Blogs from Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, South America - page 8


The first major construction project is officially underway. The men's team spent the last 2 days building a porch at the Poza Verde mission house. This will be used primarily for outdoor meetings, bible study and general socializing. Due to late night "hunting" the guys team was a little more tired than entirely necessary and were therefore famished and a little grumpy when they arrived back at camp. Ok, so I'm exaggerating Gary went hunting, Gary was famished and Gary was grumpy! Just kidding Gary! By the way, there is supposedly no animals in Bolivia...I believe that someone needs to brush up on their hunting skills. Anyway, we had another wonderful meal by Sindi, had a team meeting to discuss the days events, went to the playground to check out the stars, and then called it ... read more

I'm sure you are wondering about the out-house and I promise to get to that point eventually... The day started with a gorgeous sunrise and coffee. It was just chilly enough to require a light jacket. The team met up in the general dining room for breakfast, which was amazing...thanks Sindi! A few of us cleaned up a bit and then made sandwiches to have at today's destination...Puesto Paz. So, today 13 of us had only 1 truck to get to our location, so guess what is not illegal in Bolivia...7 people riding in the bed of the truck. See that wasn't nearly as funny to you because you do not realize that the red dust is like baby powder and winter time in Bolivia means windy time in Bolivia. Put that together and what do ... read more
Bad Spray tans for all!

Although the excitement has steadily risen throughout the journey, this is one group of tired folks. We did not have a very smooth trip from Miami to La Paz due to a thunderstorm and American Airlines concrete seats. Many of which did not recline, poor Brenda and Cheryl! Our host team brought coffee and homemade cinnamon buns to the airport and we did a little breakfast tailgate. It was super sweet of them and we all felt very welcomed and appreciated. Next was loading the van with 20 big deal whatsoever if you compare it to the 2 hour drive on narrow dirt roads that came next. No bueno! Check out the pics! On to lunch and then Poza Verde!... read more
Dang that's a lot of bags!
At the ATL Airport
Sweet Ride!

Early in the morning Jaime drove us to the airport in Sucre - we were headed to the city of Santa Cruz (and nearly back to sea level at only 417 meters) where we planned on catching up with another member of the Argandona family, Rodrigo, before leaving Bolivia enroute for Paraguay and the Iguazu Falls. Unfortunately we found that our flight had been rescheduled and we had a four and half hour wait before departure though we managed to fill the time at the café and online, though the internet signal was very erratic. We had loved our time in the ‘White City’ and really appreciated how well our new ‘family’ had looked after us. The flight to Santa Cruz was brief, a mere 25 minutes, and a taxi took us to a hostel in ... read more
Feeding pigeons in front of the Cathedral on the main plaza
Bolivian colour

This will be our last post from Bolivia – for this trip at least. There is every chance there will be more. Not because there is necessarily a lot more that we would want to see but because what is here is special and it could easily deserve a second or a much longer look. The people are a primary part of the attraction. Some of them have copped much, much more than their share over many generations. Hangovers of old, silly decisions by their previous rulers are still everywhere, particularly in the daily garb of many Indigenous women, but in a nice twist, they now seem to wear those outfits proudly as a badge of their heritage. The cities have an appeal, although they are not up there with the greatest examples of old Spanish ... read more
washing day
South port Isla del Sol
Pet toucan

So Fee and I decided that it was time to leave Sucre and head into the country side before she made her way back to Australia and I headed up to La Paz a bit dirty city. After being advised against the 14 hour bus ride that is extremely dangerous we opted for the plane which only took 25 minutes and was the equivalent of $60 NZ a no brainer really! Unfortunately the night before I got excited and ate a hamburger which made me regret it all night and all the following day! So I wasn´t much company our first night in Santa Cruz but as always Fee was wonderful and patient! Santa Cruz didn´t really feel like Bolivia at all there were no Cholitas (the indigenous Bolivians) anywhere to be seen it could have ... read more

After crossing the border from Brazil into Bolivia, we took an old train to Santa Cruz, the most modern city in Bolivia. We met some cool people from Vancouver, Wash. DC, and London and left town after a few hours to the mountain village of Samaipata. The scenery was stunning on the way up there. Thick lush green jungle clinging to steep cliffs carved out by waterfalls and rivers red from the crimson earth of Eastern Bolivia. The ride was a bit scary, passing trucks at high speeds on muddy roads with 100 ft cliffs everywhere. We stayed at the first hotel we could find as it was pouring and it only cost US 2 dollars. The rain kept us indoors so we went to a small family restaurant and ordered beers and played cards for ... read more
living quarters
under the falls

Chers lecteurs, entre vous et moi, qu'y a-t-il de plus agréable qu'une marche dans la jungle? Hein? ... Mais bien sûre... TOUT!! :S C'est dans les environs de Samaipata que se trouvent, entre autre, d'un côté le Parc Amboro, de l'autre une forêt remplie de fougères géantes. Oui oui, fougères géantes. C'est avec les mollets encore courbaturés dû à notre expédition au Cratère de Sucre d'il y a quelque jours que mon ami et moi partons seuls avec un guide (Carmelo, exceptionnel, il faut le dire) pour un deux jours dans ce qui s'apparente être, quoi que officiellement ça ne l'est pas tout à fait, la jungle.. Alors on débute tranquille, sur un petit chemin longeant un Hôtel de luxe, pour s'enfoncer de plus en plus dans la brousse, et terminer carrément à se frayer tant ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Santa Cruz February 22nd 2011

Hola! I am writing to you from Los Tajibos Hotel, one of the most beautiful and relaxing places on earth! I am so lucky to be staying here for about a week. This is the first time i've had a real vacation all by myself in my adult life. I'm taking my time here in Santa Cruz to relax and plan for what is ahead.. which is a whole lot of traveling! Santa Cruz is a tropical city in Bolivia, and it is where I was born 20 years ago. I am mainly here to reconnect with family members that I haven't seen in 4 years. I realized a lot has changed since my last visit, namely that there are 3 new additions to the extended family, and that my nieces and nephews (2nd cousins by ... read more
Rainbow from my room window
Sun is setting over the pool

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Samaipata February 15th 2011

Depuis Sucre, nous avons pris un autobus direction Santa Cruz, mais qui en chemin, arrêtait au environ de 4h30 du matin, à côté d'un petit village nommé Samaipata. C'est là que, pour une petite poignée de touristes, moi incluse, la course se terminait. Dans les environs de Santa Cruz, mais plus près encore du village de Samaipata, se trouve le parc National Amboro dont nous désirions fouler le sol. Ayant entendu que du mauvais concernant la grosse ville de Santa Cruz, et ayant, heureusement, rencontré des voyageurs qui eux étaient passés par Samaipata et n'en avait gardé qu'un bon souvenir, nous avons opté pour cette dernière option. Ce fût là une bonne décision. Samaipata est petit et agréable. Nous avons séjournée à l'hostel Vargas, modeste et peu cher, où, Thérèse, la propriétaire, est plus que sympathique. ... read more
hmm je jouerais bien dans les câbles électriques..
Là tu parles!
Ne pas reproduire à la maison!

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