Blogs from Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia, Oceania - page 14


Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs November 10th 2012

We made it to Alice Springs! Back to civilisation! This town, literally in the very centre of Australia, is a lot bigger and bustlier than we had imagined it would be. It has a population of 28,000, including a thriving Aboriginal community, and the focus seems to be on art and culture. We had only intended to stay for a couple of nights, but ended up staying for five nights as there was plenty to do and see. We did a big re-stock on food, toiletries, camping gear etc; we both had haircuts; I caught a couple of yoga classes and went for what felt like a well-deserved massage. It was lucky that our visit coincided with the monthly Sunday market and we enjoyed soaking up its relaxed atmosphere. We also tried our hand at playing ... read more
121112 7
121112 2
121113 1

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs November 8th 2012

Well as I sit in bed writing this blog, it’s FINALLY raining! Not just a spit & a promise like usual, but REAL rain! I’ve flung open all the doors, and the smell is amazing. After 200+ days of dry, hot, baking weather (we’ve had many days over 40 in the past few weeks), the parched earth, dry sandy riverbed and baked concrete & dust are finally getting a soak. Bring it on! And luckily for me it’s arrived on a day I have off work so too can soak up the event….I’ll just keep an eye on those obvious water marks on Molly’s ceiling, all things pointing to a bit of a leak here & there. As you can probably guess, Jeff & I have been living in Molly’s house (now Phil’s house, must get ... read more
Our spot camping on Ellery Creek
Guarding Boris

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs October 25th 2012

Sadly we have recently farewelled Molly , who passed away at home overnight on the 22nd September. Molly’s kindness of letting us share her home will never be forgotten, and although we only knew her a short time, we will miss her greatly. We have kindly been offered to stay on as caretakers of her house in Alice, while her son Phil works out what he’d like to do with the property. So, also a big thanks to Phil for his generosity. Here we’d just like to share a couple of poems that were written about her life, and experiences at “Old Andado Station”, where she has finally been laid to rest overlooking her old homestead. “Molly” written by Jingo Molly and Mac and three young sons Went bush in fifty-five Living in ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs September 30th 2012

ALICE SPRINGS Hope everyone is ok I know, I know you have missed reading what we have been getting up to in the outback but unfortunately I could not update you as yes you guessed it we were in the outback. So here goes on the outback adventure to see Uluru (Ayres Rock to us Poms). Just to give you a bit of background on this trip first to set the scene (hey, I am getting good at this writing thingy - next I could be writing best sellers) I booked this tour over the internet and then realised it said it is mainly backpackers who go on this trip up to the age of 45 - Yes you guessed it we are a lot older than 45. So I e-mailed the tour company and explained ... read more
Collecting firewood
Our Swag

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs September 24th 2012

Upon arriving in Alice Springs we discovered that the Stuart Caravan Park was conveniently located close to the city centre, however our site was very tight. To our surprise we managed to get the van in (and out) first go. The camera system, walkie talkies and team work proved to be very helpful. However there was insufficient space to fit the 4wd in as well so it had to be parked across the site in front. Our neighbours Barry and Yvonne (mid 70’s and very experienced) were highly amused but very interested to see how we used our technological aids. Thank God we did a decent job or they would have been giving us advice for hours! Barry warned us about walking at night in open shoes. A couple of nights before he was looking out ... read more
Free flight birds
Mulga Snake!
Greg amongst the shrubs

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs September 17th 2012

Geo: -23.7004, 133.881Spent my last hours with Alice before I had to say: "Goodbye" to her ;) In the afternoon I packed my bags to travel with Ghan for the next 20 hours. The Ghan (formerly known as The Afghan Express) is actually a transcontinental passenger train, named in honor of the Afghan Camel Drivers of the 19th century who helped to find a way through the country's unexplored interior. Verbrachte meine letzten Stunden mit Alice bevor es Zeit war: "Auf Wiedersehen" zu ihr sagen ;) Am Nachmittag packte ich meine sieben Sachen um fuer die naechsten 20 Stunden mit Ghan zu reisen. The Ghan (ehemals The Afghan Express) ist eigentlich ein transkontinentaler Personenzug, benannt nach den Afghanischen Kameltreibern die im 19. Jahrhundert halfen, einen Weg durch das unerforschte Innere Australiens zu finden.... read more
The "Haven" Owner must be a 'Hostel Nazi' ;)
"The Ghan" at Alice Springs Railway Station

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs September 13th 2012

Geo: -23.7004, 133.881Left the 'Top End' today to fly to Alice Springs, the only major town of the Outback, halfway between Darwin (1535km) and Adelaide (1648km). I arrived with the last plane of the day and promptly missed my shuttle to Alice. Due to a misunderstanding with the Hostel which promised a free shuttle pick up to Alice. But unlike everywhere else in OZ all Hostels here share one single shuttle bus which I mistakenly took for a regular payable city shuttle. After some more waiting I realized they were shutting down the airport. I called the Hostel but they just said take a Taxi for $40. With all the Taxis gone and unwilling to cough up $40 I talked to the airport janitor vacuuming the terminal. She said she would drive me to town but ... read more
First glimpse of Alice Springs
Willkommen in ze Hinterland ;)

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs September 7th 2012

In typical style it has been WAY too long between blogs! This one finds us settled down in Alice Springs, working our tushies off and saving some dough to continue our adventures. But first we should tell you about our journey down from Mataranka to this beaut town of Alice. Firstly we have been absolutely amazed by the amount of thermal activity in the top end of Australia. By this we mean natural hotsprings, thermal pools, basically pockets of hot water just popping up out of the ground. As you probably guessed we fell in love with Douglas Hotsprings south of Darwin, so we were thrilled to discover there were 2 more thermals to explore around Mataranka. We stayed at a caravan park at Bitter Springs , camped right on the river with a fireplace and ... read more
Jeff playing marbles with the Devil
Tab shows off her incredible strength...not!
Henley on Todd

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs August 23rd 2012

23rdAugust 2012 After a leisurely breakfast of pancakes, we made our way to Desert Park. This is a lovely natural park set against the MacDonnell Ranges, with lots of wildflowers. We started by seeing the bird show, where trained birds including a barn owl, pink and grey galahs, a curlew, brown falcon, whistling kite and black kite flew around the audience for food treats. Then we walked around to see the very good, large nocturnal house, kangaroos and lot of local birds. After lunch we went to the cultural centre, where we saw Albert Namitjira paintings and the natural history museum, which had a very good large prehistoric bird skeleton (Dromornis stirtoni, 8m years old), minerals, and some good skeletons and preserved current wildlife. My uncle and aunt, Kevan and Jillian, joined us for a drink ... read more
Desert Park, Alice Springs
Desert Park, Alice Springs
Desert Park, Alice Springs

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs August 6th 2012

Alice Springs has always been somewhere I wanted to see. When I was little, I used to love the old TV shows like “The Flying Doctor” and of course, “A Town like Alice”. Usually the problem with having a romantic notion of a destination is that it never quite lives up to expectation. In the case of Alice Springs I feared that would be the case when I first arrived, however by the time I left I was captivated by the harsh rugged landscape and marvelling at the stunning scenery. With a small population of around 25,000 residents, the town centre is fairly small. From my hotel, it was around a twenty minute walk to town, along the bank of the Todd River. This sounds very scenic and pretty, however at this time of year is ... read more
About to board the Robinson R22
A thorny devil
A frilly lizard (I think)

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