Blogs from San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina, South America - page 69


the lake district is on the west side of southern argentina. in the winter it doubles up as a ski resort. it puts our lake district to shame.... read more
Punta Panoramica
Llao Llao
Llao Llao

here are some from the 2 days track we did, we climbed the catedral and saw the "frey" which is a pretty lagune... read more

we are now in bariloche but the pictures are from pucon. some pictures are from bariloche and around, some are of a one day track we did but most of them are from pucon.... read more
the view
on the top

Wiehnachte han ich in Bariloche in de Bärge (sogar im Schnee! - wie sichs ghört) verbrocht. Bariloche isch öbe 1700 km südlich vo Córdoba in de Ande und treit au dr Name "Argentinischi Schwiz". Näbe Bärge und See-e isch Bariloche bsunders bekannt für sini 12 Schoggifabrike und hunderte vo Schoggiläde, Käsfondue und als (nur Winter-) Schigebiet. Näbebi isch dört au alles e bitz türer als sunscht in Argentinie - als so ganz swiss-lig. D Idee vo Wiehnachte in de Bärge isch aber eigentlig vo dr Carmen cho. D Carmen isch vo Bremen und macht in Córdoba es Marketing Praktikum (und het e Fründ in Boston - eifach damit do nid grad wildi Grüchtli entstöhnd ;-). Ich han jo au eh emol welle dört ane go und das Agebot vonere bärgsichere Trekkingpartnerin (das het sich ame früehere ... read more
Bariloche Sportshop
Unterwegs am ersten Tag
Erster Rast

Well, we´re back in Argentina (and loving the cheap prices again)! It´s beautifully sunny but we went on a trek in the Nahuel Huapi mountains near here a couple of days ago and had to walk across snow along parts of the path, so we have kind of had a white Christmas! The trek was at around 2200 metres and actually pretty tough but, although scary, the snowy bits were fun and the campsite location was stunning, yet again. We´re treating ourselves to a nice apartment with swimming pool for Christmas. It´s in Bariloche, which really is just like Switzerland. It´s a huge change from the ramshackle corrugated iron and wood huts on the other side of the Andes in Chile. It seems a lot more afflulent here and there´s a really marked difference in the ... read more
Descent to the campsite at the end of day one
Campsite at Refugio Frey, Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi
Bye-bye, Chile!

Eine Woche Argentinien liegt hinter mir. Und weil ich so faul bin gibt es alles in gesammelter Form. Hab mich in Mendoza mit Sarah - die kennt Ihr noch aus dem ersten Eintrag - und ein paar ihrer Kollegen verabredet. Jay und Sarah. Sie machen zusammen einen Kurs zum Englischlehrer. Mendoza ist eins der Tourizentren in Argentinien. Unmengen an Moeglichkeiten. Im Wesentlichen haben wir allerdings die reichlich vorhandenen Nightlife-Moeglichkeiten genutzt. Ausserdem Rafting auf dem Rio Mendoza. Fotos dazu gibt es erst spaeter, die CD liegt im Moment in Santiago bei Sarah. Am Sontag sind die anderen dann zurueck gefahren und ich bin nach Buenos Aires geflogen. Die Stadt ist sehr schoen. Sieht sehr europaeisch aus und hat ausserdem einen Hafen. Ausserdem gibt es nahzu unbegrenzte Clubbing-Moeglichkeiten. Sogar in der Woche waren die Clubs gerammelt voll. Und ... read more
Sarah & Sarah
Tango und der Weihnachtsmann

So, after our Palinesque rail experience we finally get to Bariloche. Everywhere you look there´s another incredible view: lake, snow-capped mountains, trees and alpine flowers. It´s so beautiful. Chilly (and windy) here when we arrived, although by the time we left, summer was definitely on it´s way. We hired a car to discover the surrounding Lake District. More spectacular views ... the photos speak for themselves, and these are only 10 of the 200 we took! We went on a couple of hikes, finding even better panoramic points and discovering waterfalls, flowers and Mapuche settlements. And we hardly saw another person. It really is the most incredible place and so quiet. You all have to add it to your list of Places To Go. Oh and Bariloche has chocolate supermarkets. It´s the Chocolate Capital of South ... read more
Kite flying in Villa Catedral (thanks Steve!)
Hotel Llao Llao (We didn´t stay here!)
Storm clouds coming

I need a new lexicon. I have just spent 5 hours on a bus ride that isn’t even mentioned in any guidebooks and I cannot find the superlatives to describe it. I should have paid more attention to the thesaurus I was given many years ago, trouble is I never understood what it was for for about 10 years, by which time it was too late to use. Anyway imagine if you can towering mountains, brush-filled dry deserts, wooded valleys, lakes, rivers, condors, and big blue skies over the course of this journey and add the necessary superlatives to make it really good…that was the journey back from National Park Lanin (Junin do Los Andes) to Bariloche. The route to the park is the famous Siete Lagos route which is famous because it passes seven lakes ... read more
On the way to school
Working hard with Andrea
not working hard so with Fernanda

Our second day of rest in Bariloche (Christíe´s knee is no better) and it was a day to spend some money. We´ve booked on the ¨Three Ferries¨which is a trip from Bariloche to Puerto Varas via three lakes. Christie is paying for the full works (ie. bus and boat) costing a whopping $US160 whilst I´m going to do the hard yards on land by bike saving myself ... absolutely nothing. It´s also costing me $US160. We also have to pay extra for food and accomodation. Ruddy rip off, still gotta do it plus it gives Christie three extra days of rest off her bike. I bought myself a brand new pair of bike shoes (my current pair fell to bits about 100kms ago) and a new, shorter, height adjustable stem for my handle bars as my ... read more

We´ve just had breakfast in Baraloche. This place is so chocolate oriented we ordered a hot chocolate and cappuchino for breakfast and the hot chocolate was literally melted hot chocolate (at least it tasted like it), and the cappuchino had more chocolate in it than coffee ... basically it´s the perfect place to rest for a few days to let Christie´s knee recover ... Just planning on doing a bit of shopping and uploading of photos today, then visiting my favourite chinese restaurant again ...... read more

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