hier te gaan bekijken. Gekozen is er voor een trekking in Huaraz. Huaraz is het trekking- en bergbeklimcentrum van Zuid-Amerika en de foto´s waren erg aantrekkelijk. In Cuzco gezocht naar welke trekking aantrekkelijk was en Thieu heeft vervolgens gekozen om de Santa Cruz trek te gaan lopen. Deze duurt 4 dagen en gaat tot een hoogte van 4750 meter. Tevens een lekker trainingkje voor de Inca trail. Vervolgens vanuit Cuzco geprobeerd te boeken bij een kantoortje in Huaraz maar natuurlijk verliep dat niet helemaal perfect. Op z´n Peruaans krijg je eerst info en dan vervlgens wordt het stil. ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz November 16th 2010

Chavin de Huantar je jedna z najvyznamnejsich a najstarsich pamiatok v Peru, svojho casu to bolo najvyznamnejsie nabozenske stredisko a jeho architektura ovplyvnila kultury v sirokom okoli, toto boli dovody pre ktore sme si navstevu tohto miesta nemohli nechat ujst. Chavin sa nachadza v malej dedinke a dostat sa tam moze byt problem, preto sme sa rozhodli zaplatit si vylet. Minibus pre 15 ludi nas vyzdvihol priamo pred nasim hotelom a vyrazili sme na 4 hodinovu cestu po dalsej zanedbanej ceste plnej dier, skal a zosuvov. Najzaujimavejsou castou celeho komplexu pre nas boli podzemne katakomby do ktorych sme mohli ist a ktore v minulosti sluzili na prevadzania nabozenskych obradov. Chavin je tiez znamy svojimi kamennymi hlavami a slavnym granitovym totemom - bohom. Vecer, po navrate, sme mali dost casu len na dobalenie poslednych veci a o ... read more
Chavin de Huantar
Chavin de Huantar
Chavin de Huantar

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz November 15th 2010

Uz vcera vecer sme sa rozhodli skusit prejst cely trek za 3 dni. Rano sme vstali naozaj skoro, v noci opat prsalo a steny stanu trocha premokli a hukot blizkeho vodopadu tiez nepomohol k pokojnemu, nicim nerusenemu spanku. O 7.30 sme uz boli na ceste a znova sme pokracovali nadhernou sirokou roklinou plnou pokojne sa pasucich koni, oslikov a krav. Minuli sme dve velke laguny - Ichiccocha a Jatuncocha s krystalovo cistou vodou, plnych popadanych vetvi, kacic a ryb. Udolie sa postupne zvazovalo dole a potocik Santa Cruz sa menil na divoku riecku. Postupne pripudalo miestnych obivatelov, ktory tu obrabali svoje policka, rybarcili alebo nas minali na ceste. Obidvaja sme sa zhodli, ze nase rozhodnutie spavit tento trek samy bolo spravne - na nikoho sme sa nemuseli viazat a naplnilo nas to prijemnym pocitom ze sme ... read more
laguna Ichiccocha
laguna Ichiccocha
laguna Ichiccocha

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz November 12th 2010

Autobus nam dneska z Casmy do Huarazu - nasej dalsej zastavky - isiel o 4.30, nas hostel bol nastastie blizko a celkom nam to ulahcilo ranne vstavanie. Den predtym sme si sikovne vybrali miesto hned za vodicom, kde byva vzdy vela miesta na nohy a tesili sme sa ako sa nebudeme tlacit. Autobus ktory prisiel bol vsak nieco ine ako sme ocakavali, bol to taky polovicny minibus a nase miesto bolo samozrejme to uplne najmensie. Dalsia mile prekvapenie bolo, ze tento autobus nemal kufor a tak nase veci putovali na strechu, hned vedla klietok so sliepkami. Dalsia "vyhoda" nasich miest bola, ze sme mohli sledovat nasich dvoch soferov priamo v akci a obcas bolo lepsie predstierat spanok. Nasi sofery brali celu jazdu ako velku srandu, cim blizsie ku kraju rokliny tym lepsie a oproti iduce auto ... read more
na ceste/on the way
na ceste/on the way

