Blogs from Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 47


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island October 30th 2006

Goodness this adventure just gets better. Fraser Island, the worlds largest sand island. Takes 40 minutes by boat to get there from the mainland and a very special island it is too! 4x4 coach that took us round the island, actually scary as driving on sand is not easy, waering seat belts was essential, steve hit his head a few times and me my elbows. One false move by the driver and it could have been dangerous, but dont worry we are fine! Our first stop on the island was the most beautiful place in the world, words cant even describe Lake Mc Kenzie, it was 72 metres above sea level and pure spring water with the purest of sands, good enough to clean jewellery and skin..everything. The best thing was that is was the brightest ... read more
70km beach from the sky
Ship Wreck
Pinnacles - Coloured Sands

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island October 2nd 2006

Hello again everybody!! Once again apologies for the amount of time it's taken for me get this out to you all!! I am about a month or so behind with my blog now but I WILL get all the stories out to you at some point!! Anyway, this one's all about Fraser Island (which we did in early Sept!) as it is in all of our top 3 highlights of the trip!! So many memories and laughs in just 3 days!! Enjoy... As luck would have it, after the washout weekend that was the Whitsundays, the very next day was glorious (typical!) and so we spent it relaxing by the lagoon in Airlie Beach before getting the over-night Greyhound bus to Hervey Bay. Not an experience I enjoyed or recommend - 12 hours trying to sleep ... read more
Relaxing by the Champagne Pools
The Fraser Crew
Lake Wabby

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island September 30th 2006

After a brief stopover in Bundaberg, where the lads took a tour of the local rum distillery, the next stop on our adventure down the East coast was Hervey Bay, gateway to Fraser Island. For those who don't know, Fraser is the largest sand island in the world, encompassing a 120km by 15km surface area, and apparently has more sand than the Sahara! Strange to believe when you look at it from the mainland as it looks so lush and green - and it is - boasting beautiful rainforests as well as the sandy beaches. Because of all the sand, the only way that you can explore the island is in a 4x4, so we set about finding the best hire deal for the 8 of us. Unfortunately due to the school holidays (which by the ... read more
Lake Wabby
Rainbow Gorge
Setting up camp

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island September 23rd 2006

Fraser Island What an amazing place im not gonna write too much cause it would take too long but basically we toured the sand island for 3 days in a 4x4 driving through gorgeous rainforest and along never ending beaches. we visited freshwater lakes cause the sea was full of sharks so we couldnt swim in it. Saw a tonne of wildlife like sharks, whales, dolphins, giant turtles and dingo's. the dingo's by the way are highly dangerous and were roaming around our camp!!! Had the best time our little group of 9 had a tonne of fun. getting stuck in sanddunes, nearly gettin caught out by the incoming tide, getting lost and just having a ball. Camping as i've never experienced before and will never forget. I'll let the photos do the talking. Julie... read more
Lake Wabby
The group on the dunes at wabby
sunset on the beach

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island September 19th 2006

Rainbow beach, one of the many 'gateways to Fraser' was our stop-over to meet the 8 other people we would be spending the next 3 days with packed neatly into a Toyota 4x4, as we drove around the largest sand island in the world. Our trip was planned as a self-drive exploration meaning no boring guides, plenty of freedom the do just about whatever the hell you want, and best of all we all get the chance to drive hell for leather along huge sandy beaches. Fraser Island stretches for over 123 kilometers along the east coast, and is the only place on the planet that has a rain forest growing out of pure sand. It occupies around 184 000 hectares of land, so with all that sand around its going to get in places you ... read more
not even 10ft onto the island!
1 2 3... stuck!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island September 15th 2006

Some photos from fraser trip....... read more
Taking in the view
Our vehicle
Battling the elements

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island September 14th 2006

We could not see the shuttle for the hostel we had booked and panicked a bit as the Greyhound had dropped us at an out of town shopping centre. But all was fine and we found the right bus after a phone call and some searching. The hostel we had booked was lovely: it was divided into self catering apartments. After we had dumped our stuff in our room we walked to the beach and took a stroll along it. This was the first time I have ever seen pelicans and as two of them swooped past us I did actually get a fright, they are massive and very impressive! We sat on the beach for a while just watching the pelicans and people walking past. While we were walking back along the beach we spotted ... read more
 Me at Green Lake
Green Lake
Hayley and Ian

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island September 6th 2006

Part 1 - Airlie Beach to Agnes Water Back on the road after the Whitsundays and we had some miles to cover and some budget to clawback, so we drove all day and through our first real downpour down under, and - after an emergency duct tape repair to a dodgy windscreen wiper - we camped in Rockhampton: beef capital of the East Coast. Sure enough, our camping curse kicked in and it rained more overnight. Unfortunately, the rain continued for most of the next few days while we were staying on the Discovery Coast at Agnes Water, which is a tiny place just down the road from the Town of 1770: another tiny place. We’d heard great things about Agnes Water and Town of 1770 although the rain meant that we didn’t see it at ... read more
Dune jumping
Sunrise on Fraser Island

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island August 26th 2006

After Magnetic Island I hopped on a greyhound bus and headed to Airley Beach. Now Airley beach is the gateway to the Whitsunday Islands, but apart from that, all this place has to its name is a manmade lagoon! Anyway, Steve and Wendy and myself decided to book up a 3 day, 2 night sailing trip around the Whitsunday Islands. We chose a smaller sail boat rather than a full on, party catamaran, in the hope that we could relax. The boat turned out to be a lot smaller than expected but everything else we had hoped for was at our fingertips. I did however have to sleep on a bed suspended by a thin chain ( I think I've had bicycle chains stronger in fact!). We were lucky enough to sail to Whitehaven beach on ... read more
Amy and Wendy
Whitehaven Heaven
our 4x4

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island August 5th 2006

So we spent the last 3 days and 2 nights on Fraser Island. It was a totally amazing experince that I don't think we could repeat. We booked on tour through Dingo's in Rainbow Beach which basically meant John and I were put in a group with 9 other people, given a 4 wheel drive van/truck, some tents and some food and sent off for the duration of the trip. Those that wanted to drive were told all about how to drive a 4WD vehicle and other handy hints and tips (like how to avoid getting stuck) and then we were off. Ohh, oh lots of fun driving a big toy! Felt like a Tonka toy!! We caught the ferry to Fraser Island from Inskip point so the journey was only about 7 minutes. When we ... read more
All clean..
Another Big Beach!
20 Minutes trek.....

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