Blogs from Island in the Sky, Canyonlands National Park, Utah, United States, North America


Obwohl ich in Canyonlands National Park schon gewesen bin, war es diesmal erneut super beeindruckend. Im noerdlichen Distrikt namens "Island in the Sky" steht man an einer Klippe, 300m ueber einer riesen Ebene in die dann wiederum der Colorado und der Green River Schluchten gefressen haben. Tags zuvor haben wir verschiedene Felsboegen im Arches National Park bewundern koennen. Der groesste, Landscape Arch, schmueckt das Wappen von Utah. Praktischerweise hat Frieder eine Nationalpark-Karte von seinem Onkel abgestaubt, so dass wir in alle Nationalparks umsonst kommen. In Boulder haben wir uns noch mit allerlei Nuetzlichem eingedeckt, wie Camping-Geschirr und -stuehlen, einem Gaskocher, sechs grosse Kisten um unser Zeug im Auto zu sortieren und fuer jeden ein Kissen. Die Kisten kann man unter das im Baumarkt gebastelte Brett im Kofferraum schieben. Oben drauf liegen die Crashpads und Is... read more
Satellite Boulders, 2nd Flat Iron, Boulder
unser Lager in Colins Wohnzimmer
Unsere License Plates haben wir im DMV in Longmont bekommen

Wednesday, Aug 4th we spent half the day at Island in the Sky. It was not as dramatic as Arches, but it was still beautiful. Then at lunch we went back to Moab to Zax bar to watch the Rockies kick the Giants butt 6 to 1. After that Donna shopped for awhile and then we went to see the petroglyphs along River Road toward Potash. It's really hard to believe that three thousand (3,000!!!!) years ago someone made these drawings on the rocks.... read more
Canyon Lands
Upheaval Dome
uUpheaval Dome

Unexpected rain held Stefan and I in Moab for longer than planned, leaving us little time to explore this national park. Nevertheless, Canyonlands provided me with the most challenging and rewarding hiking day so far, a great chance to test my endurance on rough terrain. Island in the Sky, the north part of the park, is a broad mesa at the heart of the Colorado Plateau, split from the Maze and the Needles by two canyons carved by the Green and Colorado rivers. The view from here stretches across canyon after canyon to the horizon 100 miles distant. This is an area of arid soil where water and gravity have been the prime architects cutting flat layers of sedimentary rock into hundreds of canyons, mesas, buttes, fins, arches and spires. I had an action-packed day starting ... read more
Canyon Views
Buck Mesa
Approaching a Steep Descent

Trip to Utah was planned two or more months back! This was the Memorial Day weekend and we wanted to make a longer trip rather than usual weekend activities in California. We flew to Salt Lake City, Utah on Friday night; rented a Hummer 3 from the airport and drove south to Moab, UT. Utah is very famous for its national parks and desert. There are 4-5 national parks featuring red canyons. Canyonlands can be thought as a national park from the same family as Grand Canyon. Colorado River is the same primary reason for its formation. Moab is a small town near Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park, 4 hours drive from Salt Lake City. We had a two-night reservation at Moab Valley Inn. We reached there around 2am and crashed. Next morning, we ... read more
Shafer Trail
Colorado River
Musselman Arch

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