Blogs from Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina, South America - page 10


South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza April 13th 2014

I am nearing the end of my 6 week journey through Argentina. In a couple of days time it will be time to leave Salta and head overland into Chile and then on into Bolivia. I thought it only fair to mark this solemn occasion by setting down some of the life lessons I have learnt during my time in Argentina. This pretty much comes down to one topic - food! This will also give me a chance to somewhat redress the photographic balance, which has not gone without mention. What follows may not be pretty but it has been a big part of what has made Argentina so enjoyable. I had two major preconceptions/expectations before coming to Argentina: plate-size, 2 inch steaks and fantastic Malbec. Neither of these have been disappointed but there has been ... read more
Menu Del Dia at Bistro Ana
Lamb Asado
Patagonian Style Lamb

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza April 10th 2014

We arrived in Mendoza after an 18 hour bus ride from Bariloche. That night we joined the free wine tasting at the hostel, we tasted four different wines from the Mendoza region including one white & three red. It was a great opportunity to meet other people staying at the hostel as well as taste some different wines. Mendoza is well known around the world for their Melbec wines which goes perfectly with a good steak. The next day we caught a bus to Lujan de Cuyo with a couple of backpackers we met at the wine tasting. We hired bikes for the day to explore some of the vineyards in the area. We first visited Carmelo Patti a very small winery where Carmelo (the owner) has a very hands on role in the business including ... read more
Lunch at Pulmary
Alta Vista

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza April 10th 2014

In the end it took 21 hours to bus from Bariloche to Mendoza. The bus left at 1pm on Sunday and arrived at 10am the following morning. The journey was another experience full of travel contradictions. The coach, a modern-looking double-decker, had ostensibly been designed to cover long distances in relative comfort. Taking no chances I booked a cama (seat that reclines to a bed, as opposed to semi-cama, presumably only half a bed). The seats were wide and reclined about 60 degrees, with a footstool that folded out from the back of the seat in front. Not quite a bed but pretty comfortable; something akin maybe to business class on aeroplane. The analogy with air travel was further reinforced by the singe screen showing films and music videos and the steward serving snacks and drinks. ... read more
Plaza Italia, Mendoza
Overlooking Mendoza from Cerro De Gloria
View Across the fields to the Mountains

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza April 4th 2014

San Juan to Mendoza. Leaving San Juan and heading South towards Mendoza, we stopped about 75 kms down the road for a coffee break, with D Duke and D Nurse scoring a huge bunch of grapes off a transport truck loaded with them on his way to a winery....then D Nurse was presented with a huge melon off the 'Melon truck'. That was all great but where do you put that when you are riding a Ducati?? About now, Mary comes to the rescue and it somehow disappeared inside a compartment in the Spyder. We took a diversion to go up to Villavacencia, as a couple of years ago, there was a bakery there and they also made good coffee. The road into the National Park is concrete most of the way and every joint is ... read more
"But this is MY Melon!!"
Now thats a truck load of Grapes!!
Now it's Melons...

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza April 3rd 2014

30 March 2014 – Sunday – Santiago, Chile to Mendoza, Argentina We were surprised to see that the Metro doesn’t start until 8am on Sunday morning and we hailed a cruising taxicab instead to get to the Tur Bus station for our journey into Argentina to the famous wine region of Mendoza. Route 7 crosses Argentina west to east and is an Argentine branch of the Pan American Highway. The 7 hour journey commenced at near sea level and rose slowly up into the Andes mountains. This route is not always open to traffic as the Andes pass often closes after heavy snowfall in the winter months, normally around late May to early September. The only snow we saw, however, were the snow-capped mountains in the distance. The ski-resorts closer to the main road looked like ... read more
Mendoza I 004
Mendoza I 020
Mendoza I 022

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza March 21st 2014

Hiya folks! As Dave gets close to finishing his Antarctic duties in the south, I´ve ventured more north into the warmer temps of the lovely city of Mendoza. That is correct. As the title indicates above, I´ve settled in for about 2 weeks. That´s enough to become a quazi local in my books. Wandering the city has been easy due to it´s lovely 5 plazas in the centre of the city. I was able to check off a couple things on my list, and yes, it is about food. Again. First thing´s first. The best restaurant for the amazing beef here (I knew you were thinking hot chocolate, I just know it!) Then the best ice cream shop. Both of these check marks were assisted by my fellow buddy traveler, Jeri, who has been in Mendoza ... read more
Lake District Bariloche
Gorgeous views
View from Hotel Llao Llao

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza February 7th 2014

Three hours late and after a four hour, 2am Chilean/Argentinian border crossing we finally arrived in Mendoza to to blues skies and beautiful scenic landscape. Once settled into our new temporary home, we headed off to book and organise the next couple of days. The next morning, with bus passes at the ready we hoped aboard a local bus and headed off to visit a few of the many wineries in this famous wine region...a kind of winery crawl I guess. 45 minutes later we reached our stop, jumped off and headed for Mr Hugo's bike hire. Map in hand and bike between our thighs, off we peddled to our first winery of the day; Rutini. After parking up outside we strolled through a room with enormous barrels of wine into a small rustic museum which ... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza December 24th 2013

Our tranquil stay in Mina Clavero was brought to a very abrupt end when we had to drag ourselves out of bed and pack up our things to catch a bus at 5:30am. It seems that bus timetables are not designed for ambling backpackers but rather for those that work... how inconsiderate! However, the bus ride through the open countryside as the sun was rising more than made up for the early start. We had decided to hop off the bus at a small town called Villa De Soto where we arrived at about 8:30am. We had no idea what we would find here as it was not mentioned in any guide books nor was there a lot of information on the internet regarding the town, it just made a convenient stop for us for our ... read more
Enjoying the delights of Chilecito
White knuckle bus ride
Laguna Brava

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza December 20th 2013

Mendoza var afslapning, skønne parker som er fredet - se lige lågen med den store Condor ørn, sporvogne, cykling i flere udgaver - besøg pa to vingårde med fantastisk vin og en by med absolut dejlige spisesteder. Niels siger: to tykke trunter gik fra måltid til måltid - Mette siger husk nu vinen, den skulle være så sund!!!!! Mon der er nogen der kan bevillige en personlig træner nar vi kommer hjem???????? Dramatisk bustur gennem Andelsbjergene - vores vej mod Chile - så vildt og så smukt!... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza December 17th 2013

Sunday 15th December (Odyssey Day 37) We departed Santiago today – it is our last glimpse of Chile. We are leaving the country for the last time today. We had to head up the mountains to get to the border and the roadworks made it a long trip up. We went up a road that zigzagged up the mountains about 30 times. The view was absolutely amazing! We managed a relatively simple border crossing, but then another half hour down the road we came to a customs screen and they made us go all the way back to the border because we didn’t have everything they wanted from us. That took up all the time we had saved from the easy crossing in the first place. I sti... read more
Border Crossing

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