Blogs from Golden Bay, Nelson Region, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 2


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Nelson Region » Golden Bay December 21st 2011

Golden Bay is de ganse streek vanaf Takaka tot en met Farewell Spit. Als je kijkt in de reisgidsen zal je alle kleine gehuchten ertussen niet zien staan, het staat allemaal onder Golden Bay. Vanuit Takaka gingen we richting Collingwood. Wij hadden daar nog wat brood en fruit gekocht. 's Avonds was het redelijk moeilijk om een slaapplek te vinden. Geen DOC campings, geen gewone campings, geen huizen in de omtrek en geen asfaltwegen. Een goeie 40 km gravel! Ik kwam zot in de auto van het heen en weer geslinger. Net alsof we in een jeep zaten. We besloten op een parking te staan van een wandeling. Een tip die we gekregen hadden van de Zweed (de reisjournalist). Hij zei: maak dat je net weg bent vooraleer ze komen controleren. Gelukkig hadden we die ochtend ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Nelson Region » Golden Bay December 21st 2011

3e keer goeie keer. De lange broeken waren nog steeds niet droog dus deden we een korte aan. Gelukkig dat het zonnig was en minder fris dan de dag ervoor. Toen wij opstonden (tegen 9u) hadden de meeste andere campeerders de wandeling naar de put er al opzitten! Vroege vogels blijkbaar! We hadden even een korte babbel met een meneer uit Zweden. Hij is reisjournalist en was trok rond voor zijn werk in Nieuw-Zeeland voor maar liefst 5 maanden! Hij moest alle wandeltracks doen en daar een gedetaileerd verslag over schrijven. Wandelen, natuur, hobby & werk alles in 1. Vakantie gevoel hebben en daarvoor betaald worden is zalig niet? Wij opnieuw op weg naar de diepe put. Het is toch een lange wandeling hoor! De modder en de regen was nog niet volledig verdwenen en zo ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Nelson Region » Golden Bay July 17th 2011

Heute morgen haben wir erst mal die Wainui Falls besichtigt. Der Weg dorthin ist ein wunderschöner Wanderweg, der uns quer durch den Dschungel geführt hat. Auch eine schmale Hängebrücke müssten wir überqueren, bevor wir am Ziel angelangt waren. Es war nicht der höchste Wasserfall, den wir bisher in Neuseeland gesehen haben, aber einer von den schönsten. Der Wasserfall war von dichtem Dschungel umgeben und das Wasser war glasklar. Auch das Wetter spielte heute wieder mit und wir hatten morgens schon wieder angehnehme Temperaturen. Anschließend gings zu den Waikoropupu Springs. Es ist die größte Süßwasserquelle in Neuseeland und die klarste auf der Welt. Jede Sekunde strömen rund 14.000 Liter Wasser aus der Quelle. Man konnte bis zum Grund der Quelle schauen, obwohl diese ca. 7 Meter tief war. Ein wahrhaft schöner Anblick. Unsere Reise ging weiter an ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Nelson Region » Golden Bay March 17th 2011

March 16th - 17th 2011 We seem to have formed a habit or custom over the years that each year someone has a birthday or an anniversary or some important date somewhere different or special. Whether we are overseas (I had a great birthday in a hurricane in Cuba one year) or in New Zealand, we make an effort to ensure that day is one to remember. Sometimes its just a tour somewhere interesting, but it becomes that persons special time. Often we would do the tour or visit the place anyway, but it always seems better when its a treat for someone or something. And I'm sure we're not the only ones who do this. I'm sure now we are a family, we'll be setting up more habits or customs around special days. Yesterday was ... read more
"Gypsy" our tour bus
Fossil Beach
Samara and Colin on the bus

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Nelson Region » Golden Bay February 12th 2011

