Blogs from Puebla City, Puebla, Mexico, North America - page 7


North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City February 26th 2009

So I know it has been about a week since my last update, but I figured that anyone reading this probably would not care so much about my day-to-day whereabouts. Just to put a picture in your head, I am sitting on my rooftop terrace on a beautifully clear day. There is not a cloud in the sky, it is probably 75-80 degrees with a light breeze. To my left I have an unobstructed view of the snowcapped, active volcano of Popocatépetl (if you are interested we can hold an hour long class to practice the pronunciation) and to my right a have a perfect view of Malinche, a gorgeous mountain we have wanted to climb since we’ve been here. I also have a view of Nuestro Señora de los Remedios, a 1874 church that sits ... read more
Barrio de Artistas
Barrio de Artistas
Old Bug for DAD

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City January 7th 2009

We got to Puebla yesterday and I have been struggling to like the city. It is the first time that I have experienced this in Mexico, where I want to leave as soon as possible. So tomorrow, without reservations we are leaving for Oaxaca City. A four hour bus ride through the mountains. We are staying in a hotel which intially was convent in 1750. They have not changed the structure. The walls are very thick and the rooms are huge and furnished with some of the original furniture. It is near the center of the city. The problem with our room is because of the thick walls and the tiled floor, it remains cold, and the room is huge (25 by 15). We leave the bathroom light on at night so we can find the ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City January 7th 2009

Hi Joan and Mike: We noticed we didn´t include Shirley on our blog, could you forward them to her. Thanks, carol... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City December 2nd 2008

We heard Puebla is a nice city so we decided to chek it out. It's large with around 5 million people. Puebla is where the battle of 5 de Mayo took place so there's a lot of history here. I've had to break my one and only jacket out, good thing I brought one, as this place has a climate close to San Diego but gets a bit colder at night. There's a bunch of universities here so the night life as well as the city has a great vibe. We're enjoying all that Mexico has to offer.... read more
Hard to see Volcano
Quitting my day job. Oh wait, already did.
Zocalo Puebla

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City November 17th 2008

We moved on from Mexico to a town called Puebla 2 hours from Mexico. Weather is much nicer here as its lower altitude. For the first day we just wandered around the city. Its absolutely beautiful and the atmosphere is great because its a national holiday today. It really reminds me of Arequipa in Peru as there is a big square with loads of restaurants and fabulous buildings. Loads of little markets to explore too, but unfortunately can't buy anything as my rucksack is jammers - I need to dump some stuff! Definitely going to do a clear out when I get to Peru! That night we went to a really local Mexican bar that we found when wandering the streets. We were the only 'Gringos' in the bar which was great and the beer was ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City November 1st 2008

Voyage a Puebla Cholula, Atlixco avec maman, pour el dia de los Muertos... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City October 21st 2008

Puebla. What a lovely lovely town. It reminds me of the lovely Colonial towns of South America and a little of Antigua in Guatemala. It´s a much quieter spot than Mexico City and has retained it´s beautiful Spanish architecture. People move at a much slower pace, there is far less traffic (Mexico City was a bit mental with traffic), and it´s a lot warmer than Mexico City was. We are only here for a day which is a shame. I would rather have added a day here and taken off one from Mexico City. We spent the morning on a rickety old tourist bus seeing all the sights. And then I finally found an internet cafe - yey - and that´s why my blog can finally be updated. Later this afternoon we head off to Oaxaca ... read more
Just some of the architecture in Puebla

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City September 25th 2008

Feeling much better now. Thanks to some good old Mexican medications. Honestly, I hate taking stuff, but my illness was ruining my visits. Anyway, after Xalapa I came up to Puebla (known as the City of Angels). This city is considered a college town. I did notice a lot of young residents. They seem to make a majority of the population at least from where I was hanging out. This city has a lot of history, tons of churches, and great architecture. I couldn't help but visit a few churches in town. I am religious, but not your typical Sunday worshipper. We all gotta believe in something. I visited the churches to admire the history and beautiful architecture of the buildings. I did say a few prayers since I was there. Puebla is where the Mexican ... read more
On The Corner

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City July 6th 2008

Hi all, Well we managed to make it out of Mexico City a bit worse for wear but are hopefully on the the mend now... We arrived in Mexico City after a 6 hour bus ride from Guanajuarto to be absolutely bowled over by the sheer size of the place. I guess in land span it isn´t that different from sprawling Auckland but instead of suburbs with 1/4 acre sections there are just miles and miles of densely built up development. It´s a city of 20 million people in the greater metropolitan area, is covered by a blanket of smog, is slowly sinking into the reclaimed sand beneath it and is just a monolith. The traffic is insane, cars inventing their own lanes and jostling to get a spot. Traffic police on every corner flapping their ... read more

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City June 23rd 2008

While this trip is exciting and fun and educational, there definetley are parts of it where I wish I wasn't traveling around in a group so large. Sure, the immense amount of Americans made the initial adjustment to the culture really easy and eliminated the first shock of being completley confused by a foreign language, they also tend to inhibit some of the travel experiences. The worst part of traveling around with a group this large is the tours. Although these tours are partly at fault of the university for assuming that we actually are so interested in culture and history that we would like to spend our days doing nothing but touring museums and churches...followed by more museums and more churches..., but partly at fault of the fact that when you have to design a ... read more

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