Blogs from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America - page 231


South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro September 27th 2005

10pm issupposed to be sunnt and happy right? bollocks! haha nothe happy part is right, meeting some GREAT people in the hostel, bob a 60 year old manchester lad and i are mates, were getting spanish lessons from antonio from madrid, hanging with an identical matt hayden twin tristian from perth, undertook a chili eating contest and ended up crying like a baby... etc etc but we cant leave the hostel! theres terential rain outside, so were doing as much as we can to amuse ourselves. Ive started (40% thru) motorcycle diaries by Che Guevera... matts reading angels and demons... playing guess who, trivial persuit and a card game called spinch. yay! thats about it. as soon as the clouds clear and the sun comes out were gonna hop strait to it andsee sugar loaf, ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande September 26th 2005

Hoping for sun? We should be so lucky!! Arrived in Ihla Grande after a two hour bus journey and about an hour on a little ferry boat. As we approached the island, we hoped that the clouds hanging above the mountain tops would soon disperse. Unfortunately at day break, these materialised into another downpour. Not to be put off, we hired kayaks and set off to a beach around the headland from the main port. This was good fun, and needed good balance to stop our lunch and me sliding into the drink! The beach was almost deserted, but we did notice a Robinson Crusoe type sitting on a swing hanging from a tree... chill out man! We went for a swim after lunch then decided to head back as it was chilling off again. A ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro September 25th 2005

just seeing if this works. today we walke the beaches from copa to ipenema. we saw a surf comp, and havnt been robbed, but were keeping our fingers crossed. some of the peaks are unbelievable, cant wait to see the view from the top- gotta wait for a clear day tho. VIVA!... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro September 22nd 2005

Our first few days in Rio did not happen quite as we had imagined. Lying on sunny beaches has had to be postponed for a bit. The clouds and drizzle have not stopped us seeing the Statue of Christ (amazing views all round on the one clear afternoon!) , Sugar Loaf mountain, the Botanical gardens and meeting up with Chris (J´s cousin..ish) and his family. We enjoyed taking the rickety tram up to Santa Teresa. This is an area full of quirky streets with the occasional cafe and souvenir shop. Great view of Rio and the favellas. Have decided to take a trip down to Ihla Grande, which is an island off the coast two hours south of Rio. Hoping for some sun! ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro September 20th 2005

And they´re off!! The start to our trip didn´t go quite as planned, but turned out really well for us. We turned up at Heathrow with all our bags ready to check in and were offered 405 pounds each to take the next days flight. This was too good to pass up, so we found ourselves spending our first night not in a hostel, but in the Heathrow Hilton! This meant an extra day hanging around the airport, but the free food, the indoor pool and the cash did compensate! The flight was fine, apart from being separated. Some couples might think that a blessing... not us! We changed at Sao Paulo and landed in Rio at 08:00am on the 20th. My cousin (mums cousin) picked us up and took us to our Hostel where we ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro September 12th 2005

Our visit saw us strolling down the promenade in Copacabana, frequenting the restaurants of the rich & famous in Ipanema, marvelling at the statue of Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado mountain and even more at the view from there of the city of Rio unfolding below you. A trip up Sugar Loaf mountain and a ferry to Niteroi (where Pete's grandparents lived in the early 1900's) completed our whistle stop tour of Rio. Samba lessons will have to wait until next time! Then on to Iguazu (2hr flight from Rio) - calling these a waterfall sells them very short. Cataracts, 3 km long or wide(?) with 4 million cubic metres of water per second cascading over with amazing force - you just have to see this (& feel it) to believe it! Now off to Argentina ... read more
Copacabana ... The Christ in the clouds
Copacabana ... here we are!
Rio ... The Christ on high

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande September 12th 2005

Today we took Ben and Rich to the pool. From there we heard about an aquaduct which we explored then decided to try and find the water fall we heard about just a short walk away.(5 hrs later!) The trek involved near vertical hiking up and down, climbing over big boulders (didn´t see the path at the side!) When we eventually got there after getting lost in the middle of this massive jungle it was good. Rained just as we got out of the jungle. Met a group of 6 english lads who asked us the way and told them to come back another day. Chilled out for the evening. Going back to Rio tomorrow to go way south. 20 hours on a bus!... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande September 11th 2005

After breakfast, and making our own rolls for lunch, he he, we went for a walk to find a fresh water pool we had been told about. It was about a 20min. walk along the sea front. Found it. It was freezing and sucluded really pretty. Then we found a little beach below the pool and stayed there for the day. It had another pool which was bigger but just as cold! Andy adopted one of the many stray dogs for the day. She was so cute and even followed him into the water. That night we had dinner and met up with Ben and Rich and went to a bar full of locals where they were all brazillian dancing. Kinda cool. We all tried to join in a little. I (mel) even got to have ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande September 10th 2005

We have had bad weather since we got here but we kept an eye on the forcast. So when we got to Ilha Grande (an island just south of Rio) we had red hot weather! It is a beautiful tropical island covered in jungle and beaches. This morning we started walking up a massive hill/mountain (the island is one big lump of jungly rock) to get to Lopes Mendes beach which is a 2.5hours walk. After 20mins of sweat and achy legs we gave in and turned back to take the east route on the boat. (we weren´t even going in the right direction anyway!) Jumped on a small boat for an hour to take us round the island. When we got there we were disappointed. It was a nice beach but not in the top ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande September 9th 2005

So we´ve finally left Rio (I am pleased!Mel) Jumped on a local bus for an hour, nightmare so bumpy!!!!! Navigated our way through the main bus terminal (Rodivaira) and onto a bus to Angra Dos Reis.(2.5hrs) We then got the ferry (1.30hrs) to paradise! I did not enjoy the ferry. Found a pousada (B&B) 6 quid a night each! Just chilled out and sussed out Villa de Abroaa the shops, and few bars. It is a small town, one main street. Tomorrow going to one of the top ten beaches in the world. Lopes Mendes.... read more

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