So, here we are sitting in our car at our campsite at the base of Mt. Cook hiding from the rain, finishing the last of a bottle of Cab. Sauv., eating TimTams, and trying to think of something interesting to write for our blog. We’re getting a bit behind since New Zealand doesn’t have much for free Wifi. Seems that the only place that you can get free internet is McDonalds, and sadly there aren’t many of those either. We’ve been super busy lately and time is going by so fast. You would think that 3 months would be lots of time for New Zealand, but there’s just so much to see. From Abel Tasman, we headed north to Golden Bay and treated ourselves to a nice motel for a night. It was just what we ... read more
Wharariki Beach Twilight
View from Cape Farewell
Jelly thing

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Nelson Region » Golden Bay April 8th 2010

Louise and I headed up to Golden Bay from Motueka the next day but we stopped in Kaiteriteri first. It’s a gorgeous beach that you can kayak from as well. To get to Golden bay we had to climb a huge windy road up a hill and then go down the other side. Some amazing views! We stopped in Takaka to get some groceries as there isn’t much more in Golden Bay after it. We stopped in Collingwood for a snack and then drove up even further to find our hostel called The Innlet. It’s a 5 minute walk from the beach. Pictures Because their septic tank would be overwhelmed if all the guests used the one flushing toilet during the day we had to use composting toilets outside. They weren’t bad but it was interesting. ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Nelson Region » Golden Bay February 19th 2010

Feeding eels and a salmon named Fred. On the way back to Takaka we stopped and picked up our first hitch hikers as they didn’t seem too weird (6 minute abs!!!), they were both girls and one a chatty Swedish girl and the other a quiet (for a change) American girl. After dropping them off at some random guy’s house (who they’d never met but someone had recommended they stay with) we found our spot on the freedom camp, which was under a bridge and started cooking our dinner. Feeling a bit like the troll from “The three Billy goats gruff” in our camping spot we enjoyed an evening of “people watching”, all of which were new age hippies and youngsters trying to suck petrol out of their cars tanks (without success but plenty of coughing ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Nelson Region » Golden Bay February 17th 2010

You wouldn’t think you could get lost on a thin straight beach but we can!! Well I was right about the weather not being that great, the drive up to Golden Bay was a really nice one but you could see the storm clouds brewing. We drove so high up over the mountain range that our ears popped, and then back down the other side (obviously I guess as otherwise we’d be in the clouds writing this). We drove round tight hair pin bends, the likes that reminded me of holidays to Spain where the coach tours driven by Manuel (si si I drive de bus) come very close to the edge making mum scream. This made the drive quite a long one, and although it was only 7pm we still hadn’t sorted anywhere to stay. ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Nelson Region » Golden Bay January 19th 2010

Well getting the bus back from Motueka to Old McDonalds Farm we saw goats and sheep and pigs and..... no!!!! we met up with a friendly chap Simon whom we had met on the Queen Charlotte Track. He's from Manchester and was kind of stuck with the weird Kiwi backpacker bus connections so we offered for him to join us on a tour of Golden Bay. First stop was Collingwood, the only thing I can remember about this weird old school place is that is near the farewell spit and had something to do with gold. I think everywhere in NZ has something to do with gold!! Therefore after admiring some linoneum artwork I decided that all are is too expensive and I cam going to do my own with that bit of lino off the ... read more
wharaiki beach
wharaiki beach

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Nelson Region » Golden Bay July 14th 2009

Last night we decided to eat out, so we browsed through the brochures provided to see what we could find. There was a piazza place, but that was shut on Mondays. We picked on a take away for fish and chips, and walked down the street to pick it up. We found it shut as apparently they were away all July! So we moved on to another place, which it turned out was also shut on Monday. The night was quite cold, and we thought we might walk back to another place, but on the way we found the pizza place (shut mondays) was open, so hurriedly went in out of the cold - that had some tables outside with candles lit, but we couldn't believe anyone would pick those! Anyway, we sat down and picked ... read more
More clouds
Farewell spit
The Sheep poo track

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