Blogs from Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, North America - page 6


North America » United States » Oklahoma » Tulsa June 14th 2007

I’ve just returned from downtown Tulsa. I drove along part of Route 66 to get into downtown - by chance - but it was a fun drive looking for old signs and buildings. They have a fence and tarp up around the vault (as you will see in the photos). The YMCA is directly across the street. I went in and talked with the guy at the desk and he had the security guard try to take me up to an area with a balcony overlooking where he thought I’d have a good vantage point. But we couldn’t get to the area and I only got a few images from a 2nd floor window. We went up to the 4th or 5th floor and on a rooftop, but were on the side and another section ... read more
view from YMCA
From the roof
58 Fury

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Tulsa June 6th 2007

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Tulsa June 4th 2007

Tulsa to BurcharestAfter a year of planning, the Matt & Mom Excursion Team is ready for take off! So far, so good. Check back to follow as the Journey is About to Begin! Tulsa Departure: 6/4/07 at 12:20 p.m. Bucharest Arrival: 6/5/07 at 3:10 p.m. Lord (and Tylenol PM), Take Care of the Claustrophobia! Be sure to check out the View Route Map link above. If you would like to receive an e-mail every time the Matt & Mom Excursion Team makes a blog entry, just subscribe below. IT IS FREE.... read more

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Tulsa April 1st 2007

Left for Tusla, Oklahoma on Palm Sunday...with plans to visit family near the Texas/Oklahoma border on the way to Amarillo, Texas. The drive from St. Louis to Oklahoma was beautiful...limestone borderd the highway with trees blooming into spring. We saw lots of Red Bud trees (with their purple flowers) and the vistas were spectacular. Kind of got a hint of what the Ozarks may have in store...if we ever do a trip! Stayed overnight in Tulsa and headed out early the next day to see Mimi (Elaine, my mother); Grandpa (the girls' great grandfather); and Uncle Paul Preston at the "farm" in Whitesboro, Texas. We were looking forward to a little afternoon visit -- and then pressing on to our destination...Amarillo, Texas. Uncle Paul's farm is a wild and wooly place. On most visits you ... read more
Hogan and his rival...Leroy
With Grandpa, Mimi & Uncle Paul
In the Bluebonnets...on the way to Amarillo

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Tulsa January 25th 2007

Tulsa, Oklahoma Oklahoma Facts As many of you know, I was raised in Bartlesville, Oklahoma for 18 years. Shortly after I left for College, my parents also moved away and headed to Colorado. My sister has since relocated back to Tulsa, the 2nd largest city in Oklahoma. I also have a small group of high school friends that live there as well as a California friend who has recently moved back. It was nice to visit my sister, see my friends, and of course, get some BRAUMS . Braums is a dairy store with the best hamburgers, ice cream, and cherry limeades. It was also my first job for many months when I turned 16. If you're one of those that has moved away from Oklahoma, you're probably missing right now while reading this. The last ... read more
Mike Wins!!
Amy's Backyard

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Tulsa January 17th 2007

The weekend of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, I flew to Tulsa, OK for the Christening of the newborn daughter of my good friends Kendra and Goce Janevski. Tulsa is not exactly an exciting vacation destination but my trip was quite stimulating. The trip was problematic from the start because of the ice storms that swept across North America in three separate waves from January 11 - 24. On January 12, the Governor of Oklahoma, Brad Henry, declared a state of emergency for the entire state. We're taking these actions so that the state will be in the best possible position to respond to the storm. I would urge all Oklahomans to exercise extreme caution if they have to venture outside, Henry said. Oklahoma City and the surrounding areas were the hardest hit by the ... read more
Being led to the alter
Baptism (1)

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Tulsa January 3rd 2007

WE arrived here last night tired but happy to see Jan and her family. Her home is absolutely gorgeous!! She added an addition onto her existing home where she lived w/ her Mom until her Mom needed too much care and is now in an assisted living situation. She designed this addition to accomodate her and her mom. It is just lovely. The "other" house is now occupied by her daughter, Nikki and her husband, PC and their kids. Jan and Paul designed the house and it really is a piece of art!! Jan has a real knack for decorating!! Today Jan treated us to an excellent tour of Jenks and the surrounding area as well as Tulsa. We really liked Tulsa. It reminded us a lot of Grand Rapids. Housing construction in Jenks is HUGE!!!! ... read more
Jan and I!
Jan's Daughter, Nikki, PC, Rose and Gabriel

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Tulsa November 28th 2006

11/24/2006 1:57 PM Driving to Tulsa was difficult to say the least. We spent most of the day on state hi-ways leading us through small Kansas towns and villages. As I was driving we pulled into Fort Scott, Kansas to use the bathrooms and get something to drink. I found a convenience store in the old part of town and pulled into the driveway. Upon doing so the back end of the bus scrapped its back end on the pavement and broke the bowl of the filter between the tank and the engine, which was mounted under the cargo bay doors. We were empty of Vegoil so we didn’t notice it right away. We drove for forever waiting to hit the interstate again. When we finally did hit it we received a call from the promoter ... read more
Club friends
at the bar

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Tulsa May 12th 2006

Okay, so i tried to compile an email list on my uark account but it definitely would not let me... so i'm gonna be mean and steal kim's idea because it'd be too complicated to create a new email address. So i've been pretty much running around ever since i got back from school on tuesday tryin to get everything ready for italy! thank goodness i have my mom helping me and that my finals were over tuesday...otherwise i'd be freaking out right about now! so we're leavin tulsa to drive to fayetteville tomorrow and we're just goin to hang out and chill all day with my mom and joe! then on sunday, we get the joy of leaving our hotel at 5am to get to the airport by 6! our flight leaves at 8am, ... read more

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Tulsa August 14th 2005

I was just offered a weekly column in the campus newspaper's new World Traveler section. I thought my pre-departure column that got me the job would make an appropriate first entry to test this thing out before I leave. For one, I can't figure out how to indent the first lines. Preparing to study abroad is a journey in itself - the first step in learning to cope with stress, exercise patience, develop cultural awareness, and accept humility. The first of these lessons I learned during finals. Attempting to understand German grammar is stressful enough without simultaneously attempting to rent an apartment halfway around the world. I frequently envisioned myself wandering the streets of Rome, homeless. Eventually, time-differences and a constantly fluctuating exchange rate were conquered. I now envisioned myself wandering the streets of Rome, enjoying ... read more

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