Blogs from La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America - page 233


South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz August 18th 2005

For those thinking of doing the death road biking trip, check the end of this blog for helpful (I hope) advice! Well our plans are never quite set in stone are they? Our plans for La Paz have proved no different to any others - We planned 5-10 days of Spanish lessons here, but the fact that I got explosive diahorrea and vomiting from some really bad (well, it was good...) street food put us off that for a couple of days, and then Laura came down with something. Also the altitude here is sickening, and not fun to move around too much, coupled with the fact that La Paz is terribly polluted (something to do with the mountains trapping in all the bad stuff - ask Tim or Lucy about it, they're bound to know)... ... read more
I´m going to make you into slippers
Too tough for slippers... burgermeat oh yeah!
laura and a llama

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz August 14th 2005

We arrived in La Paz really early in the morning so intended to climb into a hostel bed, not as easy as it sounds. For anyone arriving in La Paz early in the morning be warned most of the hostels are closed! You can buzz for as long as you like but they will not answer the door! And by early i mean 6am! But we eventually found a place and just crashed out untill mid afternoon, cama buses arnt as comfy as everyone would like you to think! We spent much of the afternoon just wandering around, it took us a while to find anywhere on the map because the lp guide map sucks! But just wandering was good enough for us. Everywhere you look you can see huge mountains towering over the city, with ... read more
Backdrop to La Paz

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz August 11th 2005

its damn green out there... read more

i should try to keep up to date on these blogs because once again i am writing from memory. Arriving in copacabana was like going back in to the tourist world. after spending so much time in Bolivia where there aren't a lot of tourist, well some backpacker type tourists and tourists in la Paz, copa was a reminder of what i would be seeing in peru. there were a lot of tourists, backpackers and "regular" tourist. i.e. people who are traveling for a few weeks and can afford to stay in nice places. not that i have stayed in bad places, and copa was a cheap place to stay. yo could get a room for about $1.25 per night. i sprung and got a nice one with private bath for $3 a night. i am ... read more
isla del sol
church 1

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Coroico August 2nd 2005

oh, if you are getting one of these emails for the first time, it means i met you traveling and i finally found your email. hope your travels are going smoothly. you can check out some of the other blogs of mine, chances are there is a picture or two of you there. I left La Paz on Saturday (I think) and headed for Coroico. On the way I met Austin (powers) from Norway, now he travels the right way - see the pictures and you will find out what i mean. Coroico is a little Eden. Warm, green and at an elevation of 1600 meters (about 5000 feet) is a relief from la paz. the first night stayed in a hostal run by a french couple, food was good, the beds weren't. So Austin and ... read more
death road 2
coroico 2

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz July 23rd 2005

I arrived in LA Paz on Saturday night from Cochabamba. Forgot how fun it is to try to breathe at an altitude over 10,000 feet. Met up with Paddy and Suzi From Ireland at a bar they work at. this is the fourth time i have seen them, the first time was in Bariloche, Argentina. I´m sure this won´t be the last time. Also ran into Gary and james from Sucre, probably won{t be the last time for them either. oh before i forget, if you want to see full size pics or down them click here FOTOS On Monday Paddy and I did the Death road bike trip. We did it with Madness mountain biking. The trip starts at over 14,000 feet and drops to about 4500 feet more or less. The trip cost a ... read more
paddy and me
the bikes

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz July 20th 2005

So we, my friend Steven and I (a partner on the project) arrived in La paz on the 15th. At 13,000 feet we were obviously light headed and tired after five connections. We went through Costa Rica, Ecuador (Quito and Guayaquil), Lima, Peru and then finally arrived in La Paz. It was super cold and we were super tired. We stayed with Ramon´s Aunt Martha at her apartment. For those of you who don´t know he is another partner on the project. La Paz was nice enough but it literally took us until Tuesday to feel normal. The headaches associated with an altitude like this were really aweful. Plus not being acclimated you would be winded from walking just one block. Also since La Paz lies in a valley everything is up one hil down the ... read more

- FOOD: Dark choc Toblerone - mmmmmmmm. Very good trout dinner. Mexican but just not as good as home. Lovely Chiflay cocktails once more. - PEOPLE: Crazy (or just plain drunk) bus driver, bloody stubborn ridiculous tourists who haven't learnt the South American laid back way of life very well. - AREA: The maddest bus journey yet to small tourist town Copacabana. Ferry across Lake Titicaca to Isla del Sol - another Inca paradise. Beautiful views from the cemetry at Cerro Calvario. Virgen de Copacabana dressed up doll (that is very important!) - WEATHER: Hot at high, high altitude Sun 17th: I caught a bus to Copacabana - supposedly a nice quick 3 hour journey. 6 hours later, after spending most of the time wondering if the driver was very new or drunk, we arrived in ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz July 15th 2005

- FOOD: Saltena - yeah! Almuerzo of quinoa soup, chicken with pumpkin, banana and rum desert - typical Bolivian nosh at it's best. - AREA: Bolivian shower shock once more! Coca museum. Streets that had definitely seen a big party after Independence Day celebrations. World's (2nd) Most Dangerous Road - from mountain to jungle on a mountain bike. - PEOPLE: Very calm and surprisingly undemonstrative - until the parties for La Paz's Independence Day began! New York prisoner. - WEATHER: Cold in the world's highest capital city (3,500m) but hot in the jungle. Fri 15th July: It felt strange being back to basics again and having to speak Spanish and make my own decisions! Luckily I met 2 girls in the queue at the airport as I didn't much fancy the idea of getting a taxi ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz July 10th 2005

On the bus, I shall be mainly eating fruit. I wanted to buy three bananas (quite a few anyway, right?) but to make the price up to 1 boliviano (15 to the pound) I had to get seven. Ditto with the oranges. I shall be listening to Cold Play, Green Day (American Idiot), FF live at Glastonbury, the BEPs, and a compilation CD with Foo Fighters´"Best of You", which had been sending me wild when it came up on Xfm before I left. So good. I have a blanket too. A fetching grey with lime green flecks, it is. Bring this journey on! Sorry, just wasting time (yeah yeah, I hate waste, I know) before meeting the lazy ones for lunch.... read more

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