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz September 29th 2010

The bus from Cusco to Ayacucho was excruciatingly long. I left Cusco at 6:45am and didn’t arrive in Ayacucho until 4:40am the following day (this involved a change of bus in Andahuaylas). Ayacucho used to be at the centre of Peruvian tourism, as it’s a pretty colonial city with more churches than I could count. In the 1980s, it was the focal point of the bloody war between the left wing Marxist group Sendero Luminoso and the government, with locals caught in the firing line. But despite the area being politically stable once again, it’s still relatively quiet and off the beaten track, even though it’s midway between Lima and Cusco. I only spent a day in the city, which was enough to explore it thoroughly enough, before catching another night bus to my next ... read more
One of the many churches in the city
Another church

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz September 27th 2010

Tahlei Altitude is a bitch. Climbing stairs makes you feel like an overweight smoker. Shampoo, sunscreen, moisturiser - everything erupts in a messy reminder that the air pressure has changed. And that change in air pressure is probably to blame for the stomach problems we all suffered after taking an overnight bus from sea level to 3,000 metres. But with such heights comes the potential for exciting descents! Whether on a mountain bike or a sandboard, we have had some of these exciting descents lately. We arrived in Huaraz, the capital of the Cordillera Blanca, home to something like 23 snow-capped peaks higher than 5,000 metres, and the hulking Huascarán, Peru's highest peak at 6,768 metres. No matter how comfortable the bus, so overnight journey is going to be enjoyable. We emerged bleary-eyed and exhausted into ... read more
ready for action
Our route

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz September 18th 2010

Nous avons pris un autobus de nuit pour se rendre à Huaraz. C'est une ville qui est à seulement 400 kilomètres de Lima, mais puisque ça monte dans les montagnes, le trajet prend 8h! On s'est donc confortablement installé dans la section VIP de notre autobus, ou Phil nous avait réservé des sièges. On avait des bancs qui se penchaient beaucoup, et un petit support pour nos jambes style Lazy-Boy. Ça s'annonçait bien côté confort. Le trajet a bien été, mais on a été vraiment brassés un moment donné. On sentait que l'autobus montait en zigzaguant... ayayaye! Je jetais souvent un coup d'oeil à Phil pour voir s'il était correct, il semblait ok. À notre arrivée par contre, mettons qu'il était temps qu'on arrive. Phil était blanc-vert. La combinaison "trajet zigzaguant" + "passons de l'altitude 0 ... read more
The au coca
Vue de la terrasse
1re randonnee

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz » Huascaran National Park September 13th 2010

Awesome Fun for a Sore Arse It had been a restless night’s sleep. Some kind of fiesta was happening because the BANG of bottle rockets had carried on well past midnight, as had the howling of the city’s many dogs. Then, just as it seemed the city had finally gone to sleep, the roosters started up. Whoever said that roosters crow at dawn is full of shit because these cocks started up long before the grey light of pre-dawn. We were picked up by the tour company’s shuttle bus at 6AM. The Boss and I had moved our bags into Kyle and Tahlei’s room and left the keys and a note explaining that we had checked out but would be back to pay that evening. The guy who booked our tour told us that, for $50 ... read more
Photo 3
The Glacial Lakes
Photo 5

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz September 12th 2010

Huanchaco to Trujillo Our last day in Huanchaco was spent for the most part in bed. Kyle enjoyed his birthday so much that he couldn’t be vertical until 7 PM. We went for dinner and then had a few beers at the hostel before going out for an evening of reggae. The locals described it as “the only thing in Huaraz worth going out for” and it happens every Friday at a bar that is quite literally on the beach. Thongs and shorts were more than dressy enough and we stood on the sand, having a beer and enjoying a band consisting of at least 8 members, including two singers (one of whom wore a black jacket with green, yellow and red piping and a big picture of Bob Marley on the back, just so the ... read more

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