Blogs from Western Australia, Australia, Oceania - page 654


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Fremantle May 31st 2005

It was our friend Pam's birthday so we all went to quazar, i'm sure my gun wasn't working properly i seemed to be getting shot far too many times, but it was fun. Off to the sail and anchor for drinks afterwards. 01/06/05 Pinch punch first day of the month!, still in Fremantle and that night we went on a torchlight tour of the old fremantle prison, it was a really interesting tour learning about all the ghosts that roam the prison and having actors jump out at you, i think the girls found it more scary than me though!! Have been spending this week doing random jobs like gardening and window cleaning (anything to pay the rent), and spending the rest finding out about buying cars over here. We need to escape as we are ... read more
My mate Kurt recharging
The teams at the sail and anchor
Pam the birthday girl

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Fremantle May 30th 2005

Sorry guys, just added all those emails as Blog updates and most of you have read them before so I thought I'd better add a new Blog!! We've been here at the Old Firestation in Fremantle for a week now and, after James initial impression of no-one being friendly, we have made some ickle pals and the place has grown on us! Fremantle is lovely, and the sun was out for us all last week, which was glorious. James has begun to chill and has settled, seeming much more confident and more like himself. We even spend a whole day sitting on a swingchair, reading and doing nout!! Fremantle is only about 1/2 hour away from Perth, on the train. It's on the coast and there is a harbour as well as beaches. This hostel has ... read more
Woo Party!
South Fremantle
South Fremantle

Rottnest Island is about a 30 min ferry journey from Fremantle, when the first settlers went there they thought it was infested with rats hence the name rottnest (rats nest). The rats turned out to be Quokka's which are a cross between a rats and a kangaroo. The island is pretty empty and the only way round is on a bicycle, the beaches are gorgeous and the wildlife plentiful, It was a lovely relaxing day.... read more
The Quokka
Debs trying to make friends
The beautiful coastline

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia May 29th 2005

On Thursday morning I took off for a long drive, about 500km, to the town of Esperance. On the way I stopped in the Stirling Ranges - beautiful mountains not far from Albany. I did a short hike there, couldn't afford more before the long drive I had before me. Still it was really nice to walk a little again. Did I mention already how like I was with the weather?? This all week since I arrived to Western Australia was so beautiful. And so I continued the long way, stopping for fuel, body fueling (ice cream and lime diet coke - wish we had this at home), and toilet of course (necessary after the diet coke...). And yes, also cleaning the windshield every now and then, it's unbelievable how many flies committed suicide on my ... read more
Look what they sell in this small shop
The Frenchman's Peak - the surprising window
And at the real peak

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth May 28th 2005

We (I) were (was) getting excited about the cup final and wanted nothing more to go and kick a ball about the park and pretend I was Dave Narey, Andy Gray, Craig Brewster, Davey Dodds and Ralph Milne rolled into one, Fiona was excited by the prospect as she's never kicked a ball in anger before, and what better teacher than the 2000 European University Championship (joint) top scorer? And the scorer of the most amazing goal the Gussie Park has ever seen, some swear it was from in my own half, with my back to goal, against the wind, with bare feet, anyway both these people are me. It was a beutiful Morning, about 28 degrees and felt a helluvalot hotter due to the amount of alcohol that we got through on the Friday night, ... read more
Fiona does Keepy-uppy
The perfect overhead kick

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Fremantle May 27th 2005

On this fabulous day we decided to have lots of fun and do things we wouldn't normally do. After debs opened presents and received phonecalls from home, we went into town. They have scoot cars which are a cross between a scooter and a small car, that was one of her presents to have a go in it. The car rattled and shook and got some very funny looks as we cruised around town, it was fish and chips lunch after which i will say was very nice. We chilled in hostel and then cracked open our fine box of wine (a 2005 i believe, fine year!). Sat arounda huge table around the back and played cards met up with a small group who decided that we should all get pissed as it was Debbie's B'day. ... read more
Little Creatures
At the club

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Fremantle May 26th 2005

The weather is gorgeous today so we decide to take a trip on the train to Cottesloe Beach, its about 15 minutes away from Fremantle. The beach is white and the sea clear, the town reminded me of an old english seaside town with a few shops selling tourist stuff and a couple of cafes. We sunbathed and went for a dip although the water here is pretty cold (it is winter!).... read more
Getting ready for a sunbathing sesh
My lovely lady getting in some rays

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Fremantle May 26th 2005

I’ve completed my longest Australian employment history to date, one full week and I’m still here, quite an achievement for my good self. I’m working as an IT technician in a hospital; it’s a real interesting job, fixing things that go bad in the hospital, not operations and that, just computer related stuff. This could be from a simple problem like a printer isn’t working properly, or a PC is running real slow to a complicated issue like the screen that we’re monitoring this boy’s life on has gone down or the camera we’re using for this operation isn’t working. Obviously the latter is far more exciting and there is the chance that you’ll have to go into theatre during an operation and fix some of the equipment, all scrubbed up to the nines, unfortunately I ... read more
St Mary's Cathedral
Inside the WACA
Trotting at the races

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia May 25th 2005

On Tuesday morning I went to visit an Aboriginal cultural center (called "Warden"), as a part of my growing interest in their culture and history. I had a private tour as I was there alone. The guide is also the guy that built the place - an Aboroginal that grew up in the bush in a traditional way but still holds a university degree in business. He told me a lot about how the British massacured the Aboriginals - I don't know whether to believe his numbers (he said that something between 3-5 millions were killed by the British), but I believe many things did happen. Then I learned about their relationship with nature - use it but make sure you can still use it in the future. If all he said was true, then current ... read more
Who said it wasn't risky???
Still going up...
Self picture at the top

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Fremantle May 24th 2005

Hey hey peeps... How are you going? (That's what they say here in Oz!) After a glorious week in Sydney, where weather is currently as unpredictably sunny/rainy as home... I was well looked after by June, Lauren and Andrew. I completed my course of antibiotics before I flew to Perth and my ears were very well behaved throughout the journey. Having been collected by the hostel owner and granted a double room to myself for half the price, I wandered, hung out and prepared for the arrival of my loved one... Saturday morning, I woke before my alarm, prepared myself and the array of fake petals and (real) roses across the bed and caught the airport shuttle bus to the airport. By the time I arrived, the driver and couple passengers knew my story and wished ... read more
DNA Tower
James' B'day
South Mole

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