Blogs from Ecuador, South America - page 619


South America » Ecuador » North » Quito June 29th 2006

Hola!!! After starting out at 4am (uk) we eventually gt to Quito some 18.5 hours later. Admittedly can´t really tell you much about that first night as we went to bed 2 hours later (8pm in Ecuador)! After Russia it seems to get dark so early (about 7pm). It´s very weird to think that we´re on the Equator. The weather is gorgeous - hot in the sun and cool in the shade - although the sun is intense. Haven´t noticed the altitude too much - a little when we were doing salsa... but not too much. After nearly being sent two hours north to track Andean Bears with the voluntary organisation... we sorted out the right work - with the kiddies in Quito. We also had a 3hr Spanish lesson and a salsa lesson. Ahh - ... read more
On Independence Square again
Another Church in Quito
Our Home in Quito

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga June 29th 2006

I´m a bit behind in writing about what I´ve been doing so I´ve attached lots of pictures of my trip to Quilotoa. I travelled from Quito to Latacunga, which was another exciting bus adventure. No movies this time! I arrived in Latacunga Tuesday afternoon. As I was sitting on the roof terrace of my hotel looking at Cotopaxi volcano I decided to take a trip the next day to Quilotoa crater. A group from the hotel were going and there was another place free and it seemed a better option than local buses, the back of pick up trucks and walking three hours on a dirt road. When we left Wednesday morning it was raining and I did not expect that the day was going to be all that good, but as we drove up higher ... read more
On the edge
At the top

South America » Ecuador June 29th 2006

Our next trail today we came up the matapalo. It is a strangler fig. Its vines wrap around another tree and ‘strangles’ it until it kills it. Then the vines surround the tree. The tree finally decomposes and the vines become a new tree. We got to go inside the matapalo. Later in the day a few of us asked Ima to show us some of the things the Huaorani use in the jungle. He took us out in the jungle and then grabbed a vine and rolled it into a circle. He used the vine around his ankles for leverage as he climbed the tree. He climbed really far up. We each then attempted to climb the tree. He made it look really easy. It was not. Then Ima taught us how to use the ... read more
Me inside the Matapalo
Ima Climbing the Tree

South America » Ecuador » West » Guayaquil June 29th 2006

i don´t know what´s wrong with the pictures, but I´ll try and figure it out´s late now! WEDNESDAY (6-28) Since I went to the finca today, I didn´t get to teach. But I had a great time at the farm and this time I didn´t get any mosquito bites! The cherries have ripened and are ready to eat, and believe me I couldn´t stop! The oranges were a bit tart, though every orange that I peeled I ended up feeding to the dogs. Those poor little things! I could count their ribs. Since I have Hotdog now (and I definitely know he´s not starving) I don´t really consider it weird for dogs to eat fruits and vegetables. Though it is very different. That´s how all the dogs are here. Lonely wandering the streets, starving, abandoned, ... read more
La Finca Hormiga

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito June 28th 2006

Howdy Yáll, Sayard and I are in Quito, Ecuador. And at 120,000 inches of altitude, the first couple of days were exhausting. And you can forget about hard boiled eggs around here unless you have a lot of time on your hands. I mentioned the Cabalgattos in my last posting. It is a great example for examining the differences in liability laws between Colombia and the U.S.A. Imagine if you can, taking 10 people who have never or almost never ridden horses and setting them upon mostly well behaved steeds without the option of a helmet. Then take them galloping down country roads used by vehicles. Top that by making destination points bars and there you have it. Ten drunk gringos galloping through Colombian villages! Erik´s wedding was on Saturday. It was held at the former ... read more
Parking at the bar.

South America » Ecuador June 28th 2006

Our second full day at Tiputini we started our day with yet another hike. After lunch I got to go on up into the canopy. They have a large tower that then has bridges that connect to trees. You can walk from tree to tree where there are platforms. It was really high up and had a great view. We had to put on harnesses that connected to wires just in case something bad happened. There was a ladder on one of the platforms and you could go even further up. Before I had a chance to go up it started pouring rain and it didn’t seem very safe so I didn’t get to. ... read more
View from Canopy Walk
Bridge to Next Platform
Nancy climbing the Ladder

South America » Ecuador » West » Guayaquil June 27th 2006

I know how excited you all must be to see that I have written yet another blog in such a short amount of time. The past two days have been super amounts of fun, though it´s not even 8 o´clock and I´m pooped. My eye lids are gaining pounds by the second, so I´ll hurry and tell you about the past two exciting days. Starting, of course, with Yesterday. MONDAY (6-26) During school today I taught my babies in K-class and later in the morning went upstairs to teach the sixth graders. It was a fun morning and the kids are just wonderful here. It´s so much fun talking with them, even if I have to tell them to slow down or be more clearer with their pronounciation. Practice makes perfect, and believe me these kids ... read more
For Tina
Across the Lake

South America » Ecuador June 27th 2006

Today we were split into four groups. Each group was given a guide and went on a trail every morning. The hikes usually lasted 3 hours except on the first day one of the groups went on their hike and discovered their trail had been swallowed by the river and had to wade through thigh high water. Needless to say, they decided to change the trail and none of the other groups took that. None of the guides spoke English (or about as good as I spoke Spanish which is to say not at all) so each group had to have a translator. Luckily for our group we had a couple who were there are vacation and one of them was a Spanish teacher! The other groups got by. Our guide’s name was Ima. Ima is ... read more
Butress roots

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito June 27th 2006

I arrived in Quito Saturday night. It is a lot bigger than I expected. Looking down from the plane it was beautiful to see the lights of the city spread out up and down the hillsides. After some confusion I made it to my hotel. I was getting picked up at the airport and I was searching for the person holding the sign with my name. Finally I realised that the sign saying Kelie Vraele was me. That is how my name translates from spoken to written in Spanish. On Sunday morning I woke up very early (no more sleeping in!) and with my guidebook in my pack, headed to the Old City. Quito is divided into the Old City in the south and the New City in the north. The Old City is listed as ... read more

South America » Ecuador June 26th 2006

Today we left for Tiputini in the Amazon. First we got on a plane and flew to Coca. Coca is a town in Ecuador that serves as the base for trips into the Amazon. It is kind of a run down city but we weren’t there for long. When we arrived in the ‘airport’, all the girls were given roses. Ecuador is known for their roses and all over the highlands there were greenhouses of them. Our prof (David) had said that if we were going to get malaria this is where we would get it and since I did not take the medication I kept all my body covered despite it being hot out. We took a bus to the Napo River and boarded a boat. It was just a long boat with lawn chairs ... read more
Napo River Boat
Napo River

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